Chapter 27

A famous school.

Sun Xinxin sits on the sofa, holding the remote control and constantly changing channels, just changing and changing. She always has no program she wants to watch. The Korean drama she used to like, which is so loved that she has no attraction to her at the moment.

After changing several channels, sun Xinxin simply turned off the TV, and then took out her mobile phone to watch the time. E frowned slightly. It was almost ten o"clock, but she didn"t come back in summer.

A slight yawn made sun Xinxin feel sleepy, but she didn"t want to go to sleep. Although she had a full calculation, she had only known summer for three days, but she found that she had paid special attention to the big boy. Although she only lived in summer for one night, she didn"t come back last night, and didn"t come back tonight, which made her feel very unaccustomed. She always felt that There"s something missing.

Remember to hear that a woman is always easy to have feelings for the man who saved her, so saving beauty by a hero is the best way to find a girl, is she the same?

It"s only a few days ago. I don"t know how many people have been beaten by him. The police station has been in twice. It"s not easy.

Thinking of someone driving hundreds of thousands of cars to send summer to the flower shop in the morning, and the thousands of Apple mobile phones, sun Xinxin couldn"t help wondering, is it true that Fang Xiaoru said that summer is next to a rich woman? Or as summer said, Joe is his wife?

After thinking about it, she thinks it seems that she is more likely to go to the rich woman in summer, but he is not handsome, so no rich woman likes him!

"Would you like to make another call?" Sun Xinxin picked up the mobile phone, then put it down, then picked it up, a little hesitant for a while.

"Ding Dong..." The doorbell rang suddenly.

Sun Xinxin was so happy that she jumped up from the sofa and quickly opened the door.

A young man is standing at the door, but it"s not summer.

"Xiaoyu, why are you?" Sun Xinxin cried out. She thought it was summer, but she didn"t expect to see her brother, sun Tianyu.

Seeing sun Tianyu"s appearance now, she couldn"t help asking again: "Xiaoyu, what happened? How can you make such a mess? "

Sun Tianyu is really in a mess now. His clothes are wrinkled. He looks like he hasn"t washed them in a few days. His face is haggard, his hair is messy, his eyes are deep, and he can see blood. It seems that he hasn"t slept well for a while.

"Elder sister, let"s talk about it first." Sun Tianyu whispered in a hoa.r.s.e voice.

"Oh, well, come in!" Sun Xinxin hurriedly introduced sun Tianyu into the room, and then closed the door.

Sun Tianyu went to the water dispenser to pick up a gla.s.s of water, Gudong Gudong, and then took another gla.s.s. After three drinks in a row, he finally got up and walked to the sofa. He was unable to sit down.

"Xiaoyu, have you had dinner?" Sun Xinxin asked with concern.

"I......" Sun Tianyu hesitated for a moment. "Yes."

"Well, don"t lie to me. There"s leftovers. I"ll heat you up and make do with filling your stomach." Looking at him like that, sun Xinxin immediately understood and got up to go to the kitchen.

"Ding Dong..." But the doorbell rang again at this time.

Sun Tianyu suddenly jumped up from the sofa and his face changed.

"No, sister, don"t open the door!" When sun Xinxin walked to the door, sun Tianyu lowered his voice and worried.

"Xiaoyu, what"s the matter with you?" Sun Xinxin was a little puzzled.

"No, it"s OK, sister. In a word, don"t open the door!" Sun Tianyu was very nervous.

"Sister Xin, it"s me!" But the voice of summer has come from the door. This guy has a good ear, and he has heard the movement inside.

"Xiaoyu is a friend. He lives here too. Don"t be afraid." Sun Xinxin faintly knew who sun Tianyu was hiding from, so she explained to him in a low voice.

"Sister, yes, it"s your boyfriend?" Sun Tianyu"s face relaxed.

"Not yet." Sun Xinxin blushed a little and said that the door had been opened.

Summer into the house, and then he saw sun Tianyu.

"Sister Xin, who is it?" Summer looks at Sun Tianyu"s eyes a little hostile. Although this guy looks very embarra.s.sed, he seems to grow well. Is he here to rob his wife?

"This is my brother, sun Tianyu and Xiao Yu. It"s summer. He works in my flower shop and lives here. Talk first, I"ll cook for you." Sun Xinxin explained quickly, and then went into the kitchen.

"Oh, it"s sister Xin"s brother!" Listen to sun Xinxin"s saying, summer naturally let go.

Sun Tianyu took a look at summer, but didn"t speak. There was a sense of vigilance in his expression. He didn"t speak, and naturally he would not take the initiative to talk to him in summer. This guy only likes to take the initiative to talk to beautiful women, but he"s not in the mood to chat with men. As a result, until sun Xinxin brought out the meal, neither of them said a word.

