Chapter 44

"You don"t know? You don"t know it doesn"t matter, but I"ll tell you that high fame is the one who is unconscious after being hit by you. If he has three advantages and two disadvantages, you are intentional homicide! " Huang Haitao shouted angrily, "be frank and lenient, you"d better be honest!"

"How did you become director Huang? Even if I really killed Gao Mingyang, it was just intentionally hurt to death. Are you legal blind? " Summer a strange look, "by the way, come back, did your son go to a mental hospital? You have to be careful. Next time he might take a gun and kill you. "

"Shut up!" Huang Haitao was very angry. He slapped the table again. "In summer, since you know the law, you should know the consequences of this matter!"

"Of course, I know the law. When you tell me the law, I will also tell you the law. Whether you look for forensic examination or other doctors, you can prove that my dozen slaps can"t lead to high reputation coma. I"ll be locked up for more than ten days at most. It doesn"t matter." Looking at the cold ice in summer, "ah, sister Jinghua, you seem very tired. Let me give you a ma.s.sage to help you get rid of your fatigue."

"If you tell me quickly, I can go to bed at once!" A cold stare at summer.

"Didn"t I admit to beating people?" Summer felt that he was wronged. There were not many suspects he cooperated with.

"When you left the night beauty last night, what do you mean that Gao Mingyang can"t live for three days?" Asked coldly.

"It"s not interesting. It"s just a death sentence for him." Lying on the table in summer, he replied lazily.

"Be serious!" Huang Haitao yelled at him, "sit up straight and stay away from the table!"

There is also a reason why Huang Haitao is so angry, because before returning to the Public Security Bureau, he was just scolded by Vice Mayor Gao for being a bloodbath, and then he naturally vented his anger to the summer.

It"s a pity that he still found the wrong object. He is honest here in summer, mainly because cold ice is here, not Huang Haitao. In summer, he gives cold ice face, but not Huang Haitao face.

"I don"t sit up straight. What can you do to me?" Summer turned a white eye, "don"t think that you are the public security director is great, high-profile also think he is great, he is not lying in the hospital?"

"You, you threaten me?" Huang Haitao was so angry that he was threatened by the police chief!

"You"re not worth the threat." In the summer, if it wasn"t for the face of sister Jinghua, I would have beaten you directly

"You!" Huang Haitao"s face was red with anger. "Very good, very good. In summer, I tell you that even Qiao Xiaoqiao can"t save you this time!"

Turning to look at Leng Bingbing: "trial, continue to trial, trial until he"s all recruited!"

Having said this, Huang Haitao got up and left angrily.

"That"s good, sister Jinghua. We can live in a world of two." A happy look in summer.

Several policemen watching the live interrogation outside are quite speechless. This guy is really a talent. He can even get involved in the world of two people.

"Ghosts and you two world, you are here slowly!" Cold ice also breathed out of the interrogation room, leaving the summer alone.

However, as soon as Leng Bingbing turned around, he went into another interrogation room. There was a man sitting in it. It was Sun Xinxin.

Leng Bingbing has realized that summer is not easy to deal with, so she decides to turn to sun Xinxin. She knows that sun Xinxin is just the owner of a small flower shop, and it should be much easier to interrogate. Although sun Xinxin didn"t hit people last night, according to the confession of some people in the nightclub, sun Xinxin also smashed the things in the nightclub, barely enough to commit the crime of deliberately destroying property.

Obviously, lengbingbing is right. Under her skillful interrogation method, sun Xinxin quickly said a lot of things. However, lengbingbing found that things seemed to become more complicated.

Sun Xinxin said that she was kidnapped last night and almost raped. Then she arrived in time in summer to save her. From the kidnappers, she learned that the behind the scenes was Gao Mingyang. The reason why she went to smash the night beauty in summer was to make her angry.

Before cold ice has been confused, how can summer run to smash the nightclub, but also hit the high reputation into a pig? Now she finally understood that there was such a causal relationship.

Although this is only a one-sided statement of sun Xinxin, lengbingbing believes her words. In fact, lengbingbing knows the details of Gao Mingyang and knows that Gao Mingyang has done a lot of dirty things. She always wants to catch Gao Mingyang, but unfortunately, there is no evidence, and the background of Gao Mingyang is very hard. If there is no conclusive evidence, he cannot be moved at all.

From the bottom of her heart, lengbingbing hates Gao Mingyang very much. When she saw Gao Mingyang was beaten into a pig"s head last night, she almost laughed. At that time, she felt more happy. Even in that moment, she had a little good feeling for summer.

