Chapter 189

"Oh... G.o.d is mighty! "

"Long live brother Tian! Brother Tian is invincible! "

"Brother Tian is really a pitchfork. Kill these grandchildren!"

"A bunch of silly forks, now you know our brother Tian"s strength?"


Fat man, dingbaoheisan and Yigan get up from the ground. Although they have just been beaten, they don"t seem to feel the pain at the moment, but they shout wildly. Although they all know that brother Tian is fierce before, they realize that brother Tian is powerful even more deeply at this moment.

And a white face of thunder, now black, red, black and red, heard the taunts of summer and the cheers of his younger brothers, his heart suddenly became extremely heavy. He found that although he had dealt with summer as a strong opponent before, he still underestimated summer.

Before that, he felt that he was very strong, and even though he was strong in summer, he would not be stronger than him, but he didn"t want to lose both sides with an opponent of the same level, so he wanted to discuss politely, so once he didn"t want to discuss in summer and completely angered him, he began to be tough.

But now, he realized that the power of summer was beyond his imagination.

A strong opponent used to arouse the morale of thunder. But this time, he found that the opponent was so strong that he lost his morale, because he was very clear about the strength of his brothers. Although there was a gap with him, the gap was not obvious. However, in such a moment, everyone fell down. What"s more, he didn"t see the action of summer at all It"s too fast. It seems that it"s not enough to describe it in terms of electric light and stone fire.

"Hey, are you scared? It"s a pity that it"s no use scaring you to be stupid, because even if you are stupid, I won"t sympathize with you, and I won"t let you go. " Summer saw thunder don"t speak, a little discontented shouted, "the person who threatened me, never good end, you just threatened me, so your end will be very miserable."

After a meal, summer added, "of course, don"t worry, you won"t be worse than that idiot in thunderstorm."

"What do you want?" The thunder finally spoke.

"Not so much." Summer said a understatement, "just beat you!"

Before the sound falls, people have arrived. In summer, they jump at the thunder like ghosts. Their right hand is out like lightning and grasps the thunder"s chest.

After years of practicing martial arts, thunderbolt can accurately feel the danger approaching. He almost instinctively retreats, but the danger is like a shadow. The palm of summer"s hand is still approaching his chest rapidly. Thunderbolt has to dodge to one side, but he finally finds that, no matter how he hides, in front of summer, he seems not to move at all, but with his chest Feel a tight, thunder also knows, oneself still cannot hide after all the other side"s even if only one attack!

The next second, thunder will feel a light body, the whole person will be raised by summer, then, summer a shake hands, thunder will fly out.

But this time, in summer, he didn"t let thunder perform the flying man in the air, because he threw the thunder directly above. No, the thunder flew to the air about twenty or thirty meters high, and then fell down.

"Brother Tian, be careful!" Some people can"t help but remind a sentence, because thunder is over the head in summer, falling straight down, so it will directly hit summer.

Just immediately someone scolded this troublesome guy: "what"s your name? Don"t brother Tian know? "

This man is a little depressed. He just reminds me of his kindness. But soon, he feels that he should be scolded. He is really worrying.

Seeing that thunder is about to hit summer"s head, even sun Xinxin is a little worried. In summer, she suddenly turns sideways, raises her foot, and kicks thunder accurately. Then, thunder flies to the sky again.

"Big brother, what are you doing?" The fat man was a little confused. "Are you playing football?"

"Yes!" Summer seriously nodded, "I went to the gym in the morning and saw someone playing like this. I think it would be fun to play, so now let"s try."

Say, summer is a foot again, the thunder that fell down again kicked to the air again.

Fat people are stunned, and a group of little boys are looking at the summer with great admiration. Niu and Tian are really Niu. They are not only fighting fiercely, but also have creativity to play with people. Although no one has ever played with people as a ball, most people just roll people on the ground for a few times. In this way, Tian must be the first one in history.

In summer, I had a lot of fun. Those people who can"t get up on the ground in thunder martial arts school are stupid. Where is this pervert? He even kicked them as a ball. Is this a f.u.c.king person?

After playing for a while, sun Xinxin on one side couldn"t watch it any more. Finally, she said, "summer, forget it. Don"t play anymore."

"All right." Summer doesn"t think it"s much fun, because when the thunder falls again, he doesn"t pay attention to it, just dodges to avoid the past, so the thunder falls heavily on the ground. The thunder that was originally kicked by summer is totally unconscious.

