Forbidden Love

Chapter Five (Part 3)





Happy Labor Day! Here"s the last part of chapter 5!
​                                                                               -Miss Q

Chapter Five (Part 3)

It was a bit pa.s.sed dawn the morning air was slightly cool.

Dong Fang House’s servants had already started their day"s work, the smoke from the kitchen fire was rising, as the head cook Zhao ordered, several servants were busy preparing breakfast for everyone in the Dong Province.

At the corner of the long table, Xiao Qing was carefully placing the food onto a wooden tray, the slightly plump Zhao looked at her and said loudly while cooking: "Xiao Qing girl, how come I have never seem first master’s personal maidservant?"

"Yeah! She must be very beautiful, otherwise how could young master make such an exception by making her his personal maid?" Everyone was busy adding their opinions, but they all had curious faces.

"Bing’er is not that beautiful, but when she laughs, her eyes sparkle ...... anyways, I can say no more, I want to quickly deliver young master’s meal." Xiao Qing thought hard, but did not know how to describe her, but it was true that when she smiled it was indeed very attractive. She was distracted as she was stilling thinking about the previous conversation, when she suddenly b.u.mped into a person. She was scared and took a step back, fortunately the trays did not fall, she was about to reprimand the person-

"Which dare devil would dare to just suddenly...... Bing’er?"

Xiaoqing looked surprised at the person who had suddenly appeared in front of her, she then noticed something was wrong and her brows wrinkled and looked at Bing-er’s preoccupied look.

"Bing’er?" Xiao Qing called again at seemingly distraught person in front of her.

"Uh..." Binger suddenly came back to herself, seeing that it was her, she smiled, her eyes surprised to see a look of worry on Xiao Qing’s face. "What is wrong? Why are you looking at me like that? I am here to pick up breakfast."

Her hands reached out to grab the wooden tray from her, but Xiao Qing shifted her body so she was not able to reach for it. "Bing’er why are you like this, did you not sleep last night? Why are you here to pick up breakfast? I am responsible for this task."

Xiao Qing had a look of concern, Bing’er was acting strange today, the more she looked the more she worried, but she could not place her finger on it.

"You have guessed correctly, I did not sleep well last night, so I am not as spirited."

Bing’er moved and took the wooden tray from Xiao Qing’s hands, she laughed at her dazed friend and said: "You do not have to deliver this, I will do it, you can do something else. "
Xiaoqing then recovered, her face filled with surprise, just how did Bing’er take the tray away from her? One moment it was in her hands, but in a blink of an eye the tray was not. Shaking her puzzled head, she walked back into the kitchen.

As Bing’er carried the meal back to Purple Dawn Manor, her face gradually sunk. Last night she did not sleep, she began to put everything together which made things clear, her irritation from last night still had yet to fade.

Once at the Manor, she lightly opened the door, inside a deep yet questioning voice resounded: "Where have you been?"

Her clear eyes flashed with resentment, as she looked at the tall stature standing by the window, her lips slightly furrowed and lightly replied "I went to the kitchen to deliver breakfast."

While she answered, she walked towards and placed the wooden tray on the  mahogany round table. Dong Fang Ling turned and noticed her strange expression, his eyebrows burrowed and walked towards the table using his crutch.

Looking at his steady pace, she could not help but tightly clench her fist.

"Why is it not Xiao Qing delivering the food?"

Dong Fang Ling secretly glanced at her and sat down, he used his hands to feel out the locations of the dishes and then held his chopsticks and starting eating.

"I could not sleep, so decided to go get it myself." Bing’er started to eat and did not lift her head as she replied.

Dong Fang Ling stared at her for a long time, but did not question her, afterwards they did not speak the whole time while eating.

Looking at the person who was cleaning up after the meal, just what had happened to her? His eyes looked at her clearly frustrated expression, as if she held a grudge at the dishes, every once in awhile she would let out a grunt and violently move them. Suddenly his eyes widened, he saw Bing’er clutching her chest and then her delicate body falling down without warning.


Dong Fang Ling’s face showed panic, he rushed to her and lightly patted her cheeks to see if she was still conscious. Seeing that she was not waking up, he panicked more and ran into the chamber to place her on her bed, when suddenly a fist blew straight at him.

Dong Fang Ling barely avoided it, but before another punch could be striked he hit her acupuncture points.

"Dong Fang Ling, you let me go!"

How hateful! Just a little bit then she would have been able to hit him, she glared at him.

Dong Fang Ling’s eyes flashed with interest, he watched the still person on the bed who could only glare at him. If stares could kill then he would have already died.

"Binger, how did you find out?"

His long fingers frivolously stroked her soft lips, just as she was about to bit his fingers he pulled them away. Her childish behavior made it hard for him to hold back, he laughed loudly, the sound of his laughter filled the entire room.

He thought that he could keep this from her for a few more days, but he was curious as to how she found out.

"You lecher! Nasty scoundrel! If I had not noticed the wet soil on your boots last light, then I would not have believed that a blind man could follow me all the way to the lake, and peeked! "

Bing’er was so furious that she could not finish her words, she had been badly fooled! Since when could he see again? He had suspected her ident.i.ty, was that why he followed her last night? All day yesterday it did not rain, if a person was to walk only in the House, then they feet would not have been soaked, the only possibility was that he had followed her to the lake area, where the soil is relatively wet soft.

She had suspected him earlier, and after last night"s affair, there was even more evidence, so she decided to test him, it was as she expected, she had been played for a fool.

"I see."

Eastern Ling rubbed his chin, his smile in deepened. Last night, because of her strange actions, he had decided to follow her, but he did not think she had went to the lake to swim naked, he had wanted to leave but was afraid for her safety so he stayed and patiently waited for her to finish playing in the water, and left right before she did.

"Since when were you able to see again?"


She couldn’t believe it. As if he had welcomed her stunned expression, his handsome faced shown gentleness and his large hand stroking her cheeks, thinking about her stunning face under her face mask.

"Really, thanks to your antidotes, although it did not completely rid of the poison, but it was half gone, so I could sometimes see the blurs."

Pleased to see her beautiful eyes wide open, he smirked, his hand did not leave her face and continue to caress her face.

"Since when did you start to suspect me?" Her crisp voice trembled, she didn’t expect for her first disguise to be discovered, she had felt a severe blow to her pride.

"Since the beginning, ever since I made you my personal maid servant, I had already noticed."

A frustrated scream resounded in the room.

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