Forbidden Fruit

Chapter 9

Guess their surprise and fright as I gave George a rousing slap on his a.r.s.e. "You didn"t know I was watching your game, my dears; what fun you were having, but where do I come in?"

George was out and too confused to put away his tool, which was now shrinking to its normal state, slightly hanging in a sort of semi-stiffness all dripping with spend whilst Patty still lay with her legs wide apart, showing her charms, with the roselike lips of her cunny all red and quivering from the recent excitement, whilst two or three thick drops of pearly spend were slowly dripping down towards the parting of her beautiful thighs.

"I"ve an idea how I can join in with you, she"s not had half enough yet. George take her place on the stool and lay on your back, I want to see Patty ride on that fine p.r.i.c.k of yours, and will tickle your b.a.l.l.s and her c.u.n.t as I watch the game from behind. Now, my girl, mount upon him and open your legs well, the very idea has made him ready again."

"Oh, Mr. Percy, to think you should catch us doing such a wicked thing; we will do just what you order if you never tell. It was all George"s fault. He would have me, indeed it was," she sobbed, two or three great big tears rolling down her flushed and shamed face.

"Don"t tell fibs, Miss Patty, I saw it all from the beginning, and shall now punish you for forwardness and pert little saying, which only made him worse than he would have been. You know what he said was quite true, you are as bad as the animal there, which knows no better, whilst you could have run away and saved yourself if you had wished."

Whilst saying this to her, my hand had been holding George"s throbbing tool as it stiffened up more and more every instant, then placing its head well within her grotto, lubricated as it was by her previous f.u.c.king bout, she settled herself down on John Thomas till he was all taken in, and with a deep-drawn sigh of pleasure, she threw herself forward to kiss him with all her ardour, thus exposing to my view a splendid sight of her bottom, p.u.s.s.y holding p.r.i.c.k up as tightly as she could nip it, and all else.

"Gee-up--gee-up, little mare, laying still will never do, I"ll make your a.r.s.e ride him properly," as s.n.a.t.c.hing up a band off a truss of straw which lay handy, I rope"sended her b.u.t.tocks to perfection. She screamed, but George was enjoying it and clasped his arms tightly round her waist. The straw was so knotted and scratchy, it was no child"s play for our victim. "Oh, oh, oh, for G.o.d"s sake leave off, Mr. Percy,"

she whimpered, but it only made me go on worse, making me feel so awfully randy, my member was like a bar of iron inside my trousers.

They were both spending again, but I kept them on the go, the hard, knotted rope of straw paid into both of them without mercy till I thought I had done enough.

"That"s for committing incest with your brother, you randy little mare.

How did you like it? That straw rope was just the thing; now I will look at the damage. Oh! I have rather scratched the skin a bit, and there"s lovely little drops of blood here and there, and so red all over; but my eye! how your c.u.n.t grips his p.r.i.c.k, which is as hard as ever. Go on, Patty, f.u.c.k it out of him, there"s nothing like riding St.

George to pump up the s.p.u.n.k," I said, as my fingers pushed up inside her v.a.g.i.n.a alongside his tool, then as she winced a little, I rubbed some of the mixed spendings into the orifice of her wrinkled, tight-looking a.r.s.e-hole, which, to judge by the way it spurred her on, increased the pleasure very perceptibly. My fingers, first one and then two, working into the nether aperture, enabled me to readily feel George"s p.r.i.c.k inside her c.u.n.t. This so inflamed my own pa.s.sions, that unable to longer restrain myself, I brought the tip of my own member to the spot, and subst.i.tuting it for the fingers, as my other hand lubricated the head with saliva, it went in about an inch, then clasping her firmly by the b.u.t.tocks, I rammed in with all my strength.

This sudden and unexpected attack, made her struggle to get away. "Oh, George, George, do let go, he"s shoving his c.o.c.k up my a.r.s.e. I can"t stand that! I must----."

"Hold tight George, never mind her, I"ve got her fine, it"s awfully nice, and if you always have her this way, no harm can be done."

Just at that moment I shot a flood of spend right up her vitals, but my priapism was so intense the stiffness never relaxed, and both of us, George and self, revelled in all the lubricity of our young natures, whilst Patty went nearly mad, as she squirmed, squealed, and bit him in the excess of her emotions, being carried quite out of herself. This went on till we all three e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed and mixed the very essence of our natures, which left us to lay in an exhausted heap, one top of the other on the stool.

We all had a wash in a stable bucket of fresh water, and it amused me to see George use the big stable sponge to lave and cool Patty"s excited parts. She was in a nervously lost kind of state, sobbing and whimpering: "Oh! oh! oh! You have quite done for me--my poor, poor bottom is so hot and so stretched--I shall never be right again. Oh!

oh! oh! Kiss me, Mr. Percy. Kiss me, George. It was awfully grand--if I"m none the worse for it," as she felt herself getting better.

