Read novel on CREAM FILLING

Melt 2 tablespoons b.u.t.ter, add 4 tablespoons cornstarch, and when mixed add Grated rind 1 orange 1 cup orange juice and 1 cup sugar. Bring to boiling point, stirring all the time. Cook 15 minutes over boiling water.

Add 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice. Cool and fold in 1 cup cream beaten stiff.


Put 1 cup sugar and 1/4 cup water in a small saucepan. Stir until sugar is dissolved and boiling point is reached. Do not stir after it boils. Wash down sides of saucepan with pastry brush dipped in cold water to prevent formation of crystals. Cook until syrup spins a 4 inch thread when dropped from spoon held at least 8 inches above pan. Pour slowly onto 2 egg yolks beaten until thick and lemon colored, beating constantly with egg beater until mixture will hold its shape, then add Few gratings orange rind and 1/2 tablespoon orange juice and spread on cake

2 egg whites may be used instead of egg yolks if preferred.


Add to 6 cups cold boiled or percolated coffee 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup cream and Sugar to taste. Serve in tall with Cracked ice.

[Ill.u.s.tration: ICED COFFEE]


Tomato Consomme with Pearls Cream m.u.f.fins Club Sandwich with Sweetbreads Pickled Ripe Cuc.u.mber Rings Apricots with Cream and Nut Brittle Ginger Puffs Spiced Tea


Pickled ripe cuc.u.mber rings prepared in the fall or purchased in bottles, or other sweet pickle or olives Consomme ready to reheat Sweetbreads cooked, cuc.u.mber sliced into ice water, and lettuce washed Dry ingredients for cream m.u.f.fins mixed Apricots cooked in syrup and nut brittle made Ginger puffs made and frosted If tea is to be served iced, it may be prepared


1 pair sweetbreads 1/2 pound bacon 1/2 pint cream 1 pint milk 1/2 pound b.u.t.ter 6 eggs 1 head lettuce 1 cuc.u.mber 3 ounces nut meats 1 quart can tomatoes 1 pint chicken stock or 2 chicken bouillon cubes 1 can apricots 1 loaf bread Pickles or olives 1/2 cup pearl tapioca 1/2 pint mayonnaise dressing 1 cream cheese 1/2 pound confectioners" sugar 1 ounce tea 2 lemons


Soak 1/2 cup pearl tapioca over night in 1 quart cold water. Cook in same water until tender and clear.

Drain liquor from 1 quart can tomatoes, add 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon paprika 1 pint chicken stock or 2 chicken bouillon cubes dissolved in 1 pint water. Wash 2 eggs, slightly beat the whites and add whites and to the soup.

Stir until soup boils, boil 2 minutes, remove from heat and let stand 20 minutes. Strain through double cheesecloth, add tapioca drained from water and rinsed. Reheat and serve in bouillon cups. A bit of Red coloring may be added to intensify the color.

CREAM m.u.f.fINS

Sift together 2 cups pastry flour 1 tablespoon baking powder 2 teaspoons sugar and 1/2 teaspoon salt. With fingers rub in 1/4 cup b.u.t.ter or margarine, add 2 eggs well beaten and 7/8 cup thin cream. Mix thoroughly, pour into greased m.u.f.fin pans or small fancy shaped tins and bake 12 minutes at 400 degrees F., and 5 minutes at 450 degrees F. Makes 16 small m.u.f.fins.


When brought from market soak 1 pair sweetbreads 1 hour in Water with 1 tablespoon vinegar. Parboil 20 minutes in 1 cup milk. Cool in cold water, drain and cut in slices. On serving plate for each person place 1 slice toast spread to the edges with b.u.t.ter worked until creamy. Cut in two diagonally and cover with 1 or 2 washed and dried Lettuce leaves, and with Mayonnaise dressing. On lettuce place a layer of Sweetbread slices, cover with Slices of cuc.u.mber which have been dipped in Mayonnaise dressing and with 2 slices bacon free from rind, cooked until crisp.

Cover with 1 slice b.u.t.tered toast, cut in two diagonally. Place a Small lettuce leaf on the toast and fill with Mayonnaise dressing. Sprinkle with Paprika. Place on side of plate Sweet pickled cuc.u.mber rings or Olives, plain or stuffed.

[Ill.u.s.tration: CLUB SANDWICH]


Pare rind from 2 quarts ripe cuc.u.mbers, cut in slices crosswise, and then stamp out centers, making rings. Cover with Cold water, add 1 teaspoon soda and let stand over night. Next morning drain, cover with cold water in which 2 tablespoons alum have been dissolved and boil 10 minutes. Strain, cover again with cold water, add 1 tablespoon ginger, boil 15 minutes. Drain, measure water and discard.

Measure as much vinegar as there was water and to each quart vinegar add 3 pounds granulated sugar 1/4 cup whole cloves and 1/4 cup stick cinnamon. Add fruit and boil until clear.

Watermelon rind, cut in strips, may be used instead of cuc.u.mber.


Drain 1 can apricots, cook syrup 10 minutes, add fruit and cook 3 to 5 minutes, or until tender. Cool and pour into serving dish. Sprinkle with one-half the nut brittle. Beat 1/2 cup cream until stiff, add slowly 1/4 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon vanilla Few grains salt and half remaining brittle. Pile cream on the apricots, sprinkle with remaining brittle and serve as cold as possible. Other canned fruit or orange sections may be used instead of apricots.


Put 1/2 cup sugar and 1/2 cup water in saucepan and boil quickly until syrup is a golden brown. Remove from fire, add 2/3 cup chopped nut meats and turn into lightly greased pan. Cool and pound until broken into very small pieces.


Beat 1 egg until light, add 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup and 1/4 cup shortening melted in 1/2 cup warm water. Add 2 cups pastry flour sifted with 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon ginger 1 teaspoon soda and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Combine mixtures and bake in small greased tins for 12 to 15 minutes at 400 degrees F. Frost if desired with Cheese Frosting.


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