Chapter 908

It seems that they are still nervous. The voice of coldness slightly eased: "don"t worry, if it"s what you say, it"s also self-defense. If he Zhen didn"t die, it"s no problem. Even if he died, it"s just over defense. It won"t be too big."

"But cousin, I have read similar news on the Internet before. Many of them are similar to those of Hongbo, and they have been sentenced in the end!" w.a.n.g Wei asked uneasily. She naturally knew the saying of self-defense, but now she doesn"t know what self-defense is. She read a lot of news. It"s clear that everyone thinks it should be self-defense. At last, it"s not recognized by the court. So some people said that if they were robbed, don"t fight back. If they killed the robber, they would have to pay for it.

"Don"t worry, I"m here. As long as it"s really self-defense, I won"t let Acer be locked in." Leng Bingbing knows these things, but she can"t control things in other places. But if she is in Jianghai City, she won"t let this happen to her cousin. If it"s really self-defense, even if the other party is really dead, she won"t let Leng Hongbo be sentenced. She thinks that regardless of what, Leng Hongbo has done nothing wrong.

"Cousin, is it really going to be ok?" Listen to Leng Bingbing. Leng Hongbo is very relieved, but he is still a little worried.

"I said it will be OK, naturally it will be OK, but next, you have to listen to me." Leng Bingbing soon made a decision, "I will take you to the police station to turn yourself in first, make things clear, and then I will give you a guarantor pending trial, you will come out soon, in addition, I will go to find out how the injury of he Zhen is."

"OK, OK, cousin, I"ll listen to you. I"ll do what you say." At the moment, Leng Hongbo has no idea, and lengbingbing is a policeman, so he naturally chooses to fully believe in lengbingbing.

Leng Bingbing finds her mobile phone and plans to call Huang Anping first. She decides to take Leng Hongbo to Huang Anping to turn herself in. After all, compared with other people, she is a little familiar with Huang Anping.

It"s just that Leng Bingbing is a little surprised when he looks at the phone that hasn"t been answered, because the phone call is actually from Huang Anping. Leng Bingbing can"t help but turn around and look at Leng Hongbo, thinking that it won"t be so coincidental. Is Huang Anping calling her just for this?

When Leng Bingbing called, he found out that it was such a coincidence. In the evening, Huang Anping had a dinner with the new director PI Zhimin, and they had a good time talking. Huang Anping was undoubtedly trusted by the new director. It can even be said that Pi Zhimin was quite excited by Huang Anping, because in fact, just before he had dinner with Huang Anping, he answered Go to the order directly sent from the other side of the capital city, and tell him that summer is special, so that he can"t do anything that hinders summer.

At this time, PI Zhimin finally understood that he was cheated by others, and Huang Anping could be said to have saved him from the edge of the cliff, which also made PI Zhimin decide to take Huang Anping as his confidant from then on.

After dinner, Huang Anping was informed that there was a fight on the way to the police and another person was stabbed. Originally, the case may not have to be dealt with by Huang Anping, but PI Zhimin thought it was an eventful time. To be on the safe side, he asked Huang Anping to deal with the case himself. PI Zhimin, who had just come to Jianghai City, realized that his position was not stable , he must be more careful now, in order to avoid any accidents.

Huang Anping will take someone to deal with it. It"s not complicated. Huang Anping immediately finds out the killer"s name is Leng Hongbo. He happens to know that Leng Hongbo is Leng"s cousin, so he decides to inform her about it. But after the phone rings for a while and no one answers, Huang Anping hangs up. He"s not stupid. He knows that he"s with Leng Bingbing in summer Well, they didn"t answer the phone when they were together. They knew what they were doing without asking.

It"s said that Leng Bingbing will take Leng Hongbo to turn himself in. Huang Anping naturally can"t get it. He promised that he would wait for them at the police station.

"Let"s go. Let"s go to the police station." Put down the phone, Leng Bingbing said to Leng Hongbo.

"OK." Leng Hongbo nodded and then asked, "cousin, do you want to change my clothes?"

"No, just go like this. You just need to tell the truth. Don"t lie. If you lie deliberately and hide it, you will be in trouble after being found out. Understand?" A few words of cold advice.

Leng Hongbo is submissive. At this moment, no matter what lengbingbing says, he will listen.

Looking at the summer coldly, he found that he was sitting there a little depressed, so he went to his side and whispered, "honey, are you waiting for me at home or going to the police station with us? Hongbo has to take notes and go through formalities. It may take several hours. I may not be able to come back in a while. "

"I"d better wait at home." Summer saw Leng Hongbo one eye, "lest I see him want to hit him."

Leng Hongbo was stunned for a while. How could this brother-in-law want to hit him? He didn"t seem to offend the brother-in-law!

"Well then." Leng Bingbing naturally knows why he wants to play Leng Hongbo in summer. Who should make Leng Hongbo appear at such a time?

"Honey, let"s go first. If I don"t come back at ten o"clock, don"t wait." Cold side to the door, said to the summer.

"Brother in law, I"ll go first." Before leaving, Leng Hongbo also said h.e.l.lo to summer.

However, in summer, Leng Hongbo looks at him, which makes him uneasy. He still doesn"t understand how he offended him.

After Leng Bingbing left with Leng Hongbo and w.a.n.g Wei, she sat on the sofa for a long time in the summer. How could it be so difficult to eat her sister?

"I"ll wait for sister Jinghua to come back and eat her tonight!" Summer in mind, and then began to wait a long time.

Time pa.s.sed very slowly. After a while in summer, he looked at his watch. He didn"t know how many times he had looked at it. Finally, he saw that the time on his watch pointed to ten o"clock. But the problem was that until then, Leng Bingbing still didn"t come back, so he decided to call Leng Bingbing.

Find the cell phone that was thrown on the sofa before. After turning on the phone, I just want to make a phone call out. I didn"t know that there was a phone call in first.

This number is not new to summer, so he quickly answered the phone, and when it was connected, there was a soft sob.

"Are you angry? Don"t believe them. They deliberately smear me Wuwuwu...... " Over the phone, a girl cried.

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