"Big brother, what can I do now? Are you going to let them go or what? " The fat man looked at the man lying on the ground and asked.

"Let me call the police first." After thinking about it in summer, he dialed Huang Anping"s phone and said, "there are robbers in Xinxin flower shop. I"ve caught a dozen robbers. You can catch them!"

Huang Anping was stunned when he received the call. Did anyone dare to rob summer? Who wants to die?

"OK, I"ll bring someone right away!" Huang Anping did not ask, hung up the phone, and called a team of people, driving to this side.

Hearing the phone call from the fat man in summer, he was a little shocked and asked for a while: "big brother, you want to accuse them of robbery?"

"That"s right. These b.a.s.t.a.r.ds want to rob sister Xin"s flower shop. You stop it, and they hurt them." In summer, I took it for granted, "robbery is a felony. Keep these guys in jail for a few years, and see if they dare to threaten me."

"Brother Tian, why don"t you add another charge to them and accuse them of attempted rape?" There"s a guy who"s smart enough to answer.

"You want to die?" "Do you want to influence sister-in-law"s reputation?"

"Third brother, you misunderstood me. How dare I? But when we came, wasn"t Xinxin the only one in the flower shop? " The man pointed to Fang Xiaoru, "let"s say they want to rape her!"

"Oh, you"re smart, that"s OK." Black three nod, if give these guys another name of attempted rape, the crime will be more serious.

"Well, I don"t agree. I don"t want to be taken for granted!" Fang Xiaoru can"t help but object and joke. Nowadays, it"s popular to spread false stories. If she really accuses those people of attempted rape, it won"t take long for someone in Jianghai university to say that she was gang raped by dozens of men.

"What can"t you do? So many men want to rape you. It"s good for you to prove your charm." Said the man who first proposed it.

"What"s wrong with you?" Fang Xiaoru was angry. "In a word, I don"t agree!"

"Forget it. Don"t make accusations. It"s not good for Xiaoru"s reputation." Sun Xinxin spoke.

"Yes, sister-in-law." Sun Xinxin"s opening naturally made other people dare not say anything more.

Maybe it"s Jianghai University. Not many people pay attention to it. Maybe it"s just because the confrontation didn"t start. No one called the police all the time. So before Huang Anping arrived with the Interpol, no other police appeared.

"Well, are they OK?" Seeing the man lying on the ground, Huang Anping can"t help asking about summer.

"It"s OK. I"ll take it to the police station and lock it up. I can"t die." Summer looks confident.

"OK." Huang Anping is very fond of summer now. He naturally believes in his words. With a wave of his hand, "cuff them and lead the team!"

A gang of criminal police had to order, and without hesitation, they handcuffed a group of people, then pushed them into police cars respectively, and then divided them into two routes. Some people first took those people back to the police station, while others left notes. After all, this robbery charge can not be placed casually.

Now in summer, they insist that thunder and other people want to rob the flower shop, and then they want to stop it, but they get hurt. They don"t catch these people until they appear in summer. Therefore, although it seems that thunder and other people are hurt more seriously now, they still have to be caught as robbers, but in summer, they are self-defense, nothing happened.

However, the whole thing is simple to say, but after all, there are too many people involved, so when Huang Anping and other people finish everything and leave Xinxin flower shop, it"s more than five o"clock in the afternoon, and fat people and Ding Bao and other people are more or less injured, so they go to the hospital together, the flower shop that has been hot for a long time, and at this time it"s finally cold.

Summer but at this time received Ye Shaoxiong"s telephone.

"Are you in conflict with Ray"s family in summer?" Ye Shaoxiong asked.

"I don"t know what Lei family is, but today I beat two guys named Lei, one is thunderstorm and the other is thunder. It"s said that they are brothers, but I always think they are not brothers. One is too black and the other is too white." Summer casually said.

At the other end of the phone, ye Shaoxiong was a little confused. After a while, he said, "in summer, they are really brothers. Their father is very black and their mother is very white, so it"s normal that one grows black and the other grows white."

As soon as the conversation turned, ye Shaoxiong continued: "summer, what"s the matter with you and Lei"s two brothers? It seems that there is a lot of trouble. It"s said that the thunderstorm situation is very bad. Thunder was caught in the police station. Is there anything about it? "

"That"s right, that idiot in Thunderstorm dares to scold sister Shenxian. Naturally, I want him to die. Thunder that idiot wants to rob sister Xin"s flower shop, so I"ll take him to the police station." Summer has always been bold, do something is absolutely dare to admit.

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