At length we thought she was well enough, so let her leave, taking a final embrace as she felt and squeezed our tools, saying: "You are two devils to serve a poor girl like that, I will never come near the stable again."

"Yes you will, Patty, next Sunday soon after breakfast, whilst most of them are gone to Church, and if I don"t find you both here you will be served out for it."

This last experience of two males with a female quite tickled my fancy, so much so, that I resolved to ask Aunt Gert if she had ever had such a spree, and happening upon her in the garden a few hours later, I asked her to sit down and talk to me.

"Why of course I will, Perce, as you are such a nice boy, and take so little notice of your Auntie lately; Mamma and Mary seem to have the monopoly of your darling c.o.c.kie, but you do thrive on it, my dear. Let me kiss you for once now I have the chance," throwing her arms round my neck and thrusting her tongue into my mouth as our lips met. We were near a handy bowery alcove at the end of a walk, in the most retired part of the garden, so that we could easily hear anyone approaching, and it was so closed in all round by a thick thorn fence, with a wall behind, that no one could creep close enough to spy upon persons there.

Drawing me upon her lap, one hand found its way inside my pants and brought forth M. Pego, who stood at attention the moment his services seemed likely to be required.

"Look, Perce, how imprudent he is to stand like that in my face, what a darling p.r.i.c.k! Oh, you dear boy, you must be bursting for it and I didn"t know. Have they neglected you, or is your Mamma afraid of doing too much?"

"Yes, Gertie, you love, they won"t give me a chance, the key is turned in the lock every night so I can"t enter her room except when she thinks proper. Let me have it quick!" as to keep up the deception I slipped off her lap, and trussing up her skirts, got between her lovely thighs and had my fingers in that luscious, golden-haired quim of hers.

The touch was electric; she guided my rampant member into the haven of bliss, and being both of us just mad for a f.u.c.k, a very few strokes drew the juice of love in profusion, and she lay palpitating beneath me on the seat, her glorious c.u.n.t nipping and squeezing my p.r.i.c.k most deliciously, as it retained its stiffness within her.

Another round followed, which we enjoyed more leisurely, and when I withdrew my limp tool she took it in her mouth, sucking it clean, then permitting me to do the same for her, said with a laugh: "That saves soiling one"s handkerchief, besides it is so nice to know we love one another like that. You dear Perce, no more now, or you will feel too exhausted; what shall we talk about?"

"Auntie, it is a funny thing, but last night I had a dream and saw you and Thompson, the groom (George), meet a gentleman on horseback: such a handsome fellow--and you all went into a wood, tied up the three horses, and laid on the gra.s.s; you kissed the gentleman, and taking out his c.o.c.k, said what a splendid affair it was, calling Thompson"s attention to it; but the gentleman, who you called Charlie, laughingly declared he was sure Thompson had a grander one, whispering something in your ear, at which you blushed crimson, but exclaimed: "I"ll bet you, and pay forfeit if I lose.""

"Done, but what shall be the stakes, if Thompson"s is not the biggest, I will submit to a dozen good strokes from a birch switch cut from those bushes over there; but if I win you will have to take the dozen strokes on your own pretty b.u.m. Is that agreed?"

Thompson was blushing to the roots of his hair: "Oh, don"t make me the subject of the bet; you shan"t look at mine."

"Oh, won"t we, my boy?" Charlie said, suddenly seizing the groom by the leg, and bringing him down on the gra.s.s: "Now, help me, Gertie, we will soon look for ourselves."

Thompson did not resist very desperately, so as Charlie kept him down, my aunt Gertie"s nimble fingers soon unfastened the fly of his trousers and fished out his tool, which was in a spending state, having emitted its thick creamy sperm all over his belly.

"Oh, my, Charlie, but it is a grand one though, and you win. Oh, how funny handling such a fine stiff affair makes me feel; I quiver all over."

"Ride on it then, you little b.i.t.c.h, and see if my switch does not make you dance well on it; you shall bound up and down till you have sucked every drop out of him."

The groom was pa.s.sive in your hands, laying quiet enough, as Charlie made you straddle over him, and settle yourself down on his big upstanding p.r.i.c.k, till it was all out of sight in your c.u.n.t. "Now ride him well, Gertie, or you will be made to move yourself," and he stepped away to cut his switch, a couple of minutes only sufficing him to make a handy tickler of long thin sprigs of birch.

You had been slowly riding up and down, evidently enjoying the slow motions as you rose and fell on the groom"s splendid poker; your skirts were well tucked up over your hips so I could see the seething sperm oozing out at every down stroke you gave. Then Charlie came back and began lightly tickling your b.u.t.tocks with his birch twigs, presently giving one or two smart little cuts which made you wince. "Now, Thompson hold tight round her waist, and buck up well to her, never mind how she squeaks, it will make a fine game for you; see if you don"t enjoy it. You never had such a f.u.c.k before in your life, I"ll bet."

