Chapter 659

Zhou Huayi was a little confused when he was blackmailed. He didn"t do the blackmail before, and he was not blackmailed by others. No one was as arrogant and aboveboard as he was in the summer before, even if they wanted to blackmail, they wouldn"t admit that they were blackmailed.

One side of the cloud is a little regret to bring summer, this guy so-called debt collection method, is to blackmail others? She"s a lawyer. She"s always been a law-abiding lawyer. Now, isn"t she with criminals?

"Hey, idiot, don"t be dazed, give me the money quickly, or you will not only have no strength in this hand!" Summer is a little impatient to urge a way.

Zhou Hua picked up the phone on the table with his left hand, which still has strength: "doctor Xia, you"d better cure my hand right away, or I"ll call the police!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Hua suddenly felt that his left hand was soft, and he had no strength for a moment, so that he could not hold the microphone stably. With a snap, the microphone fell down and hit the phone.

"You"re stupid. You don"t admit it. What"s the use of calling the police?" Summer looks scornful. "Don"t say they can"t find evidence at all. Even if they have evidence, they dare not arrest me. You don"t want to give money, do you? Then I"ll go on. You"re just a small hand now. I"ll make you have no strength at all. You can"t even hold the money. "

"Doctor Xia, you are just bullying people!" Zhou Hua was very angry, but he began to believe what summer said. Although he didn"t know all the background of summer, he didn"t care about summer at all. He could only believe that summer really had a strong background.

"Hey, idiot, you can bully others, can"t I bully you?" Summer is a little unhappy, "I said you are bored? Do you want to pay or not? If you don"t give it to me, I"ll leave. If you come to me later, I won"t treat you! "

"Doctor Xia, I didn"t seem to offend you, did I?" Zhou Hua is still unwilling.

"You didn"t offend me, but you offended my wife, sister Yunqing. Because you are so shameless, she is very angry. Beautiful women are very angry. Because they are angry, they may not be beautiful. You want to make my wife not beautiful. I don"t want to kill you. You should be thankful. I"ll give you a warning at last. Give me money quickly, or I"ll be straight Let"s get rid of you! " Summer has been quite impatient, he is not in the mood to talk with this guy for a long time.

Although she has become summer"s wife quite innocently, but this time Yunqing doesn"t contradict. She thinks it"s best that she doesn"t talk now. This way of doing in summer doesn"t conform to her rules of conduct at all. But she also knows that the villain wants the villain to grind. No, Zhou Hua, such a arrogant rascal, has to be obedient to the villain in summer Fan.

"Yes, I will!" Zhou Hua"s face changed for a while. "You cure me first, and I"ll write you a check!"

"I don"t want a check." Summer lazily said: "I want cash."

In summer, Zhou Hua p.r.i.c.ked his hand with two st.i.tches at a speed that Zhou Hua could not see clearly. Then he continued, "now your right hand is recovered. When you give me the money, I will let your left hand recover too. Please withdraw the money quickly."

"Doctor Xia, I can"t afford so much cash at the moment." Zhou Hua decided to hold his breath for a while.

"Oh, it"s up to you. I"ll cure you whenever you give me money." Summer seems indifferent, "by the way, if your left hand can"t be cured in six hours, it will be completely discarded."

After a pause, summer added: "by the way, you are such an idiot, you may not know how long six hours are. By the way, six hours is twelve hours."

"Gra.s.s, of course I know six hours is twelve!" Zhou Hua scolded in his heart, but he could only be polite: "doctor Xia, I"ll raise money right away. Please wait here, or tell me the address, and I"ll give you the money later."

"I"m not in the mood to wait here. You will send the money to me later." Summer lazily said a sentence, and then turned to look at Yunqing, "sister Yunqing, let"s go back to the hotel first?"

"Well, good." Yunqing nodded. When things got to this point, she had no other choice.

In summer, he told Zhou Hua the room number of Yunqing Hotel, and then he got up and wanted to leave. But then he thought of another thing and said to Yunqing, "by the way, sister Yunqing, what about your IOU?"

"What do you want to do with the IOU?" Yunqing is slightly stunned.

"Let him pay back!" Summer a little strange looking at cloud clear elder sister, "we are not to collect debt?"

"But you"ve asked him for ten million?" Cloud Qing is dazed and asks in a low voice.

"That ten million is the money I gave him for treatment. How can I use it to pay for his debts?" The reason for summer is still quite abundant.

After thinking about it, Yunqing took out the IOU and handed it to summer.

"Ah, there are two million and seven hundred thousand here. You remember to send them together!" In the summer, Zhou Hua was shaking in front of him with a note.

"Yes, yes, I"ll send them together later." Zhou Hua now agrees to everything. He has already thought about it. He will not suffer from this immediate loss. After sending away the plague G.o.d, he will find someone to investigate the background of summer. If there is no background in summer, he will not pay for it. If he can"t afford to offend in summer, he can only admit it. In these years, strength determines everything.

"Here"s two million seven hundred thousand. Let"s give it a check." Yunqing said at this time.

"No problem, I"ll write a check!" Zhou Hua said busily that if he can"t afford to offend him in summer, he will have to raise ten million yuan of cash in half a day. It"s not so easy to raise so much cash. If there are two million and seven million more, it"s even more difficult. So at the moment, he sincerely hopes for the expense ticket.

Summer doesn"t care about it. He believes in cash more now, but that 2.7 million is not him. He naturally doesn"t care whether he accepts or not.

Zhou Hua quickly wrote a check and handed it to Yunqing. After checking the check, Yunqing thought it was OK. Then he whispered to summer, "OK, let"s go."

Summer nods, pulls cloud clear to get up, then walked out together.

"Mr. Xia, can you let go?" Just going out, Yunqing can"t help whispering, "she"s a little annoyed. Does this guy have to take advantage of her every time he helps her?"?

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