Chapter 91

"This is from my boyfriend!" Sun Xinxin retorted.

"Your boyfriend?" The policewoman caught him and said, "so, your boyfriend is very rich. Isn"t he the hacker?"

Before sun Xinxin spoke, the policewoman concluded, "I think it"s very possible that your boyfriend has money, but you open a flower shop. It"s probably not for money, but for interest. When your boyfriend knows this, he deliberately uses this way to please you and make your flower shop business very good. This can also explain why he attacks the website with such small money, Because he is not for money at all, but to please you! "

Sun Xinxin was stunned for a moment. How imaginative was the policewoman? Did she read many novels?

"How is it? Did I get it? " The policewoman looks proud. "I"m Yang Le, the first beauties net policeman of the Bureau, and I"m called the second chilling beauty!"

Seeing Yang Le"s proud face and sun Xinxin"s speechless appearance, Xu Zhongjian could not help doubting. Did Yang Le, who has always been unreliable, finally meet the dead mouse today and guess it right?

"What"s your boyfriend"s name, sun Xinxin?" Asked Xu Zhongjian.

"Officer Xu, my boyfriend can"t use a computer at all. I just taught him how to use QQ three days ago. Do you think he may be a hacker?" Sun Xinxin replied in tears and laughter.

"Will he bring the computer to the police station for questioning?" Yang Le chuckles. She"s a little jealous of sun Xinxin. She"s not jealous of her beauty. Yang Le always thinks she"s pretty. She"s the second most beautiful girl in the police station. But she"s such a beautiful girl, but no one gives her a diamond ring. Sun Xinxin, the owner of the flower shop, actually wears such a beautiful diamond ring, which makes her a little envious The feeling of jealousy and hate.

"He"s not really a hacker!" Sun Xinxin was a little angry. "Can"t you just arrest people to the police station?"

"I believe he is a hacker even more when you are so nervous!" Yang Le was more excited, forgetting that he was a recorder for a while. He shouted to sun Xinxin, "tell me your boyfriend"s name and where he lives."

The jealous women are terrible. No, Yang Le and sun Xinxin hate each other for a while. G.o.d knows that they don"t realize it for half an hour.

Sun Xinxin frowned, but did not answer.

"Sun Xinxin, you"d better name your boyfriend." Xu Zhongjian also said, "whether he is suspected or not, we need to investigate."

Before sun Xinxin spoke, the door of the interrogation room was suddenly kicked open. A teenager in casual clothes appeared at the door: "which son of a b.i.t.c.h caught my wife?"

This man is naturally summer. No one can be so arrogant in the police station except him.

Sun Xinxin didn"t call Xia Xia, but in fact, as soon as sun Xinxin was taken away, Xia immediately received the news, which was attributed to Ding Bao. He arranged two people to follow her in secret for fear that something might happen to sun Xinxin. The police just took sun Xinxin away, and Ding Bao received the news.

After receiving the news, Ding Bao immediately tells fat man. Then, fat man calls here in summer. Because fat man is very clear about the police affairs, he can"t make sure. He can only let summer appear in person.

In summer, I heard that sun Xinxin was arrested by the police. Naturally, I was very upset. I killed him at the Public Security Bureau immediately. With his super smart nose, I found the interrogation room directly. However, the net police didn"t realize that this guy was here to play. In addition, he ran so fast in summer that he found sun Xinxin so smoothly.

The network police detachment is a new kind of police. It has only been established for a few years. Since the establishment of the network police detachment in Jianghai City, there has never been a case that the interrogation room has been kicked away, which has left Xu Zhongjian and Yang Le unresponsive for dozens of seconds. By the time they react, they have come to sun Xinxin"s side in summer and pulled her from the stool.

"Sister Xin, these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds didn"t bully you, did they?" Summer asked with concern.

"Fortunately, I only asked a few questions." Sun Xinxin shook her head.

"Oh, let"s go back then!" In summer, he tried to take sun Xinxin away. As for the two policemen beside him, he didn"t pay any attention.

Despise, this eat red fruit despise!

Yang Le is angry. She is such a beautiful woman. This guy turns a blind eye to her. Is he blind?

"Stop!" Yang Yue said angrily in summer, "who are you? You want to rob a prisoner, don"t you? "

"Are you mentally ill? Sister Xin is not a prisoner. What prisoner did she rob? " Summer can"t help but stare at this policewoman. Why are all policewomen? Sister Jinghua is so smart. Is this so stupid? Rob a prisoner, and rob a prison!