His twigs now cut finely into your b.u.m at each stroke, making long red marks, and a deep rosy tint all over each cheek of your b.u.t.tocks; Oh, it was a sight, as Charlie went on faster and harder, you winced, sighed: "Oh, oh, oh, don"t be cruel," and cried till the tears streamed down your face, but at length the spasm of pleasure seemed to make you oblivious to every other sensation as the groom appeared to meet you with a flood of his love juice, and you lay exhausted on the top of him, but only for a few moments, as Charlie was so madly randy he turned you over off the groom, and was into you himself, quicker than I can tell, whilst Thompson, quite pumped out, sat up and enjoyed the scene--just as I awoke to find it all a dream, and my own c.o.c.k pumping up the s.e.m.e.n all over my night shirt.

"How curious I should dream that, Auntie, don"t you think so; did you ever have two c.o.c.ks to play with at once like that? It must be a delicious idea."

"I believe Thompson has a grand p.r.i.c.k," I continued. "You must have noticed the fine bunch he shows in his trousers."

"I"ve noticed it, but Perce, how your brain must be full of such things to dream that," she replied, fencing my question.

"Yes, and I fancy you must have had a taster of it some time or other, as I know you always take your enema for a ride with you."

This rather startled her, her face crimsoning all over. "Oh, you wicked boy; you have f.u.c.ked little Patty, she only could have told you that."

"Well, Auntie, confidence for confidence is only fair; we are to have a fine spree with George, who you know is her brother, in the stable on Sunday morning, when all the others are gone to Church. Would you like to be in it? but don"t let Pat know, it will be a fine surprise when she sees you with me; and how would you like two p.r.i.c.ks in you at once--back and front?--it would be awfully grand, don"t you think, my darling Auntie?"

"What a boy you are, Perce, to go on like that, why you must think I am well up in every kind of lubricity; it has never been my experience, much as I should like to see it. No doubt you and George have served poor Pat in that way. At any rate, whatever she has learnt from you lately, I have noticed how sprightly she looks--girls are always like that when they have once tasted the forbidden fruit. Did you take her maidenhead?"

"Yes, and Mary"s too. Haven"t I been lucky, Auntie, and how I should have liked to have been the first into you. Oh, it must have been a treat to the fellow who had it. Do you know it makes me feel an old hand at the game now? I don"t mean to lose any chances, and will f.u.c.k every girl I come across, if I can only get over her."

"You are worse and worse every day, and how sly you have been. Anyhow I did get you first, and it was me who opened your eyes; to think of it makes me spend, does it affect my boy like that?" she asked, noticing the rampant state I was in. "Well just another, as we can"t help ourselves."

This was a rare rock-off, the seat being just a convenient height; so standing between her legs, I shoved into her lovely c.u.n.t, taking her beautiful legs under my arms, and we could manage to kiss and suck each other"s mouths at the same time, which made a delicious combination.

"Don"t hurry, make it last, my darling love of a boy."

Even gently f.u.c.king was too much for us, excited as we were. I could feel my crisis coming on, so to prolong my own pleasure (for I knew she could keep on spending and coming continually) I withdrew and, falling on my knees, sucked and tongued that delicious c.u.n.t of hers, almost devouring the c.l.i.toris, which I sucked as hard as I could, getting it all between my lips and tongue, which rolled round it. Then to add to her erotic agony, my fingers frigged the tight b.u.m-hole as the sperm from above trickled over it.

"Ah, oh, you darling love! I shall die if you work me up like that. Oh, shove your love of a p.r.i.c.k up where your fingers are, it will be splendid just now."

Stiffer than ever, I plunged in, but not too fast. However, the insertion was speedily effected, and the contractions of that tightfitting a.n.u.s delighted me beyond expression, so that, impossible to restrain myself, the boiling s.p.u.n.k shot right up to her bowels, as she screamed in the acme of her delight: "Oh, oh, ah-r-r-re! How divine! Lovely isn"t the word to describe such rapturous sensations.

Don"t withdraw, you dear, your p.r.i.c.k is stiffer than ever, as I feel it throbbing and swelling inside me. Go on, go on, for all you are worth, it is so well oiled you can"t hurt or stretch me too much;" and I found she had one of her hands frigging herself in front doing everything possible to increase our delirium. On we went, till I again pumped my very life up to her vitals, and lay over her quite exhausted whilst my champion seemed to swell still more inside its burning hot sheath, and when at length I withdrew, is was with quite an audible plop I like a tight cork being drawn.

We parted with mutual caresses, and she promised to join our Sunday party.

Meanwhile George and I added sundry things to make our meeting more comfortable, especially in the way of wine and biscuits, &c.

My plan was for my auntie Gert to surprise us in the midst of a salacious scene, so was early at the stable, and George communicated the fact that the little mare was just come on, and we agreed to turn her into the stallion"s stall to excite Patty, who arrived a few minutes after me--all blushes, especially when I joked her about looking so well, and that the last double spree had evidently done her a world of good to judge by the way her eyes sparkled.

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