Chapter 187

"When you have time, call me. Grandpa always wants to thank you face to face. I also hope our family can have a meal together." Ye Mengying said softly.

"Well, I"ll be there in a few days." Summer thought to say, in fact, he would like to have two people"s world with his beautiful sister, that is, to eat with ye Tiannan, the old man, he is not so interested.

"Well, that"s settled." Ye Mengying was very happy. "By the way, what are you doing here? Are you going to start a company? "

"Yes, Miss Ye. We are going to open a technology company." Kong Ming replied.

"That"s pretty good. I"ve always admired people who are engaged in science and technology." Ye Mengying smiled, "I"m sure you will succeed."

"Thank you very much, Miss Ye." Kong Ming is a little embarra.s.sed. "In fact, we only work for summer. He is the big boss."

"Oh?" Ye Mengying was a little surprised. "Can you tell me the specific situation?"

Ye Mengying is interested in it, and Kong Ming is naturally in demand. He quickly introduces the general situation of the blue sky technology company that hasn"t been set up yet, and also talks about the troubles she has encountered in renting a writing room.

"What kind of writing room do you need?" Ye Mengying asked after listening.

"About forty or fifty square meters is enough. We are just small companies." Kong Ming quickly replied.

"Well, there is an office s.p.a.ce of more than 100 square meters on the 68th floor. You can go and have a look. If you are satisfied, you can work for blue sky technology company." Ye Mengying thought for a moment and said.

Kongming was very happy at first, then shook his head a little embarra.s.sed: "Miss ye, we can"t afford the rent for such a big place."

"The rent can be owed first. When your company makes money, it"s not too late to give it to me." Ye Mengying smiled lightly. "You can think about it first. If you think it"s OK, I can sign an agreement with you when I finish eating."

"This..." Kong Ming looks at Sun Xinxin, but she still doesn"t understand the relationship between summer and ye Mengying. What"s more, why does Sun Xinxin turn a blind eye to the intimate behavior between summer and ye Mengying?

"Here comes the food. Let"s eat first." Ye Mengying smiled faintly. Before that, the beautiful woman was already serving.

This lunch is very rich. When Kong Ming is defeated, he can"t help eating. He can always eat it in summer. Today is no exception. It"s sun Xinxin and ye Mengying who don"t eat much. I don"t know whether they are worried or they both have small meals.

After eating this meal, it has been more than an hour, and Kong Ming finally decided to rent the office, not only because the rent of the office can be temporarily owed, but also because the office is the industry of Tiannan group, which can make the new technology company increase some chips. In short, in Kong Ming"s view, it is good to rent this place It"s a good thing for pie in the sky.

Of course, Kong Ming is not stupid. She knows that this is not a real pie in the sky, but because ye Mengying has a special relationship with summer. If it is not because summer is the big boss of the new company, I"m afraid ye Mengying won"t rent them a writing room.

The group re entered Haijiang building and took the elevator directly to the 68th floor.

"Miss Ye!"

"How are you, Miss Ye!"


In the corridor, everyone greeted ye Mengying politely. Ye Mengying just nodded her head in response, but there was no smile on her face. She looked cold as ice, which made Kong Ming call himself strange. She had just seen ye Mengying smiling all the time. She thought ye Mengying was approachable. Now it seems that it"s not the same at all. I"m afraid ye Mengying"s face was cold before My smile is just because of the summer.

Ye Mengying takes Kong Ming to the writing room she said. Kong Ming is satisfied at first sight. Then, he and ye Mengying go to her office to sign an agreement. Ye Mengying not only receives 10000 yuan of rent for one month, but also defaults on the rent indefinitely. To put it bluntly, this is a free gift.

And this also makes Kong Ming realize more and more that the relationship between summer and ye Mengying is really different.

"Get out of my way, I want to see ye Mengying!" Just after the contract was signed, there was an angry roar outside the office.

Hearing this voice, sitting next to me and feeling bored in summer, I immediately became interested. Isn"t that the idiot Ye Shaojie?

"Let him in." Ye Mengying said to the outside.

Soon, ye Shaojie appeared at the door of the office, and saw that summer and sun Xinxin were also in the office. Ye Shaojie seemed to be stunned, but then he shouted angrily at ye Mengying: "what do you mean? You take back my car, my house, and my credit card. Do you want me to be satisfied if I can"t live? "

"I think you seem to have made a mistake. It"s not your car or your house. You embezzled the funds of Tiannan group to buy them for yourself. You embezzled a lot of funds of Tiannan group, or you can say, you stole a lot of money from me to spend." Ye Mengying said coldly, "I didn"t call the police to arrest you, but for the sake of you being my cousin, you should be glad, otherwise, you may be in prison now."