Sun Tianyu looks very hungry. He devours a lot. It"s more exaggerated than eating in summer. Within a moment, the food has been wiped out by the two people. Fortunately, sun Xinxin cooked a lot of food before. He knew that he could eat more in summer. He cooked more food specially. Otherwise, he was afraid that he could not fill the stomachs of the two hungry ghosts.

"OK, Xiaoyu, now you can tell me what happened?" After dinner, sun Xinxin asked softly.

"Sister, I want to stay with you for a few days." Sun Tianyu hesitated and whispered.

"Xiaoyu, you want to live here. Naturally, it"s OK. Let alone for a few days, it"s just for months and years." Sun Xinxin said softly, "but I want to know what happened to you."

"Sister, it"s nothing. Don"t ask." Sun Tianyu said, biting his teeth.

Sun Xinxin looks at Sun Tianyu, who is only one year younger than her. When she was a child, she had a good relationship with her. But over the years, I don"t know why. They were so strange. He went to university in Jianghai city for three years, but only came to see her twice. So when he suddenly appeared here in such a mess, she had a feeling that he could not understand A decision.

"Xiaoyu, are you hiding from someone?" Sun Xinxin pondered for a while and asked, "just say it. No matter what happens, I will help you. I"m your sister!"

"Sister, it"s really OK. I"ll stay here for a few days." Sun Tianyu shook his head and still didn"t say it.

"No wonder it"s OK." Summer can"t help but insert a sentence, "look at your appearance, at least three days have not how to sleep, what"s more, a week ago, you were beaten, the injury is not completely good, oh, and, in the last month, you and a woman fooled around a lot of times, I think it"s mostly the trouble caused by this woman!"

"You..." Sun Tianyu suddenly looked at summer. "You, how do you know?"

"Xiaoyu, do you mean that what you said in summer is true?" Sun Xinxin"s face changed slightly. "What"s going on? Say it! "

"Sister, I......" Sun Tianyu still hesitated.

Summer is not happy: "I said you are a man, just point out. If you have something to say, I"ll get it done quickly. I don"t want to let sister Xin get involved."

"Yes, Xiao Yu, come on, maybe Xia Nai can help you." Sun Xinxin also advised.

Sun Tianyu looked at Sun Xinxin and finally said the origin of the matter.

Sun Tianyu"s experience is actually not a novel story. Two months ago, he took a part-time job to help a real estate company sell houses. This kind of job, which has no base salary and is purely paid with Commission, has no requirements for working hours, so it is quite suitable for sun Tianyu who is still in school.

Then, he met a beautiful girl in a part-time job. Sun Tianyu was actually very handsome and quite popular with girls. Before long, they went to bed and started a dark life.

Unfortunately, sun Tianyu didn"t know that this girl was a master. Although she was not a husband"s wife, she was the lover of the head of the real estate company. A week ago, things were exposed. Sun Tianyu was beaten by the head"s men and the girl was taken away.

Originally, sun Tianyu thought it was over. But three days ago, he suddenly received a call from the girl. The girl was very anxious and asked him to run away. The old man just came back from other places. He was furious and asked several people to kill sun Tianyu.

According to the girl, the old man has some background in the underworld. He did a lot of dirty things when he started his family. He is ruthless and can do it when he says he wants to kill sun Tianyu, so he will really do it.

Sun Tianyu rented a house outside the school. When he received the girl"s call, he was outside. When he returned to the house, he found that it was smashed to pieces. Then he knew that the girl was right. People really wanted to kill him. If he was not just at home, he was afraid that he had been killed, so he began to hide.

He was scared for a few days. He couldn"t eat well and couldn"t sleep. He was almost caught several times. Sun Tianyu was on the verge of collapse. Finally, thinking of his sister, he wanted to come to sun Xinxin for a few days.

Hearing sun Tianyu say the whole thing, sun Xinxin can"t help but look pale. Nowadays, the house is worth a lot of money. It"s easy to get a real estate manager to come out. All of them have a.s.sets of hundreds of millions. These people usually have complex backgrounds. They want to find someone to kill sun Tianyu, a college student with no money or background.

"What to do in summer?" Sun Xinxin looks at the big boy who has just known him for three days. She knows that she can"t help her brother. The only way to help sun Tianyu is maybe in summer.

"It"s very simple. I"ll kill the boss first." Summer casually said, in his view, this is the most direct solution.

"You speak easily!" Sun Tianyu snorted. Obviously, he thought he was bragging in summer.

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