Chapter 61

Seeing that summer doesn"t want to cure uncle Sanshu at all, Liu Yunman is a little helpless. She knows that summer can"t be blamed for this. Who told uncle Sanshu to call him a liar?

But Liu Yunman was not very worried, because she just didn"t want to treat her third uncle in summer, and didn"t say she didn"t want to treat her cousins and sisters. She believed that even if the third uncle didn"t want to pay, she would still be willing to treat her younger brothers and sisters in summer. As long as they could be cured, the task was completed for her.

"In the summer, I will persuade uncle Sanshu." Liu said, of course, she didn"t want Sanshu to die, but if Sanshu didn"t take his own life seriously, she would have nothing to say.

Liu Yunman will be on duty in the evening, and she also wants to go to the hospital to check and confirm for her sister, so she quickly proposes to go to the hospital and send her back to the flower shop in summer.

Since Liu Yunman is going to the hospital, he will not stay here in summer. After a while, the three left Mingdian District in Liu Yunman"s car.

"h.e.l.lo, is that really useful?" In the car, the thin bamboo pole hesitated for a long time, but could not help asking.

"What?" Summer did not know what she was asking.

"what breast cream you say?" Thin bamboo pole breathed, "can I really get to B?"

"Of course, I made it from millennial papaya juice." I have absolute confidence in my medicine in summer.

"It"s not a thousand year old papaya juice, it"s a lie!" The thin bamboo pole curls its mouth. "Can that thing last for a thousand years?"

"If you don"t understand, you don"t understand. The papaya produced by the Millennium papaya tree is called Millennium papaya juice." I look down on thin bamboo pole in summer. This girl is too stupid.

At the end of the day, summer added, "besides, it"s not a problem to keep papaya juice for a thousand years, but no one keeps it."

"That"s a change of concept!" Thin bamboo pole is not convinced.

"I don"t want to argue with you. Can you buy that bottle of cream?" In fact, I still hope I have some money in summer. Although I can do without money, I can do better with money.

"I I"ll buy it! " "How much is it?" he said

"One hundred thousand." Summer casually said, and then added, "very cheap."

"What?" The thin bamboo pole screamed, "how much do you say?"

"100000, do you have any problems with your ears?" Summer a little wonder, "but I just with you when the treatment, to help you pulse, you should have no problem with the ear ah, but the eyes are a little nearsighted."

"You, you and you, what"s wrong with your ears?" Thin bamboo pole is angry, "a bottle of breast cream, you actually want one hundred thousand, you actually say cheap?"

"Ah, I only want one hundred thousand for sister Xin"s sake. If someone else, I"ll sell one million. Anyway, I only have one bottle. Do you like it or not?" Summer is a little unhappy. If he didn"t have only one hundred yuan, he would have sold one million yuan.

"A million?" Thin bamboo rod angrily stares at summer, "why don"t you rob?"

"Robbery?" Looking at the thin bamboo pole in summer, "are you stupid? Then why should I do things without money? If I rob a bank, I can rob tens of millions at most. If I cure someone, I can rob tens of millions. Why should I rob? "

Thin bamboo pole is speechless. This guy is right. He just asked her uncle for tens of millions before he was willing to cure. His treatment is indeed more promising than robbery.

, "so, is your breast cream really useful in summer?" Liu Yunman, who was driving, asked.

"Of course, it works, but sister Yun man, you can"t use it. In fact, a woman with a big chest doesn"t look good. You are just right now. If you get bigger, you won"t look good." Summer said quickly.

"Bad guy!" Thin bamboo pole muttered.

Liu Yunman was also said to be pretty red by this guy. She quickly explained, "it"s not for my own use. Since Xiao Ying wants it, I"ll buy it for her."

"Sister Yunman, do you really want to buy it?" Summer is a bit depressing.

"What? Won"t you sell it to me? " Seeing the expression of summer, Liu asked.

"Yes, how can I sell to you?" Summer nodded, "you are my wife, you want my things, of course, I can only give you."

Summer is really a bit depressed, this money can"t earn, it"s really hard to earn a money.

"When did sister become your wife?" The thin bamboo pole breathed, but she soon found that her elder sister didn"t contradict, and was shocked, "elder sister, did you say thank him before, that is to say, by example?"

"Don"t ask children about these things." Liu said angrily.

"What child, elder sister, I am twenty years old, one year older than this wolf!" Thin bamboo pole a little unconvinced retort.

"Well, it"s none of your business." Liu Yun man looked at the summer, and said, "is your breast cream on your body?"

"In." In summer, he took out a small bottle from his pocket and handed it to Liu, "sister Yunman, give it to you, but don"t use it yourself!"