"Ye Mengying, don"t go too far!" Ye Shaojie looks a little ferocious. "If you don"t give me a way, we"ll fight for death!"

"Do you think you can threaten me?" Ye Mengying smiled faintly.

One side of the summer is very dissatisfied: "Hey, ye Shaojie, you idiot, are you dying? Last time I didn"t kill you, you should thank G.o.d and dare to threaten my wife. Believe it or not, I"ll throw you down from the 68th floor at once? "

"There"s something you can f.u.c.king throw me down!" Ye Shaojie yelled at the summer, "anyway, I can"t live any longer because of you two adulterers, wave women!"

"If you can"t live, why don"t you commit suicide?" Summer a little wonder, "according to my professional judgment, if you jump down the 68th floor, you will surely die."

"Want me to commit suicide? It"s not that easy! " Ye Shaojie stares at summer maliciously, "even if I am going to die, I have to pull you back!"

"Don"t pay any attention to him in the summer. I"ll take care of it." Ye Mengying stops the summer that still needs to talk, then looks at Ye Shaojie, the tone is cold, "you can go now, in addition, I also want to remind you that the funds you misappropriate are not offset by your houses and cars. As for how much money you still owe me, I will ask someone to work out a specific data for you."

"You!" Hearing this, ye Shaojie almost fainted, "ye Mengying, do you have to force me to become a beggar?"

"You can go." Ye Mengying waved, "remember to leave the ring on your hand, which is also the a.s.set of Tiannan group."

"Ye Mengying, you..." Ye Shaojie really has the impulse to jump this time.

"I think you"d like to walk out of this building with dignity, right?" Ye Mengying said coldly.

"OK, ye Mengying, let"s see!" Ye Shaojie looks at ye Mengying hatefully, turns around and goes out. He can naturally hear the meaning of Ye Mengying"s words. If he doesn"t go, she will be driven away.

Ye Shaojie leaves angrily, but he feels a little sorry in summer. In fact, he wants to kill this guy directly, but ye Mengying just let him leave, and he didn"t do it.

Just to see ye Shaojie leave, summer or a little not dead hearted: "beautiful sister, do you want me to kill Ye Shaojie that idiot, he is too annoying."

Ye Mengying shook her head: "no, I need him to live."

"Why?" I don"t understand in summer.

"I"ve been in charge of Tiannan group for a short time, and many people in the whole Ye family have been rebellious against me. I need a person to establish Wei, and ye Shaojie is the best target to establish Wei." Ye Mengying didn"t hide it either. Although there were outsiders nearby, she didn"t mind that others knew her purpose. "I want them to see for themselves how ye Shaojie became a street beggar from the four little rivers and seas with boundless scenery in the past!"

After a pause, ye Mengying said: "for ye Shaojie, death is not the most terrible thing. He can"t bear to live without money. He will suffer more than death if he doesn"t have money!"

"Well, let him live longer." After understanding ye Mengying"s intention, I didn"t want to kill Ye Shaojie in summer.

Sun Xinxin can"t help but ask: "Miss ye, aren"t you afraid of his revenge?"

Ye Mengying smile quietly: "I am waiting for his revenge, afraid he dare not."

Sun Xinxin is not stupid either. When she heard this, she understood that ye Mengying had been prepared. If ye Shaojie really wanted to revenge her, it would only be worse.

"You are my rose, you are my flower..." The familiar bell rings suddenly. Sun Xinxin suddenly realizes that it"s her cell phone. She takes out her cell phone and looks at it. She finds that it"s Fang Xiaoru who called.

"Xiaoru, what"s the matter? Can"t you come to the flower shop if you have something to do? " After answering the phone, sun Xinxin asked in a hurry.

"Sister Xin, it"s not good. A group of vicious people have blocked up the flower shop!" At the other end of the phone, Fang Xiaoru"s voice seemed anxious.

"What?" Sun Xinxin was surprised. "What"s the matter? What are they going to do? "

"They said they were looking for summer. I don"t know what"s going on. Ask summer. See who he offends again!" Fang Xiaoru was very alarmed. "Sister Xin, please let summer do this. They said that if summer doesn"t show up for half an hour, they will smash the flower shop."

"Well, we"ll be right back!" Sun Xinxin said in a hurry, hung up the phone, looked around at the man, "summer, flower shop accident, let"s go back quickly!"

"Oh, yes." Looking at ye Mengying in summer, "beautiful sister, I will go first."

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