Leng Bingbing is trying to send someone to investigate in the uncompleted building, but he got the news unexpectedly. This morning, three bodies were found there, and the police had already called the police. Now, the group in charge of this case is the serious case group of the first criminal police brigade.

So, Leng Bingbing continued to air the summer in the interrogation room, while she came to a large team and found Ge Lei, the leader of the serious case group, an old criminal police officer in her forties.

"Captain Leng, what brings you here?" Ge Lei was surprised to see the cold ice. Although they belong to Jianghai criminal police detachment, they seldom meet each other and have no special friendship.

"Group leader Ge, I"m here for the three bodies in the uncompleted building along the river road." Leng Bingbing is very straightforward. She says what she wants, and then briefly introduces what she knows.

Ge Lei can"t help but be surprised: "they unexpectedly with night beauty that case concern?"

Although they didn"t take part in the case of Gao Mingyang, Huang Haitao, the public security chief, was personally involved in the case. Naturally, they all knew the news.

"I"m not sure it"s them yet. Sun Xinxin didn"t say they were dead. Now, group leader Ge, give me their photos and I"ll identify them for sun Xinxin." Cold thought to say.

"Captain Leng, let me go with you. If the three of them are kidnappers and sun Xinxin is the victim, then my case can be closed." Ge Lei suggested.

"No problem." It"s a cool promise.

A few minutes later, Leng Bingbing and Ge Lei walked into the interrogation room together.

"Sun Xinxin, here are some photos. Look for them. Were the kidnappers in last night?" Leng Bingbing takes out a stack of photos and hands them to sun Xinxin.

Sun Xinxin quickly took out three photos: "he and he, and he."

Ge Lei is a little excited at once: "Sun Xinxin, are you sure it"s them?"

"That"s right. This man has earrings. I can see clearly. There are scars on his eyebrows. As for this man, he shot him, so I was very impressed." Sun Xinxin nodded in affirmation.

"You mean, this man killed it?" Ge Lei is a bit puzzled, "have they been fighting among themselves?"

"I don"t know." Sun Xinxin shakes her head. She doesn"t really know. She was a bit foggy last night.

"Were these two alive when you left with summer?" Cold asked beside.

"I should have lived. I was afraid, so I"m not sure." Sun Xinxin is not sure.

"Captain Leng, according to the forensic report, both of them died between 1:00 and 2:00 in the morning. At that time, sun Xinxin and he were here in the summer, so they must have nothing to do with them." Said Ge Lei in a low voice.

"Well." Leng Bingbing frowns a little. With such a forensic report, sun Xinxin and Xia can escape from the relationship. Of course, even if they can"t escape, it"s self-defense.

"Officer Leng, can I go back?" Sun Xinxin asked uneasily.

"Well, go through the formalities and leave." Cold thought, then nodded.

"What about the summer?" Sun Xinxin asked.

"I can"t leave for the time being in summer." Cold shake his head, "you go back first, summer half will not go back."

"What?" Sun Xinxin was surprised. "Officer Leng, what do you mean by that? Summer, he, will he go to jail? "

"sitting in jail has the final say of the court." Leng Bingbing stood up. "You wait here, I will send someone to handle the formalities for you."

Lengbingbing and Ge Lei soon left, leaving sun Xinxin sitting uneasily in the interrogation room.

At this moment, Leng Bingbing sits on the opposite side of summer again.

"Sun Xinxin has called. You killed three kidnappers, right?" Asked coldly.

"Sister Jinghua, it"s not right to cheat." Summer said with a smile, what sun Xinxin would say, but he was very clear. He had told sun Xinxin that she would say what she saw, because he thought sun Xinxin was not good at lying, and it was not as good as telling her the truth, but the problem was that the facts sun Xinxin saw were not all the facts, and the key facts, she could not see at all, so he was a little bit I don"t worry.

"Are you sure that fame will die?" The problem of cold ice is very jumping.

"I"m a good fortune teller." In summer, I look at Leng Bingbing seriously, "sister Jinghua, let me count your life. Well, I count it. Alas, congratulations to sister Jinghua, you will soon have a husband, his name is summer, and you will have a son, her name is xialeng..."

"You!" It"s so cold that it almost spits blood. Who is it!

Leng Bingbing is trying to get angry. Suddenly the door of the interrogation room is pushed open. A tall man comes in. Behind him is a respectful Huang Haitao.

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