Forbidden Love

Chapter 9





Good afternoon! Here"s the last part of chapter 3, enjoy!
-Miss Q

Chapter Three (Part 3)

​"I heard that we have four masters, why have I only seen two?"

She has been in Dong Fang House for a few days already, it’s fair to ask why even though their eldest brother was in a accident, other than the second master, why hasn’t the other young masters come see him?

"Ah, yes I forgot you do not know. Yes, we have four masters, the other two fled to escape, hid to hide away, running away leaving second young master, who had no choice but to stay and a.s.sist first young master in managing Dong Fang Providence . "

Bing’er was confused, what’s fled to escape, hide the hide away, how could she not understand what she said.

Looking at her puzzled face, Xiao Qing did not wait for her question, and after she poured herself a cup of tea, she added: "This matter started with Fang Lao Ye, all four young masters have a fiancee, which were all chosen by the Old Master himself, if before the young master reaches the age of twenty-five, if the person (the fiancee) arrives with the  keepsake of the Dong Fang house, then they shall wed, as they have to abide by the agreement. But if they reach the age of twenty-five, the agreement of marriage will be annulled. That is the reason why the young masters have ran away, they want to escape the marriage. "

"You mean, they do not know who their fiancee is?" Binger staggered, this Dong Fang Lao Ye was ruthless. If it were her, she would also run away.

"Yes. Other than the first young master, the other three masters do not know, but in comparison, second young master is the most miserable! After the young masters’ found out that the old master"s died, the young masters hurried to pack up, to the two youngest masters, Dong Fang Ling did not seem to care, but when it came to second young master, if he dared to go, Dong Fang Ling would not ever let him come back. So now, second young master lives everyday in fear, fearing that one day, someone will holding a keepsake and to be forced to wed. "

"That is really tragic ah!"

After listening to Xiao Qing, Bing’er could only sympathize with the four brothers of Dong Fang House.

"I also agree, but you"ll soon be able to see third young master, as long as he found, he will be able to save young master"s eyes."

Everyone in the House is excited to see the arrival of third young master’s early return.

Binger finally understood why Fang Yi was so eagered; and why Dong Fang Ling acted so inpolite and did not give Miss Fang a few more years.

"Binger, there is no problem sleeping in the same room as young master right?"

Xiaoqing hesitated for a moment, and asked her long held in question. Sharing the same room, although they are master and servant, one can not help but feel a bit wrong.

Binger slightly stunned, but did not react, she looked at Xiao Qing’s silent yet questioning face, Bing’er understood what she was getting at, her crafty eyes shown, then suddenly she trembled her pink lips slightly, her pretty face teared up and looked quite pitiful .

"Young master he ......"

Her shoulders shook, she choked on her words, her hands covered her mouth, but in reality it was to desperately hold back her laughter.

"It can’t be, young master... he what? Quickly say it!"

Xiao Qing seeing her deeply wronged appearance, could not help become alarmed, her worried face urged.

"He, to me… … ...woo"

This time Bing’er simply laid onto the table, she spoke with a broken voice, combined with shaking shoulders, her weeping appearance, it made it hard to bare. Xiao Qing’s face paled, looking at the miserable Bing’er, she could not help think: did young master bully her?!

But the always rigorously calm young master, would we really do such a thing? But on the other hand, it is the first time young master had ever taken a personal maid servant, did he take a fancy to Bing’er, for him to do such a thing?
"Binger, you do not have to be so sad, we are but just servant girls, think positive, maybe ...... maybe young master really does like you, maybe."

Xiao Qing did not know how comfort her, her head was running around in circles, she could only say whatever popped out of her head, after all, this has never happened before in Dong Fang House, as the perpetrator was first young master, although it seemed a bit strange, looking at Bing-er’s reaction, it didn’t seem to be fake.

Finally, Binger couldn’t bear it anymore, suddenly bursted out laughing, her pretty face had no trace of sadness, her originally fake tears were now real tears from laughter.

"Ha! Xiaoqing, you are too gullible, you did not even believe your own master, hahaha!"

Bing’er had one hand on her stomach, the other wiped the tears in her eyes. Thanks to Xiao Qing, as it has been a long time since she was this happy.


Xiaoqing angrily pointed at her, but she did not know what to say, she had wasted her worries on her, hateful.

"You, you never expect me to make you any more desserts!"

Xiao Qing angrily picked up the food container and rushed out, seeing that, Bing’er stood to chase after her, if she can’t eat Xiao Qing’s cake, then she will die not being able to fulfill her cravings.

"Xiao Qing, I"m just joking around ......"

Just then two figures came out from hiding, they both looked at the rushing figures.

"Brother, this Bing’er maidservant is no ordinary maid." Dong Fan Ao conclusively said. They both had hid for a while and had heard everything the two maids had said.

From the conversation, he could pick up that she was a clever and intelligent person, although her her outward appearance was no different from the general maids, but she did not feel like a servant, from listening to the way she had spoke, he felt that she was unusual.

What is the purpose of her coming to Dong Fang House? He"ll have to check. "What is her appearance?" Dong Fang Ling randomly asked. Dong Fang Ao’s handsome face looked at him for a while, and replied: "Delicate and pretty."

"Is that right? Delicate and pretty?" Dong Fang Ling suddenly smiled, his laugh somewhat bizarre.

Dong Fang Ao was surprised, he tried to figure out why his brother was smiling like so. Could it be? Did elder brother had already knew she was not normal? Or did he already know who she was?

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