"You, you scold me?" Yang Le is furious. Although she is just a policewoman, she also has backstage. Otherwise, how can she shout loudly in front of Xu Zhongjian?

"Is it strange to scold you?" Summer a little wonder, "you look so ugly, someone must often scold you, even if others did not scold, the heart will scold."

"You, you, you say I"m ugly?" Yang Le is going crazy. She is so big that no one has ever said she is ugly!

"Do you think you are beautiful?" Summer is very strange to look at Yang Le, "look at your eyes small nose big, hair yellow skin black, crus thick, waist fat, isn"t it ugly enough?"

"You, you, you..." Yang Le pointed to summer, and was completely speechless with anger.

"Enough, nonsense!" Xu Zhongjian looks sullen and drinks heavily. "Come on, take out the lawbreakers who break into the police station in disorder!"

In summer, he smiled at Xu Zhongjian and said, "I will go out without your bet."

In the summer when sun Xinxin was always talking and calculating, he walked out like this. Just when two policemen came to the door of the interrogation room, they were pushed away by an invisible force, and could only watch the summer pa.s.s by them.

"Stop!" A sharp drink came from behind, but it was Xu Zhongjian, who was extremely angry. When he was a policeman for so many years, he had never seen anyone so unscrupulous. Even those so-called Yamens usually give the police some face in public places. But now this man, even when these policemen don"t exist!

It"s a pity that sun Xinxin didn"t pay attention to him in summer and went on walking. But Sun Xinxin felt a little uneasy: "in summer, why don"t we make things clear before we go?"

"Stop them!" Xu Zhongjian said.

Hearing this, several policemen got up quickly and stopped the way of summer.

"Hey, don"t you know good dogs don"t get in the way?" Summer discontented said.

A few police officers are angry. Who the f.u.c.k is that? Call names at the beginning!

"Boy, do you want to be beaten?" A policeman with is staring at summer.

"Er..." As soon as the voice fell, the spectacle man felt his fist hit him heavily on the forehead, and then he turned his head upside down.

Summer turned to turn Fist: "you just owe to beat."

"You dare to attack the police?" All the police in the room are stunned. There are not many people who dare to attack the police these days. There are even fewer who dare to attack the police in the police station. At least the one who attacks the police in the network police detachment is the first one.

"If you move again, I"ll shoot!" Xu Zhongjian drinks violently, pulls out the pistol, and aims at summer. He can"t stand the unbridled summer.

When he took out his gun, the first thing he was scared of was not the summer, but the other people in the network police detachment. In fact, although the number of network police detachment was not small, most of them were technicians. The main battlefield was on the network. They seldom went out to catch people by themselves. The whole network police detachment had few people with guns. Although they were all policemen, they seldom met This kind of picture, this is not, Xu Zhongjian wants to shoot appearance, pour is to give these people surprised.

"h.e.l.lo, can you use a gun?" Looking at Xu Zhongjian in summer, "the insurance hasn"t been opened!"

A group of people are speechless. This Ya wants to die, don"t you?

"Summer, forget it. It"s just a small thing. Don"t make it so big." Sun Xinxin couldn"t help persuading.

"Sister Xin, how can this be a small thing?" Summer doesn"t think so. "Bully my wife, that"s a big deal. Why do these b.a.s.t.a.r.ds catch you?"

"Cuff him!" Xu Zhongjian ordered the police beside him to stare at summer coldly, "if you dare to resist arrest, I can shoot!"

"Is it great to have a gun?" Summer is a bit uncomfortable. How can people always point a gun at them these two days?

Summer suddenly turned into a virtual shadow and rushed to Xu Zhongjian. He was familiar with grabbing the gun. When he pinched two fingers and hooked them, the gun was in his hand. Then he shook it in front of Xu Zhongjian with the gun. He smiled: "look, I have a gun, too."

Xu Zhongjian"s face suddenly turned pale, and a group of policemen around him also turned pale, for fear that they would wash the police detachment with guns and blood in summer.

"Come on, call for support!" Someone has already started to call. At one time, the network police branch is in a mess. The reason is very simple. Xu Zhongjian is the only one with a gun among so many policemen present. Now the only gun is in summer"s hands. Can they not be afraid?

"I"m not going to kill you." In summer, I despised these cowards a little. My hands moved quickly. In the eyes of the people, I magically split the pistols into parts. Then I threw them at random. I listened to a tinkling sound, and the parts of the pistols were scattered in every corner of the room.

"Hey, remember, this time I just took down your gun. If I dare to catch my wife again, I"ll take down you too!" In summer, Xu Zhongjian gave a warning, and then he hugged sun Xinxin and left.

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