Chapter 981

This kind of dreamlike feeling makes Zhao Yuji seem to forget all things at once. At this moment, she also seems to regard herself as being in a dream. She simply closed her eyes and stopped looking at the surrounding scenes. But in her mind, she can imagine the dreamlike picture. She and a man embrace and kiss each other in the fairyland, leaving indelible memories.

Zhao Yuji doesn"t struggle any more. She seems to unconsciously embrace summer, and at the same time begins to respond. Although she is clumsy, she is very attentive. At this moment, she just wants to focus on enjoying her dreamlike first kiss.

This kiss is very long. Zhao Yuji doesn"t know how long she has kissed. She seems to have been immersed in the dreamlike feeling. Until a strange feeling comes from her chest, she suddenly wakes up. Then she finds that a hot palm has occupied the high ground of her body. She is touching her tenderly. The strange feeling spreads all over her Body.

Zhao Yuji suddenly woke up completely, and then pushed away the summer. At this time, she also found that her legs had already landed on the ground. Looking around again, she found that she was under the cliff, surrounded by steep cliffs, which were too high to see the top. In the middle of the sky, she was covered by a mist. Even on a sunny day, she might not be able to see the sky.

At this time, Zhao Yuji began to believe that he didn"t cheat her before summer, and he really jumped down. No matter how high the cliff is, he would not die if he jumped down, because he took her to jump down and offended her in the air. In this case, they could all land safely, and there would be no problem if they jumped down alone.

"Goblin wife, do you want to go up?" This is the time of summer.

Zhao Yuji glared at summer fiercely, but didn"t speak. She just walked to the other direction. Now she is a little annoyed, not annoyed by summer, but annoyed herself. She was absolutely bewildered just now. Otherwise, how could she come out with him in the air?

What makes Zhao Yuji more difficult to accept is that the dreamlike feeling just now is actually the most wonderful experience of her life. She can almost be sure that no matter what happens in the future, even if she kills summer, she can"t forget the experience at that moment. The dreamlike memory will stay in her heart forever.

"Goblin wife, why are you still unhappy?" Summer chased over, a little depressed look, "but you just quite happy!"

"No more about what happened!" Zhao Yuji suddenly turned her head and glared at summer. This d.a.m.ned hooligan even touched her place when she just lost her temper. What a pity!

"Well, if you don"t say it, don"t say it." Summer a little innocent, and then proposed already, "goblin wife, you don"t like swimming? There is a pool over there. Would you like to go swimming? "

"Water pool?" Zhao Yuji was immediately moved, "where is it?"

Zhao Yuji has an incomprehensible love for swimming. No matter where she used to be, she would swim in the swimming pool for a while every day. But from yesterday to now, she has never enjoyed the feeling of immersing her skin in the water. Now listening to the summer saying that there is a swimming pool here, she will naturally be moved.

"In the front." In the summer, I grabbed Zhao Yuji"s hand and ran for several hundred meters. Then, a pool about the size of the small swimming pool outside appeared in Zhao Yuji"s sight.

The water was clear and steaming. For a while, Zhao Yuji had an impulse to jump directly.

Although there was a strong impulse in her heart, Zhao Yuji held back. She just said to herself, "there is a hot spring here?"

"Goblin wife, this is not a hot spring!" Summer said: "the water in this pool is just the same temperature all the time. It"s always a dozen degrees, so it"s cool in summer and warm in winter. It"s warm in winter and cool in summer, but it hasn"t changed in fact."

"That"s it!" Zhao Yuji nodded, then looked at summer in surprise, "how do you know it"s warm in winter and cool in summer? Have you been here before? "

"Goblin wife, I told you that I know everything!" Summer said with a smile.

"Don"t say it!" Zhao Yuji didn"t say that she didn"t believe in summer. Did he know everything?

Now, Zhao Yuji is more and more suspicious. In summer, she is familiar with Qingfeng mountain, not the general one. This place is just like his home!

"Goblin wife, don"t you want to swim?" Summer asked again.

"I don"t have a swimsuit!" Zhao Yuji said angrily.

"Goblin"s wife, actually I heard that naked swimming is the most comfortable thing. Why do you have to wear a swimsuit? No one"s seen it here anyway. " Summer said with a smile.

"Aren"t you human?" Zhao Yuji asked.

"I"m your husband. It doesn"t matter if I see it!" Summer is a matter of course.

