Chapter 68

"You are very ill!" Summer is not very angry to say, "I lose to leave my wife, then I win what"s the good for me?"? Can you give me another wife? "

It"s not only summer that Chen Zhigang is seriously ill. Even Shujing and others think that Chen Zhigang is really a bit vexatious. Men can gamble, gamble or lose, but lose but cheat. That"s the personality problem.

"Handsome boy, how about you and him, if you win, I will be your wife?" Not far away suddenly came a charming voice.

When they saw it together, I don"t know when there was already a group of people on the basketball court. More than a dozen men were wearing basketball suits, but the color and style were different from those of Chen Zhigang. There was also a woman with them, wearing a professional dress. In this place, this kind of dress seemed a bit out of place.

"Don"t call me handsome, I"m not young, you can call me handsome!" Looking at the woman in summer, she looks pretty good and has a good figure. She looks forward and backward. She is full of mature women"s feelings.

The woman smiled: "OK, handsome man, how about my proposal just now? If you win, I can be your wife for one night! "

In a word, dozens of pairs of eyes are looking at the summer together. The boys here in the gym have a little bit of jealousy and envy in their eyes, while the men who appear with the woman have some hostility in their eyes.

Sun Xinxin is a little nervous looking at summer, but she knows this guy"s hobbies. She wants to be a wife when she sees a beautiful woman. Now a beautiful woman offers to come to the door, and the little wolf will mostly agree.

"Not good." Summer is very simply refused, it is a little out of sun Xinxin"s expectation.

"Why?" That woman Leng Leng, then is a charming smile, "handsome man, do you think when your wife one night is not enough?"? In fact, this time is negotiable. I don"t have a problem with a few more nights! "

"No shame." Sun Xinxin scolded in her heart.

"I don"t like you." Summer is very straightforward.

The woman said: "what? Do you think I"m not beautiful, handsome

"You"re pretty." Summer shook his head, "but I don"t like dirty women."

"What do you mean by that?" The smile on the woman"s face disappeared. "You, you say I"m not clean?"

"It"s not dirty. I think you"re dirty." Summer solemnly said.

"What do you say, boy?"

"You don"t want to get mixed up, boy?"

"s.h.i.t, boy, do you want to fight?"

The men behind the women scold summer one after another, and they also rub their hands one by one. It seems that as soon as a woman opens her mouth, they will immediately hit summer.

"Oh, I see. I"m afraid our little brother is still a pure boy. He wants to find a little girl!" The woman suddenly laughed, and her tone was full of sarcasm. "But I think you have to go to the kindergarten to find it, little brother, ha ha ha..."

"Hey, I"m warning you, don"t call me little brother, and I"m not a virgin!" Summer a little uncomfortable, "you are not a virgin, does not mean that others are not virgins, she is a virgin!"

Summer toward Shu Jing pointed to the past, suddenly attracted the attention of dozens of hungry wolves, this beauty is still a virgin?

Shu Jing finds that she points to herself in summer. She stays for a while, and then her cheeks turn red. This guy, how can she know such things?

"Sister Xin is still a virgin!" Summer added, "but I"m trying to make her a non girl, and I"m going to succeed."

"Summer, you..." Sun Xinxin also blushed and stamped her feet. "You little wolf, can you say this kind of thing here?"

"My wife is a virgin, so you can"t do it. Why don"t you think I"m a virgin?" The woman laughed even more.

"Not your husband!" Summer did not say, "if it is not for your husband, why do you look for men everywhere?"? I said that you are dirty not because you are not a virgin, but because you have promiscuity. You fooled with three men in one night, and changed a man in the early morning today. People who make chickens are cleaner than you! "

"You!" As soon as the woman"s face changed, she looked a little angry. "a.s.shole, don"t talk nonsense!"

"I"m not talking nonsense." In the summer, I curled my mouth, and then pointed to the woman behind me a little bit, "you, you, and you, did you hang out with her last night? And you, in the early morning, you slept with this woman. Am I right? "

Four men who were ordered by summer haven"t talked yet, but the other men quarreled first.

"Yu Yan, didn"t you say I was the only one?"

"Yu Yan, didn"t you say you didn"t mix with them anymore?"

"Yu Yan, you lied to me!"

"Yu Yan, you rotten Street goods, you are still so rotten..."


A group of men accused the woman one after another, and the woman"s face was red and white. At last, she could not bear to roar: "shut up for my mother!"

