Chapter 331

After receiving lengbingbing"s phone call, she naturally went to join her in summer. However, lengbingbing only asked her to go to the hospital in summer, and didn"t say what to do.

Of course, summer will not care about this. Sister Jinghua thinks of him. Then he must appear, no matter where he is.

It"s not far from the hospital. When she came to the hospital in summer, the icy police car just drove into the hospital. She had just parked the car, opened the door, and before she could get off, the whole person was picked up.

"Sister Jinghua"s wife, I miss you, kiss first!" In summer, I kissed her on my cold lips, and then put her on the ground.

Leng Bingbing suddenly gets a big red face. This stinking hooligan is getting too much!

"Go to the inpatient department with me. Someone is seriously injured. Go and cure him." Cold and white summer a look, and no matter he agreed or not, turn to the direction of the hospital inpatient department.

Summer followed up: "police flower elder sister wife, is that injured guy your relative?"

"No." Replied coldly.

"Is he male or female?" Summer continues to ask.

"Men." The cold answer is still simple.

Summer stopped: "Jinghua sister"s wife, I will not treat that guy."

Cold ice can not help but a Leng, had to also stop, a little angry looking at summer: "why?"

"I don"t want to cure the enemy." Said the summer.

"What?" Leng Bingbing thought that he had heard the wrong thing for a while. What did the hooligan say?

In summer, it"s true: "sister Jinghua"s wife, that guy is not your relative, but also a man. If you care about him so much, of course, it"s my rival. If you want me to treat him, I might stab him to death."

"What"s on your mind?" Cold ice a little angry, "what rival? I don"t know him at all! "

"Then why do you want me to treat him?" I still don"t believe it in summer.

Lengbingbing had no choice but to explain: "director Hu asked me for help."

"It"s not a rival!" Summer this time believed, "that well, the police flower elder sister wife, I treat him is."

Leng Bingbing can"t help but stare at summer again. Who is this? He"s fooling around and even doubting her!

I heard that this time I didn"t come to rescue the enemy. I was in a good mood in summer. I reached for the cold and soft jade hand and walked happily to the inpatient department.

Leng Bingbing is not used to being pulled by him, but she wants to break away, but finds that this guy is very tight, just like declaring his ownership, so she doesn"t let her break away at all, but she has to let him pull so.

The two soon arrived at the front door of the inpatient building. Suddenly, they found something wrong. A group of people were looking up and pointing.

"Get out of the way!" Some people don"t know if they see lengbingbing as a beauty, and they shout out a kind word towards this side.

Leng Bingbing found that almost all people"s eyes were looking at their own top, and could not help but look up, but could not help exclaiming: "ah!"

A man is falling down quickly. I"m afraid someone is jumping from the building right now!

Hear the frigid exclamation, summer is not good again, which son of a b.i.t.c.h jumped the building in the hospital to frighten his wife again?

People who don"t like jumping in summer, because they think it"s too creative. Even if they want to die, they don"t have to throw themselves into a mess to die, right? Death can also die a little more beautiful!

In order not to frighten his wife, he let go of the cold ice in summer, then jumped up, caught the man in the middle of the sky, landed gently, and then threw him to the ground.

"Why are you again?" At this time, I can see clearly the person jumping from the building in summer. Isn"t this the Jiang xiaorou?

Jiang xiaorou looks a little sluggish. She doesn"t seem to respond to summer"s words. Like last time, she still holds her cerebral palsy son Zhang Hao in her arms.

In the summer, seeing that she didn"t speak, she was even more upset: "Hey, are you addicted to jumping off the building? Last time I jumped from the building and scared sister Yunman. This time I jumped from the building and scared my sister Jinghua. I asked you to jump from another place. Why do you want to jump in front of my wife? Do you mean to have trouble with me? "

Unfortunately, Jiang xiaorou seems to be greatly stimulated and still sits on the ground with a dull look. She has no response to summer.

"What"s the matter? What can"t be expected to happen, to the point of jumping off a building? " Leng Bingbing steps forward, squats down and looks at Jiang xiaorou. He asks with a kind face.

Jiang xiaorou finally had a little reaction this time, but she just looked up and gave a cold look with her dull eyes, then lowered her head and looked at the child in her arms. The child seemed to be asleep.

At this time, a beautiful female doctor and a pretty nurse rushed out of the inpatient department and ran towards Jiang xiaorou. Naturally, they were Liu Yunman and Xiao Tong, the gossip nurse.

