Chapter 956

Summer still remembers that Meier told him that once the members of the dark group sent out an emergency call for help, they must be in a very dangerous situation, so all the members of the dark group who are closest to the rescuer must go to the rescue without any special reason.

However, at the moment of summer, I don"t understand. Is it a special reason that he wants to accompany the goblin"s wife here?

Just thinking about this problem, his mobile phone rang in summer. He took out his mobile phone and found that the phone was actually called by Meier. It"s really rare, because Meier"s wife basically won"t take the initiative to find him.

"Meier"s wife..." Summer hurriedly answered the phone, just called her a sentence, then came the Meier"s a bit urgent voice, "what are you waiting to do? Go to save people. Ding Xiaojian of xuanzu just sent out an emergency signal. It"s in Muyang county. It"s only two kilometers away from your present position. Go! "

"Well, I"ll go now." Summer this time had to go, this charming son wife all spoke, he does not go to no way.


this year"s 26 year old Mr. Shi Pengfei has an enviable experience. He came from the ordinary cadre family in the mainland. After graduating from high school, he didn"t choose to study in China, but went to Singapore to study. While studying in Singapore, he had a magical experience that his cla.s.smates and friends jokingly called an Shi rebellion.

On the night of his 20th birthday, several students took him to the bar to celebrate his birthday. That night, he met a girl who was a little drunk in the bar. Then he spent a chaotic night with this girl. At first, everyone thought it was just a very common affair of Mr. Shi Pengfei, but later found that things were not so 怂

The girl who spent a chaotic night with Mr. Shi Pengfei is not an ordinary person. Her name is an Xiaobei. She is the daughter of the chairman of Singapore"s well-known an group. It is said that her family is quite traditional. That night, she was also the first time for her. So Mr. Shi Pengfei must be responsible for her.

In fact, Mr. Shi Pengfei was not a lover. That night, he was also the first time to come. Although an Xiaobei was not a great beauty, she was definitely a beautiful woman. Such a rich and beautiful beauty wanted him to take charge of it. Naturally, he would like to. In this way, Mr. Shi Pengfei and Mr. an Xiaobei formally established their relationship. When he graduated from University, they formally established their relationship He was officially engaged to Ann Xiaobei.

The experience between them is also talked about by some people who know each other well, and it is named the "an Shi rebellion".

After graduation, Mr. Shi Pengfei entered the ansteer group and worked with ansteer. Now, ansteer hasn"t officially taken over as ansteer group. However, in order to cultivate her ability, her father, the chairman of ansteer group, has given her some funds to invest in some new areas. Some areas that ansteer group didn"t involve before, if the investment is successful, That is to bring new growth points to the Anzhi group, and if the investment fails, it can also be regarded as the exercise of the company.

Tourism is a field that an"s group has never been involved in. This time, an Xiaobei and Shi Pengfei also set their sights on Qingfeng mountain. They think that if Qingfeng mountain is so hot recently and can be invested successfully, it will certainly make money. Compared with other investors, they also have advantages. As a foreign capital, it will always be popular.

After anxiaobei and Shi Pengfei came to Muyang county this time, they were warmly received by the local government of Muyang county. Because there is no good hotel in Muyang County, even Dongsheng hotel is very common, but anxiaobei felt uncomfortable living in it, so Muyang County specially found a small villa for them to live in temporarily, so anxiaobei and Shi Pengfei took it with them Two bodyguards stayed in the villa.

This evening, when they returned to the villa after dinner, they suddenly found that there were four people waiting for them in the villa, three men and one woman, and none of them were Chinese. The most important thing is that all four of them held guns and pointed at four of them respectively.

"What are you going to do?" Ann Xiaobei was quite calm, and asked the four people in English, "do you want money? I can give it to you. Please don"t hurt us. "

Anxiaobei thinks that these people are coming for her. She is the daughter of Ansteel group. She is a Singaporean, and these people are not Chinese. It seems that they are from Europe and the United States. In her mind, these people may be sent by a company that competes with their Ansteel group or is hostile to them.

"Miss ANN, we are not interested in you. We will take your fiance away. If you cooperate, I can promise not to hurt you." Said the only woman in the four.

"What?" An Xiaobei was shocked. "You, you want to kidnap Pengfei?"

"Congratulations, Miss Ann. You"re right." Another man opened his mouth and said to the woman, "Cailin, tie them all up!"

The woman put away her gun and immediately began to take action. She first tied up a bodyguard. There were several guns nearby. The bodyguard didn"t dare to resist. But when the woman started to tie up the second bodyguard, the bodyguard, who seemed to be scared to lie on the ground and dare not move, suddenly started to fight back quickly!

He hit the back of the woman"s head with a surprise punch. The woman fell to the ground without making any sound. What surprised the other three foreign men was that the bodyguard also took a gun with him. At the same time when he knocked down the foreign woman, he pulled out the gun, banged, and several bullets shot out quickly.

"Er!" Two of them were caught off guard. One was shot in the chest and fell on his back, while the other was shot in the leg. He could not help but kneel on one knee and groan painfully.

At last, the man was the farthest away from the bodyguard and the fastest to respond. At the moment of the gunshot, he turned sideways and dodged. At the same time, he began to fight back: "bang......"

For a while, the gunfire kept going, and the bullets in the living room were flying. Ann Xiaobei was pale with fright, but she reacted very quickly. She took Shi Pengfei and hid behind the sofa, but she didn"t get hurt by the pool. As for the other timid bodyguard, he was. .h.i.t by a stray bullet. As for whether he died or not, no one would have the time to see it now.

ā€œf.u.c.kļ¼ā€ The guy with the gun in his leg scolded angrily. He knelt down on one knee and fired at the bodyguard with his automatic rifle. This guy was the only one with a rifle. He was injured, angry and lost his mind.

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