Chapter 712

"No help." Summer did not ask what is the matter, on the lazy back.

Zhao Xiaozhuo immediately depressed: "I wipe, we are somehow relatives, let you help me?"

"Of course not." Summer is not urgent not slow answer way: "you let me help I help, I am not very shameless?"

Zhao Xiaozhuo is arrogant enough. He beat Han zikang half dead in public. But in summer, he was even more famous than Zhao Xiaozhuo and didn"t give Zhao Xiaozhuo any face.

"Then I"ll ask you to help me, will you?" Zhao Xiaozhuo is a little helpless.

"No way." Summer replied again.

"I wipe, I said please, what else do you want?" Zhao Xiaozhuo is even more depressed.

Summer thought, and then said: "look at your poor appearance, I will give you a chance, you call me a brother-in-law, I will help you."

"When am I pitiful!" Zhao Xiaozhuo is a little sad and indignant. "Can I call my brother-in-law?"

"No way!" Summer refused.

Zhao Xiaozhuo thought about it for 30 seconds, and finally cried out, "OK, brother-in-law, help me!"

"That"s about it." In summer, he nodded with satisfaction and appeared in front of Zhao Xiaozhuo in a flash. "Say, what can I do for you? Is it to save this idiot? In fact, I don"t think there"s anything to save. Just let him die! "

"Of course not. This guy hasn"t died yet. I have a good sense of beating people. The goods are only half dead at most." Zhao Xiaozhuo shook his head. "Besides, it"s nothing if he dies. But he came to my cousin"s wedding to make trouble, which made me a best man. It"s too cheap for him to hang up like this!"

"And what do you want me to do?" Summer is a little strange.

"Do you really have a way to turn a man into a woman?" Zhao Xiaozhuo asked that he had threatened to change s.e.x several times in summer, which naturally made him think about it.

"Of course there is a way. Would you like to try it?" Asked the summer.

"No, of course not!" Zhao Xiaozhuo was shocked. "Don"t try on me. I"m still a virgin!"

"If you"re a virgin, she"s still a virgin!" Summer looked at Zhao Xiaozhuo scornfully, and pointed to the bridesmaid not far away.

"Ah?" Zhao Xiaozhuo was stunned. "You, you, you..."

"What are you? Do you think I didn"t know you just fooled around with her last night? " In summer, he said, "if you want to cheat me, there is no door!"

"I wipe, how can you even know that?" Zhao Xiaozhuo was stunned, while the bridesmaid not far away was flushed.

"Because I know everything." Summer said.

"Well, you"re good. You"d better help me turn this into a woman first." Zhao Xiaozhuo pointed to Han zikang on the ground.

Summer is a bit strange: "what are you going to do to turn him into a woman? Are you not interested in him? "

"Wipe, even if you are my brother-in-law, you can"t slander me like this, can you?" Zhao Xiaozhuo is a little sad and indignant, "my s.e.xual orientation is very normal!"

After a pause, Zhao Xiaozhuo added: "these two goods come to the wedding to make trouble, and they also slander my future cousin. I want to turn him into a woman, and then use this goods to create a Guinness record."

"What is the Guinness Book of records?" Summer asked a question.

Zhao Xiaozhuo stayed for a long time and said, "in a word, I want to turn this product into the prost.i.tute who receives the most customers in the world. When he becomes a woman, I will let him receive the customers for free. No, I will post 100 yuan for one time!"

"That"s a good idea!" Summer expressed appreciation, then took out a silver needle, and quickly p.r.i.c.ked dozens of needles in Han zikang"s body. Finally, he said to Zhao Xiaozhuo, "OK, in about a month, this guy will become almost like a real woman."

"Well, I"ll lock up the goods for a month." Zhao Xiaozhuo raised Han zikang. "I"m going first!"

Zhao Xiaozhuo said that he would leave as soon as he left, and the best man was not right. He took Han zikang and ran out of the wedding hall.

The hall is still quiet, no one said anything, as if nothing had happened.

However, although many people want to think that things have not happened, what happened is actually happened. Although many people think that Han zikang deliberately made trouble, what he said may not be taken seriously, and although Han zikang is now unknown to Zhao Xiaozhuo, if Han zikang just wants to destroy the wedding, he still does It was a success.

Because the wedding ceremony that is about to end doesn"t go on, the banquet will start soon, and the dishes will come up one after another, but the newlyweds haven"t come out to toast. Many people already know that this wedding has been ruined, and Zhangjia obviously can"t accept this humiliation.

In summer, he didn"t care about it. He was very happy to finally serve. Especially at their table, they only sat on him and encore. Encore, who had been starving for a long time, started to eat but still ate slowly. In summer, he was not so hungry, but still devoured. In the end, each table was full of ten people, But there were almost no dishes to eat, while in summer and encore, they almost consumed ten dishes.

And the busy wedding hall soon became a little cold. The guests saw that the situation was not right. Most of them left early. On the contrary, the couple of summer and Encore stayed in the back.

"Shall we go, too?" Encore, who had eaten a little, saw that the wedding hall was very empty, so he couldn"t help pulling summertime, and suggested softly.

"All right." Summer nodded, "let"s go and say something to my wife."

Summer pulls an Ke to get up, just want to find song Yumei, but find song Yumei suddenly hurried to come in.

"I"m going to see you, Missy!" Summer rushed to meet up.

"You haven"t left yet. I"m looking for you. Come with me. Sister Jun is in a bad situation!" Song Yumei looks worried. When she sees summer, she hurries to take him outside.

Song Yumei pulls summer into the elevator, stops at the 18th floor, exits the elevator, and rushes to one of the rooms. In summer, she sees Gu Jun, who is still wearing her wedding dress, lying on the bed, looking pale and unconscious. Zhang Shaohui is standing by, looking rather anxious.

"Doctor Xia, you are here!" Seeing summer, Zhang Shaohui hurriedly stood up and said, "Gu Jun seems to have drunk a lot of wine..."

Summer came to bed, gave Gu Jun a pulse, and then nodded: "it"s a lot of drink, almost drunk your son to death."

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