Forbidden Love

Chapter 9 (Part 1)

Chapter 9 (Part 1)

How long does he intend to stare at her? Blinking her eyes, Bing’er stole a glance at the handsome man in front of her. Seeing his cold, dark eyes, she quickly avoided them by closing her eyes.

After Dong Fang Ling brought her into his inner room (bedroom), he layed her slowly down onto his bed and sat next to her. His hands supported her face which was forced to face his way, he has not yet let go and has maintained this position for a quarter of an hour.

Looking at his livid face, she knew he was very upset.

She doesn’t mind if he continues to stay mad, but can he please help cover her torned attire? Looking down at herself, Bing’er could not help but blush.

Trying to hold back his anger, Dong Fang Ling took a deep breath, he did not want to scare her because he was so angry. When his mood settled down a bit, he took noticed of her beet red face and could not help but raise a brow. Following her line of sight, he saw her exposed, white, cream like skin. This caused him to swallow hard, but he did not avert his eyes.

"Dong Fang Ling, can you please give me a new dress, after I am dressed, you can punish me however you like..." Binger whispered, She could not look into his eyes, as his eyes shined with unrestrained desire. She was embarra.s.sed, and this made her blush even harder.

"Binger, do you remember what you promised me? You said if you were to put yourself in danger one more time, I can do however I like with you." After Dong Fang Ling’s words were said, he slid one of his hands to her exposed collarbone, causing Bing’er to slightly twitch.

"What do you want?" Her weak voice trembled as he moved downwards… he wouldn’t have...

"Marry me."

With his sudden proposal, Binger’s mind turned blank and she completely had forgotten his hand which was on her body. She was very happy and could not help but internally celebrate in joy, but it was soon suppressed.

"I can’t." Her clear eyes flashed with sadness. She admits that she loves him, but this extraordinary man in front of him can not be hers, as he was already engaged with another woman.


At her refusal, Dong Fang Ling could not help but become angry, his hands clasp her bare shoulders. Looking into her sad eyes... didn’t she love him too?

"Did you forget? You already have a fiancee..." Her clear eyes could not help but water up. She looked at him in grief, the reason why she can not marry him was not because she does not want to, but because she can not.

"She is not a problem, whether we find her or not, I will not marry her." Dong Fang Ling, let out a sigh of relief, so it was this reason. Not matter what he had to have her. From the start, seeing the beautiful her play in the lake, she had already caught his attention. Now that she had his whole heart, he would not let her go. 

Bringing his hands to her face, he gently smooth her furrowed brows. His Bing’er was always so carefree, and whenever she laughed, he couldn"t help but look at her.

"Things are not that simple." Lightly shaking her head, she knew how the Fang House placed much importance on this engagement, she also know that his fiancee’s family held a very high position, it was not good to offend them.

"I will solve this matter, you do not have to worry. Bing’er, didn’t you want to repay your family’s debt/grat.i.tude, then marry me… I only lack a wife, I do not need anything else." Not waiting for her reply, Binger’s lips were quickly sealed by his lips and his hands wandered onto her chest.

He was not a saint, looking at her half naked body, Dong Fang Ling’s body could not help but heat up. She was the person he loved and also the only wife he had approved of... He knew that she also loved him, so why hesitate now?


She struggled to talk, but her lips were soon, once again sealed by his hot lips, slowly she downed in his love. Piece by piece, their cloths were taken off. When she felt his strong bare body on hers, she knew that he would not turn back, and his actions were to prove his feelings for her.

"Dong Fang Ling..." She looked at his handsome face, can she really have him? 

Seeing the hesitation her eyes, Dong Fang Ling paused, he then raised his hands to hold her head. Closing in on her face, he whispered into her ears, "As long as I live, I, Dong Fang Ling will only have one wife, and this wife is you, Lou Bing’er." 

Right after saying this, Dong Fang Ling once again enjoy the sensation of her pink lips on his. He tightly embraced her and gace Bing’er no change to retreat. 

One moan followed the next, echoing the whole room.  Only at the break of dawn was when they finally stopped.


Outside the bedroom, a tall figure can be seen pacing back and forth in front of the entrance. When the door finally opened from the inside, did this man let out a strange smile.

"Brother, how is Binger’s condition?" Dong Fang Ao’s smile was very ambiguous. 

Looking at into his brother’s eyes which suddenly shone with a certain glint, Dong Fang Ao quickly hide his smile, made a small cough, and added: "I did not mean anything, but fourth came back, so that’s why I know something had happened last night. " Big brother’s possessiveness of Bing’er had upped to a much higher level after what had happen. It looks like Bing’er would not be able to escape him any longer.

"She"s okay, and you will soon have new a sister (in-law)." Dong Fang Ling’s casual remark to such an important announcement let Dong Fang Ao stunned.

"Big Brother… are you sure?"

Dong Fang Ao made a difficult face. It looks like they were to to break ties with Fāng house, he was just afraid that they would not let go. Dong Fang Ling nodded, he understood Dong Fang Ao’s worries. To marry Bing’er, he must first go and settle things out with the Fāng House.

Dong Fang Ao let out a sigh. He already had expected this to happen. He took out a letter and handed to Dong Fang Ling, “Brother, this is from fourth… you really actually dared to start a fight and you even wounded him.”

Big brother had always been most lenient to their youngest sibling, but this time, he actually dared hurt him. No wonder why fourth was so unhappy and dissatisfied. 

Dong Fang Ling’s eyes quickly swept through the content of the letter. In this letter, it had stated that Bing’er herself took the initiative to take part in the case and also the later events that had happened. With his emotions hidden and unreadable from this face, Dong Fang Ling lightly said: "He had crossed the line this time, and that was why I was more harsh on him this time. Dong Fang Ao, I now regret consenting when he asked to become the Jade Hunter. If he really does not return by the end of the time limit I had set him, you two will take responsibility. "

His dark cold eyes glanced at the pale face in front of him, with no further words, Dong Fang Ling turned around and walked back into his resting chamber. Only when the door was closed, did Dong Fang Ao let out a relieved sigh.

Wiping the cold sweat from his face, Dong Fang Ao bitterly smiled. During that time, it was he and third who had persuaded their elder brother to agree to fourth’s idea. That was only because fourth did not stop annoying them, so they could only helplessly do so. Now that third is no longer in the Dong Fang House, it would be him that will bare all the responsibilities.

​Edit: If you guys noticed, I kinda changed the Translations tab a bit. Don"t mind it, I like changing the setting a little bit so it easier for all of us. 

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