Woe Bogotir

_Kabak_, a drinking saloon.

The _ruble_ is the princ.i.p.al coin of Russia, as the dollar is in the United States. It is equal to 100 copecks, and at this time (1903) is worth only about 50 cents.

_Honey to drink_, i.e., fermented honey, or mead.

Baba Yaga

_Baba_, a peasant woman, or grandmother; granny.

_Yaga_, witch. _Baba Yaga_, therefore, is the familiar "Grandmother Witch."

_Izba_, a hut. _Izboushka_, a tiny hut.

Father Frost

_Schouba_, a large fur-lined cloak.

_Sarafan_, the Russian national costume for women.



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