Forbidden Love

Chapter Five (Part 2)

Chapter Five (Part 2)

After Dong Fang Tang had left, the door opened once again; Bing’er entered and saw her master lying on his bed with his eyes closed.

“Young master, what did third young master say about your condition?"

Dong Fang Ling slowly opened his eyes and clearly saw her pretty anxious face. The next moment he closed his eyes again, until the pain had receded did he reopen his eyes.

"Rest a.s.sured, it is not permanent."

Her face was definitely not the face that he had saw at the lake that night, if not for her unique licence-like smell, after he tuning of her voice, he would not have recognized her.

Hearing his reply, Bing’er finally felt her shoulders had gotten lighter, she was happy that she did not cause any permanent damages as she would not be able to live a life without regret.

"Then is there anything third young master said to be careful of?" She could not help but asked, afraid of any negligence would affect his eyes recovery.

"Do not worry too much, just a few days of rest and it’ll be fine." Feeling pain in his eyes, he closed them once again.

Seeing so, Bing’er could not help but be a bit panicky and subconsciously held his hand and said. "Young master are you alright, anywhere uncomfortable?"

Her soft touch and her light incense suddenly floated to his mind… the next moment, as if he could not think clearly, his tightly grip onto her and her soft and fragrant body fell onto his body.

Binger exclamation, her eyes wide open, she felt his arm wrapping around her waist.

"Young master....."

Her crisp voice trembled, at her panicked state, she did not notice her voice changed back to her original, her eyes was in chaos as she stared into his black eyes.

"Calm down, I just want to know what my personal maidservants looks like."

With his words, his large hand felt her face, this face mask was really well made, it did not feel anyway out of place. His fingers stroked at her cheek, her eyes were the same as before; he then moved his fingers to her soft pink lips, occasionally feeling her tremble. His lips curved up, just as his arms moved off her waist, seeing her quickly jumping away from him, his smile deepened. She has too many holes (in her disguise), as long as she is met with a extra sensitive/careful person, her disguise can be easily seen through.

Bing’er held her hand over her chest trying to calm her fast beating heart, she looked suspiciously at the closed eyed man laying on the bed, when he had his hand on her face, she had saw light in his eyes. Third young master said that it would take a few days for him to see, but she could not help but doubt his words.

"You go out, do not wait here, I want to rest alone." Dong Fang Ling said, with his eyes still closed.

"Yes." Meimou thoughtfully looked at him for a long time, then turned to leave. 

As she shut the doors behind her, she did not move, confusion filled her eyes and slightly frowned. In the end, where is the problem? Yesterday, after finishing lunch, that person had said he was tired, but after her nap she discovered her master was gone and after looking for him for a while, she had finally found him, but he was with Dong Fang Ao. Because of the distance and the fear of being discover, she decided to avoid them, but an unsettling feeling could not leave her. In addition to what had happened just now...... maybe she will get an answer if she were to investigate a little.


During the silent night, when the moon was high in the sky.

Around Zi Shi (11pm-1am), the figure on the wooden bed got up and walked pa.s.sed the screen and in front of the other bed.

"Young master." A clear voice softly called. The person on the bed did not move, his breathing rate did not change, he was in deep sleep. Her dark, pretty eyes flickered, like air, she walked out silently.

She left the House, to the west outskirts, through the bamboo and towards the lake. Her eyes carefully scanned her surroundings, only did she start to take off her clothes, piece by piece, her dress slid down her legs and her pale body was reflected by the moonlight. She placed her clothing onto a rock and walked into the lake. As the cool water surrounded her body, her soft pink lips let out a satisfied sigh. It’s been so long since she was this delighted! After entering the Dong Fang Orient House, she she had not come to play in the water, but because it was so hot tonight, she could not help but slip out.

She took in a deep breath and then dived into the lake, she resurfaced a little later. Her waterfall-like long hair flung in the air and finally spread out onto the water, her pretty little face full of drops of water which were  gently wiped away with both hands. An unexpected touch of irritability surfaced onto her face; Dong Fang Ling’s eyes will get better soon meaning that she will also have to leave soon. Then what does this feeling of lost in her heart mean, could she be reluctant to leave him?

Thinking of such a thought, she could not help but laugh. Why was she thinking of such crazy things, Dong Fang Ling already has a fiancee and she was only there to make up for her mistake. After his eyes have recovered, she will take the initiative to tell him her true ident.i.ty and asked him whether there is any request, and upon the completion of the task of grat.i.tude, she will have to leave and they will no longer interact.

Suddenly depression swarmed her, so she lost her will to play decided to leave. She swam towards the sh.o.r.e and picked up her clothing from the rock and got dressed. When she had finished she started to head back, her mood was not as good as before coming to the lake. In less than an hour, she was in front of the Dong House and she then lightly made her way into the inner chamber. She carefully gazed across at the man lying on the bed, and was relieved that he was still asleep.

On the way back to her wooden bed, she caught a glimpse of a little dirt on his shoes at the corner of the bed, it suddenly startled her. Her body quickly turned to face his bed, her face stiff, time slowly drifted by, her eyes flickered with an indecipherable light.

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