"I see!" Liu Yunman looked at the summer with a little coquetry, "if you don"t like it, I don"t need it."

"It"s over. The wolf is really my brother-in-law." The thin bamboo pole muttered, and saw her sister looking for summer, and she asked for the cream. She didn"t give money. Apparently, her sister agreed with the lady killer. Although she didn"t admit it, it was already a default.

"Take it, and dress yourself up normally in the future, or no boy will like it." Liu Yunman turned and gave the bottle to the thin bamboo pole.

"I see, sister." Thin bamboo pole has a weak answer.

After thinking about it, she asked, "Hey, brother-in-law, how can I use this thing?"

"Just rub it in there directly. Don"t rub it too much at a time. Just rub it for a month in a row." In summer, I was quite satisfied with the name of thin bamboo pole, and I asked patiently, "rub it once a day, before going to bed at night, and press more when you rub it. If you feel hot, it means it works."

"I see. Thank you brother-in-law Thin bamboo pole looked at the bottle, but he really had some expectations. Although the brother-in-law was a s.e.x wolf, he was really a miracle doctor. The medicine there must have a good effect. Of course, she would not like to buy 100000 yuan, but if she didn"t want money, she would certainly rush for it.

Summer is there thinking, medicine sent out, some people are willing to let him cure, but money or not earned, although earned a wife, but how to raise a wife without money?

wife really costs money. The wife who has not yet arrived has spent a bottle of milk cream worth millions of dollars.

However, when I returned to the flower shop in summer, I soon found that someone had sent money to my door.

Summer thinks that things in the world are very strange. When he wholeheartedly wants to turn sunxinxin into his wife, he always has no chance. But that day, he accidentally went to bed late, and sunxinxin went straight to his bed. Now, he originally wanted to make some small money in that thin bamboo pole, but he didn"t succeed. When he thought it was hopeless to make money, he went back to the flower shop, but someone automatically Send the money to your door.

It was Huang Haitao who sent the money to the door. Half an hour ago, Huang Haitao, who was dressed in ordinary clothes, came to Xinxin flower shop to visit in summer. He was also very polite to sun Xinxin, which made sun Xinxin a little uncomfortable.

Sun Xinxin wanted to call summer, but Huang Haitao hurriedly stopped him, saying that he could not disturb summer to do business. He would wait here for summer to come back.

Since Huang Haitao said that, sun Xinxin didn"t call, and she was not stupid. It seems that Huang Haitao must have something to ask for summer.

"Mr. Xia, you are back!" Seeing summer, Huang Haitao hurriedly got up to meet him. The respectful look was totally different from the way he was angry at summer in the interrogation room at the beginning.

"It"s you. What can I do for you?" Summer doesn"t like this guy.

"Mr. Xia, I came here to apologize. Yesterday in the Bureau, my att.i.tude was not good. Please don"t mind, Mr. Xia. I was forced to..." Huang Haitao explained in a low voice.

"Even if apology is useful, what do you want your police to do?" Summer wave hands, "I"m very vengeful, but don"t worry, I"m not in the mood to care about you. I usually don"t care about little people."

Huang Haitao was in a panic, but he was not blocked. He was the director of the Public Security Bureau of the city, and even became a small person. But he did not dare to refute at the moment. Even Gao Renxuan was not sure. What was his director?

"Mr. Xia, in fact, there is another thing I want to ask Mr. Xia for help this time. It"s my son..." Huang Haitao feels very suffocating, but for his son, he can"t do it any more. He didn"t believe in summer"s medical skills before. But now, he believes. Gao Mingyang is in a coma because of this man. So many experts and professors in the hospital are useless. His light needles wake Gao Mingyang up. This is what he Ming, the president of the first affiliated university, told him personally. He can"t believe it.

"Oh, you want me to treat your son, don"t you?" Summer suddenly understood, and then he realized that Huang Haitao sent him money, he can finally make money!

"Yes, indeed, Mr. Xia is very observant!" Huang Haitao nodded hurriedly, then looked at summer with a look of hope. "Can you help me, Mr. Xia?"

"No problem." Summer promised very readily, "however, you have to pay."

"Thank you, doctor Xia!" Huang Haitao is very happy, and his name has changed. "As long as Xia Shenyi is willing to do it, we will pay for the treatment fee."

After a pause, Huang Haitao asked again, "excuse me, doctor Xia, how much is the treatment fee?"

"Oh, no, a million." Summer said lightly.

A million?

Huang Haitao was stunned for a while. Although he had expected that the harvest would be more expensive in summer, it was too expensive, wasn"t it?

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