Zhao Yuji glared at summer, but did not retort, because she was a little worried about the rogue will hit her a.s.s again.

After standing by the water pool for a while, Zhao Yuji finally couldn"t help but want to jump. She took off her windbreaker and wanted to jump directly, but was caught by summer.

"Goblin wife, you can"t go down in clothes." Summer very seriously said: "it"s getting dark, tonight will snow, it will be very cold, if your clothes are wet, it will not be so easy to dry, then you will be sick."

"How do you know it"s going to snow tonight?" Zhao Yuji asked.

"I know everything!" Summer comes again.

Zhao Yuji immediately wants to strangle summer. Can"t the hooligan have another reason? If he said he would watch the weather, she would think it reasonable.

However, Zhao Yuji also knows that whether it will snow tonight or not, it"s really not a good choice to wet clothes, because she has no clothes to change, but to dry the clothes, let alone whether it can be done. She doesn"t even know whether it can make a fire in this place, because she doesn"t have a lighter on her. As for the old ways of making a fire, can we get together here No one can guarantee it.

"I"m going to undress. Turn around and don"t look!" Thinking about it, Zhao Yuji said to summer.

"Goblin wife, why can"t you watch it?" Summer a very confused look, "I am your husband!"

"Don"t look, don"t look. If you don"t turn your head, don"t pull me. I"ll jump like this!" Zhao Yuji said angrily.

"Well then." There was no way in summer, so I had to turn around.

When she saw that summer had really turned around, Zhao Yuji took off her clothes at a fast speed, and then quickly jumped into the pool. The warm pool water moistened her delicate skin, making her feel more comfortable. The previous unhappiness seemed to be swept away at once.

Just after swimming for a while, Zhao Yuji felt something was wrong, because she felt a pair of burning eyes looking at her!

Zhao Yuji turned around, and then saw that summer was sitting by the pool, staring at her without blinking.

"Hey, don"t look!" Zhao Yuji is immediately ashamed and annoyed. The water in the pool is very clear. He looks at her like this, and he will see everything on her!

"Goblin"s wife, you just said that you are not allowed to watch me undress, and you are not allowed to watch me swim!" Sitting by the pool in summer, I said innocently.

"Don"t even look!" Zhao Yuji was a little annoyed. "Go away or turn around!"

"It"s so mean." Summer muttered a sentence, why the wives in the capital are more stingy, so are Meier"s wives.

"h.e.l.lo, are you still here?" Zhao Yuji is in that shameful urge way.

"Well, I"ll go." Summer is a little unhappy, stood up, turned around and walked away.

Zhao Yuji was relieved when summer suddenly came back.

"Why are you back?" Zhao Yuji is in a hurry again.

Summer did not speak, just bent down, Zhao Yuji put on the ground clothes are picked up, and then walked away.

"h.e.l.lo, where do you take my clothes?" Zhao Yuji was stunned first, then more anxious. The rogue took away her clothes. What would she wear?

"Don"t tell you, I"ll hide your clothes." Summer replied solemnly.

"What?" Zhao Yuji stayed, then angrily came, "are you sick?"

"Goblin wife, I"m not sick. If you want clothes, you have to call my husband." Summer very seriously said: "you call me husband, I will give you a dress."

"You!" Zhao Yuji wants to drown herself very much. How could she meet such a top rogue!

"Goblin wife, I"m waiting for you over there. If you want clothes, I"ll shout to my husband. I"ll hear you." Having said this in summer, I have run hundreds of meters away from Zhao Yuji.

Zhao Yuji wanted to strangle summer, but she didn"t have the ability. She decided to ignore him for the time being and continue playing in the water.

Zhao Yuji played in the water for about an hour, and finally didn"t want to continue playing. Then she shouted, "Hey, take my clothes!"

Just, but no response, summer did not pay attention to her.

"Is the hooligan gone?" Zhao Yuji was a little worried for a moment. She swam to the water pool and looked at it. But she found that she was sitting hundreds of meters away in summer and even looked this way.

"h.e.l.lo, let me have your clothes. What are you doing?" Zhao Yuji cried to the summer.

Summer at this time finally said: "shout a husband, there is a dress."

"Well, can you only pursue women in this despicable way?" Zhao Yuji asked angrily.

"The goblin wife, how can this means be despicable?" Summer a very puzzled look, "cowherd is so the Weaver Girl s.n.a.t.c.hed when the wife!"

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