Chapter 955

"It seems so." Summer casually said: "but the goblin wife, I tell you, in fact, it"s a fake. Qingfeng mountain is not spring at all, and it"s very cold there now."

"It"s all fake?" Zhao Yuji wondered, "how can I say that?"

"This, Goblin"s wife, it"s not easy to explain, but you will understand it later." Summer think want to say.

Zhao Yuji looked at summer with suspicious eyes: "you seem to be familiar with Qingfeng mountain?"

"Yes." Summer giggle a smile, "goblin wife, you will be familiar with Qingfeng mountain in the future."

"Why?" Zhao Yuji is a little confused.

"Goblin wife, if you let me hold you, I will tell you." Summer said with a smile.

"Forget it, I won"t ask." Zhao Yuji obviously didn"t want to hold her for summer. After that, she walked slowly to the front. In summer, she immediately caught up with her and walked with her side by side.

"When I was very young, I thought the capital was very small. Once I made a bet that I could walk the whole capital once a day. As a result, I naturally lost. At that time, I didn"t walk my home once in a day, because I was walking, and I got lost." As Zhao Yuji walked slowly, she recalled the past events with some ethereal voice. "Later, when I was older, I thought that if someone could accompany me to the whole capital, he would really be kind to me..."

Summer immediately added: "goblin wife, I can accompany you all over the capital!"

Zhao Yuji ignored the summer, but continued: "later, I became more sensible. I finally understood that my idea was really boring. In fact, even if someone accompanied me all over the capital, it couldn"t say anything. If I put forward this request, countless men in the capital would be willing to do it, but I"m afraid that few of them were sincere."

"Goblin wife, I must be sincere." Summer added.

"It doesn"t matter to me any more, but I heard that when I"m really in a bad mood, doing something seemingly boring can make me feel better. Would you like to try it with me?" Zhao Yuji said slowly.

Summer a little strange asked: "goblin wife, what are you doing boring things?"

"The capital is too big. It"s hard to go all over the capital, but this Muyang county is quite small. Let"s try to go all the main roads in Muyang county." Zhao Yuji said.

"Good!" Summer a promise, walking although it is really boring, but it is not a hard thing for him.

"Then go." Zhao Yuji stepped up her steps. "I hope I can travel all over the county this afternoon."


in this afternoon, Zhao Yuji is walking with her for the rest of summer. Actually, walking is not a problem. The problem is that Zhao Yuji refuses to let him walk hand in hand, which makes summer a little depressed.

Although Muyang county is not big, it"s a little difficult to walk all the main roads in one afternoon. Of course, if he runs at his fastest speed in summer, it"s still very fast. The problem is that Zhao Yuji is very slow, so until it"s getting dark, they still can"t walk all the way.

Of course, Zhao Yuji is just a boring walk. She doesn"t have to walk every road in Muyang county. In fact, now she has left the city and came to a villa which is about two kilometers away from the edge of the county. This is a real villa. It covers a large area and looks much more luxurious than the villa by the river of shichanggeng Much more, the place is so cold that no houses can be seen within a kilometer around.

"Goblin wife, is this your house?" Seeing Zhao Yuji open the door directly with the key in summer, I couldn"t help asking a little strangely.

"No." Zhao Yuji shook her head. "But this seems to be the only villa with an indoor swimming pool here in Muyang County, so I rented it temporarily. Before I left Muyang County, I lived here."

Zhao Yuji went in and came to the living room. She took off her windbreaker and put it on the sofa. Her slender and symmetrical body was more obvious in the summer.

"Goblin wife, are you alone here?" Summer asked again.

"For the moment, I"m alone. Tomorrow, a nanny will come to help me cook and clean." Zhao Yuji said casually, "by the way, no one is cooking tonight, and I"m not going to go out for dinner. If you"re hungry, go to dinner first. I"m going to the pool to soak."

Zhao Yuji first went upstairs, changed a bathing suit, and wrapped a bathrobe outside. Then she went downstairs to the swimming pool on the first floor and jumped in like this. Although the weather is very cold now, and the water in the swimming pool is obviously cold, Zhao Yuji still swam in the swimming pool, like a happy Mermaid.

"Goblin wife, I think you must be a real goblin in your last life." Standing by the pool in summer, he said.

"I think you are a monster!" Zhao Yuji said as she swam, she always seemed to be happy when she was in the swimming pool. At this time, she was in the mood to quarrel with summer.

"Goblin wife, I"m not a monster, I"m a normal person, but I think you must be a mermaid." Summer said with a smile.

Zhao Yuji didn"t refute this sentence, let alone, sometimes she thought she might be a mermaid in her last life, otherwise, how could she like to stay in the water so much?

"Goblin wife, can I swim with you?" In the summer, after enjoying the pool for a while, I couldn"t help it.

"Not good." Zhao Yuji replied simply.

"Why not?" Summer is a little reluctant to ask

"no reason, in short, if you come down, I will go back to the capital tonight." Zhao Yuji replied.

Summer suddenly depressed, the goblin"s wife threatened him with this move again, for fear that the goblin"s wife could only continue to be an audience at the swimming pool if he really returned to the capital. Of course, it"s also a happy thing to be able to enjoy Zhao Yuji swimming in swimsuit at such a close distance and watch her two white and delicate long legs swing there Thing.

All of a sudden, his left wrist vibrated violently in summer, but his special watch for dark group vibrated there. He raised his wrist and looked at it, and couldn"t help but eerily.

At the beginning, Meier told him that if a member of the dark group is in danger, he can send out an emergency call signal through this watch, and every member of the dark group will receive it. Now, he has received this signal. The most important thing is that the position where the signal is sent is quite close to him!

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