The woman pointed to all the men: "you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, you eat my mother"s food and drink my mother"s, and you sleep with me. Now you even scold me. Are you a man?"

This group of men were scolded by her, and they were really quiet. Others looked at each other. This woman is not a normal promiscuity. Obviously, a dozen men from the whole team slept with her.

"Son of a b.i.t.c.h, I remember you!" The woman named Yu Yan glared at summer, then waved, "let"s go, the game in the afternoon will be cancelled!"

Yu Yan finished saying this, then separated a group of men, angrily left, and that group of men hesitated for a while, unexpectedly also followed the past.

"That"s how they left? Who shall we play against this afternoon? " Some guy on the basketball team in the sports academy is depressed.

"What if they don"t go? Are they still in the mood to play when something like this happens? " Another guy said.

"Maybe they go back to play ball. Yu Yan"s ball is good..." Someone has a lascivious face.

"s.h.i.t, if you don"t say she"s OK, I"ll be depressed as soon as you say it. I"ve been flirting with her before. How could I know she"s so rotten..."

"Ah, I don"t understand. Where is this boy from? How can he see such a thing at a glance?" One person said a word, and then, everyone looked towards the summer, yes, how does this kid know these secret things?

Jiang Feng, who hasn"t spoken, came over to summer, smiled and said, "you can really do it. When they first came, you beat them directly."

"Summer, how do you know that woman and those men..." Sun Xinxin can"t help it at last. She can"t help but think of the story that Zhang Yufen and others stole in the summer.

"Yes, summer. How do you know?" Shu Jing"s face is still a little red, but at the moment, her shyness is also suppressed by curiosity.

"I have a smart nose." Summer casually said.

"What does it have to do with the nose?" Shu Jing still doesn"t understand, not only she doesn"t understand, but also other people don"t understand, so now they are looking at summer, waiting for his answer.

"In fact, it"s very simple. Everyone has some body odor, and everyone is different. Ordinary people can"t smell it, but I can. When men and women sleep together, they will touch each other"s body odor, so I know they have a relationship." Summer said lightly.

Everyone is speechless. This guy is reincarnation of hound?

"You have such a bad nose?" Shujing still doesn"t believe it.

"I have five senses." Summer seriously nodded, "in fact, that woman is still scolding me, I can hear it!"

"Like superman." Chen Zhigang snorted coldly. He found that summer had become the focus of the game all of a sudden, and he was naturally more jealous.

"I"m not Superman, of course." Summer shakes head, "that what superhuman which has me to be fierce?"

Once again, everyone was speechless. This guy really didn"t know how to be modest.

"Since you are more powerful than superman, why don"t you dare to compete with me again?" Chen Zhigang sneered, "are you afraid of losing?"

"I"m not afraid of losing, it"s because it"s not good for me to win, so I"m lazy to compare with you." Summer looked at Chen Zhigang a little disdainful, this person how so not refreshing? If he loses again, he may want to come again. Isn"t that endless?

"If you win, I can give you money!" Chen Zhigang said angrily, "how about I give you ten thousand?"

"You don"t want to be beaten, do you?" Summer this time really unhappy, "I lost no wife, won ten thousand, you when my wife only worth ten thousand?"

"How much do you want?" Chen Zhigang asked angrily.

"My wife can"t afford it, so don"t talk to me about money." Summer embrace sun Xinxin"s slim waist, "sister Xin, let"s go, don"t pay attention to this neuropathy."

"If you don"t compete with me, you don"t want to leave!" Chen Zhigang roared angrily.

Summer was angry, let go of sun Xinxin, and walked towards Chen Zhigang. This time, he really wanted to start.

"Don"t hit him in summer!" Sun Xinxin hurriedly called out, "look at his posture, she will know that she will hit people in summer.".

"You want to hit me? Come on! " Chen Zhigang is still provocative.

"No, don"t fight!" One side of Shu Jing also urged quickly, "in summer, you can compete with him. Let him die. It"s a big deal Big deal you win, I will be your wife, this head office, right

Everyone is a burst of consternation. Qi Qi looks at Shu Jing. Is this girl out of her mind?

Looking at Shujing in summer, I feel a bit embarra.s.sed. In fact, Shujing is pretty. Although it"s not so beautiful that he wants to be his wife, it"s still attractive to him. Do you want to promise this condition?

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