"Jiang xiaorou, what did you do? You jumped a few days ago. You"re lucky, but you"re running around again? How can you not cherish your life like this? Do you think you are so lucky every time that someone can save you? " Liu Yunman looks very angry. "I told you that cerebral palsy is not an incurable disease. Your son is only five years old, and the medical a.s.sociation is more and more developed. Who knows if there is any way to cure your son after more than ten years?"

"Wow..." Jiang xiaorou burst into tears and said, "Doctor Liu, I don"t want to die, but what can I do if I don"t die now? Xiaohao looks like this. My husband has been cut down to be disabled again. The doctor just told me that he will never be able to recover in his life. I don"t have a job. Xiaohao needs money to cure his illness. My husband is still in bed and he also needs money. What do you think I should do? "

Hearing Jiang xiaorou"s words, some people who didn"t know why could not help but sympathize with her. This woman is really pitiful. Her son has cerebral palsy, her husband is disabled, and she doesn"t have a job. It"s really hard to live this life!

Liu Yunman"s eyes were slightly red. She had just heard Xiao Tong say that Jiang xiaorou"s husband had something wrong. She thought it was just a rumor, but it was a fact. Jiang xiaorou, who had already despaired of her son"s illness, lost her husband"s greatest dependence. It was normal for her to jump out of the building again.

"Jiang xiaorou, I know your life is very difficult now, but you believe me, there will always be a solution." Liu Yunman"s voice softened a lot, "just say I am sick since I was born. More than a month ago, I thought I could not live to be twenty-five years old, but now, my illness has been cured. Believe me, you will also encounter miracles."

Speaking of this, Liu Yunman can"t help but take a look at summer. The miracle she met is naturally summer, and Jiang xiaorou can survive these two jumps, which can also be said to be a miracle. Just because summer happens to be here, otherwise, I"m afraid no one can save Jiang xiaorou.

In fact, Liu Yunman didn"t want to treat Jiang xiaorou"s son in summer, but on the one hand, she didn"t know whether she could cure cerebral palsy in summer. On the other hand, she felt that she had too many requirements for summer, and she couldn"t ask him unlimited. Those were her family members before, and she could make sense of asking for treatment in summer, but if her patients, they should also Coming to help in the summer seems a bit too much.

"There will be no miracle, Dr. Liu. No one in the world can really cure cerebral palsy." Jiang xiaorou"s voice of crying is a little smaller, but her tone is still desperate.

"Who says no one can cure cerebral palsy?" Summer a little uncomfortable to answer a sentence, "Hey, your son is just cerebral palsy ah?"? Is it necessary for you to die or live with a cerebral palsy? "

A dry person hears this word very speechless, what is cerebral palsy? I don"t know how many parents, because their children suffer from cerebral palsy, have been traumatized.

Jiang xiaorou looks at summer and bears the urge to scold. Although this person has saved her twice, she can"t really appreciate this person. What he said also makes her want to scold each time.

"Can you cure her son?" Asked coldly.

"Of course, there is no disease that I can"t cure. It depends on whether I want to cure it or not." Summer full of confidence said.

Hearing this, Jiang xiaorou suddenly flashed a strange look in her eyes: "can you really cure my son?"

Before summer finished, Jiang xiaorou turned to Liu Yunman again: "Doctor Liu, you just said that someone has cured your incurable disease, isn"t it him? He"s your boyfriend and he"s a doctor, isn"t he? "

Liu Yunman hesitated a little and nodded: "yes, he is a doctor, too."

Jiang xiaorou suddenly picked up her son and ran for a few steps. Then she fell to her knees in front of summer: "doctor, please, help my son, as long as you can help my son, let me do anything!"

"Really anything?" Summer asked.

"As long as my son can be cured and let me be a cow and a horse, I will do it!" Jiang xiaorou said in a hurry that she was in a hurry to seek medical treatment. Although Jiang xiaorou didn"t know summer at all, summer was her last straw. Moreover, she was saved by this man when she jumped from the building twice, which made her understand that this man must have an extraordinary ability.

The people on the side heard this and looked at Jiang xiaorou"s expression. In fact, Jiang xiaorou looks pretty good, at least to meet the aesthetic standards of many men present.

Liu Yunman can"t help but mutter in his heart, this color wolf won"t be hungry to this extent, right?

Leng Bingbing stares at summer, unconsciously biting silver teeth. If this hooligan dare to raise that condition, she will never pay attention to him again!

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