Forbidden Love

Chapter 7 (Part 3)

Chapter 7 (Part 3)

Some people"s curiosity just get the best of them, if they do not get an answer, they will keep on thinking about it, which is why Bing’er is currently in an abandoned alley.

The quiet morning was unlike the bustling night. Heading towards Yi Hong’s back door, Bing’er thought about the scene she saw last night. Finally, taking advantage when Dong Fang Ling was busy with his meetings, she took the opportunity to sneak out. Because of his distrust, he had been following her non stop! He was even worse than her father, but although she complained, at the same time, she enjoy his company.

"What are you doing here, young lady Lou?" As she looked towards the back door, a clear voice was heard, accompanied by a tall stature who came to her side. It was the Jade Hunter.

Binger could not conceal her surprise, how did she come in contact with him again? Putting together with what occurred that night, was he tracking a case?

"Then why would you be here as well?"

The investigation of his… would it be the same one that she is concerning of? He did not answer, but only looked at her right arm and asked with concern: "How is your injury? I am sorry to have hurt you."

"It’s already fine." Her eyes twitched and she looked at him... this man’s att.i.tude towards her compared to yesterday was quite a difference! He was not this polite that night, and even more strange, he apologized to her.

"That"s good." He let out a signed and seemed to looked relieved, his actions caused Bing’er to take another look at him.

They no longer spoke, both seemed to be in their own thoughts. Looking at the building Bing’er said, "That night, when I snuck into Yi Hong to steal a life contact doc.u.ment, I found something strange unexpectedly." Binger looked at him, and did not want to miss his expression, if she is right, he will need her help.

Her words caught his attention, his eyes flashed of a certain thought, looking at her beautiful face.

"What did you find?"

Her crafty eyes watching his deadpan expression, and delicately replied: "In a small shed, I found were filled with about a dozen girls, and the windows and door were all locked and covered; if I had to guess, you are tracing this case, correct? "

His eyes pa.s.sed a touch of aeration, this woman is not only intelligent but also courageous, he now understand Dong Fang Ling would be attracted to her. "You’ve guessed right." He simply admitted.

"I am willing to inform you of the details, or I can help you personally, maybe." Her clear eyes flashed with antic.i.p.ation, if he agrees, then she can take advantage to make a request.

Jade Hunter looked at Bing’er and slowly revealed the information about this long lasted case: "About a month ago, when I was at the town of Baiyang, I’ve noticed many young females would go missing without a trace. Despite how hard the officials tried, they could not find any leads. So I suspected that it was the work of human traffickers. This has followed through five towns, each with the same situation, but when I investigated Luoyang, there was not any news of missing girls.

Originally, I was glad that the city of Luoyang City were not experiencing this problem, but I felt something was amiss. So I boldly a.s.sumed that the traffickers had placed all of the kidnapped girls here, in Luoyang City. And I was correct, after I searched all the brothels in Luoyang City, I found in Yi Hong’s courtyard, some of the missing girls. I suspect that this is not an ordinary human trafficking, but that there are some people who are working in the shadows. "

The more Bing’er listened, the more shocked she became. Her guess was correct after all! Those girls were all there against their will.

"I suppose you have a good idea of who the person pulling the strings is, just you do not have the evidence to support, am I right?" 

His handsome face at first showed shock, but a hearty laugh soon followed. He looked admiringly at her, and secretly praised her wits.

"Young miss Luo, you are indeed smart. Yes, I have already guessed who the person manipulating in the shadow is.”

"Who is it?"

"Luoyang City’s Magistrate, Liu Huanchang."

Bing’er was shocked at the startling news. How could it be the magistrate of Luoyang! Why would he break the law when he clearly should govern it?! "Why is it him? What reason would he do such a thing?"

"I secretly found out from my sources, that Yi Hong brothel is actually established by the magistrate, and the pimp is just a figurehead. The magistrate is past the age of fifty, but he has tens of concubine. He collects maidens from all over; some are for him to keep, while the rest, if not stationed at Yi Hong to serve others, then they are used to curry favor with the imperial court officials. His local reputation is fairly clean. He wants to maintain that reputation, so he does not mess with the women in Luoyang City, but there is, in fact, another crucial reason.”

"What is the other reason?"

"Because Luoyang City is home to the Dong Fang House, and the elders of Dong Fang House." 

Waving so that she would not interrupt, he continued: " Although two of the young masters are not home and the recent death of Dong Fang Lao Ye, one can not overlook their powerful backing! The emperor’s most favored Royal Concubine is Dong Fang Madam"s younger sister. As for the other Dong Fang House, you will understand in the future.”
(Sorry the last sentence was confusing: 而另一个东方府呢,你日后便会明白了)

Binger listening to this all, other than shock, she had no other reactions. The most surprising was that he actually trusted her enough to tell her all of this.

"What are you going to do now?" 

"That is where I am having trouble with. Even though I know all this, but there is not enough evidence to force him to plead guilty."

"I can help you." Binger looked firmly at him, her elegant face look serious

"What did you say?" He opened his eyes in amazement, wondering if he had heard it wrongly.

"I can go undercover for you. With both of us working together, I believe we will be have to solve this very soon."

"No." Jade Hunter unhesitantly replied. He eagerly refused, if one were to take a closer look, one can find his handsome face was a bit stained.

"Why not? I know martial arts, so I can protect myself, there will be no danger! Do not you want to solve the case as soon as possible?" Binger did not understand why he refused, such a rare occasion that a person would voluntarily help him, why would he refuse?

"No means no." He suddenly felt a headache, and gently wipe the cold sweat to his forehead. He turned around and intended to get as far away from her as soon as possible.

Binger stature flash, blocking his path, her face showed confusion at his difficult look.

"I am willing to help you solve the case, but it is because I have a request." 

He raised his eyebrow, his eyes looked at her face and indicated her to continue.

"I wanted to help you, so you can help me on something."

"What is it?"

"I want you to help me revoke the government order of the pursue of my father and I." She and father did not regret stealing those treasures, and thus was wanted by the official. On the contrary, they felt very entertained by the chase. However, her father was getting older, and no longer suitable for this type of lifestyle, so she came up with this exchange.

The Jade Hunter was bestowed by the emperor a gold medallion, which gave him the much power and authority. The revocation of orders for him, was only a small matter. This type of exchange conditions for him, did not put him in any disadvantage.

He stared at her for a while, seeing her unyielding eyes, he could not help, but sighed.

"Fine, but you have to listen to me and my arrangements. Do not act reckless, if something is wrong, first escape, then we’ll talk." What she said was correct, this case can not be delayed any longer, and if she were to work with him, this case will be much easier.

"Do not worry, I will do as you say." Her beautiful face displayed a blossoming smile. Finally, after this, she will immediately tell her father of this good news! Bing’er was so excited that she had forgotten Dong Fang Ling’s warning, and naturally forgotten her promise. 

Looking at her rare beauty, his heart had no doubt, Magistrate Liu will not let her go! As long as he is a man, they will not let go of this stunning woman. If something were to go wrong ... he could not help but feel a chill. His head suddenly felt more throbbing pain. Now he can only be careful whenever acting, he can not allow any mishap to occur. 

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