Forbidden Love

Chapter Three (Part 1)


Hey guys, so I noticed that because of the large amounts of character that popped out last chapter, there is some confusion. So I"ll make a brief description about some of them below:

Fang Yi -> He is the young master of the Fang Household. He was suppose to be Dong Fang Ling"s brother-in-law, but because of disappearance of Dong Fang Ling"s fiance, Chu Chu, he"s not. (I know I said he was Fang Ling"s father-in-law before, that was a mistake, he"s his "brother-in-law". Sorry.)

Fang Chu Chu -> Aka Lady Fang from the Fang Household. I believe she is Fang Yi"s sister, it"s not clear in the novel. She"s been missing for 16 years. Dong Fang Ling"s Fiance.

Lian Fang Yi -> Aka Lady Lian from the Lian Household. Well known for her talents and beauty in the City. Likes Dong Fang Ling. Nothing else revealed "bout her.

Remember Dong Fang Ling is from the Dong Household. Their names are very similar, I know, it"s very confusing ahha.

​If there"s still something you"re confused about, just comment below, I"ll try to clear it up.

Chapter Three (Part 1)

A handsome face, eyes with double lids, when talking to people he always a touch of a sweet smile, with such an intelligent looks, it is hard not for girls to flaunt to him. The problem is, even if the maid was beautiful, the young master is now blind and can not see, so why does he favor her? And even named to her his personal maid! He who never liked to be disturbed, a lone wolf to say, he never liked anyone following him, why now change? Could his blindness have changed him? But why choose a new maidservants, and not Xiao Qing who has served him for years? Elder Jiang looked suspiciously from outside the room, looking into and at the maid, Bing’er.

"What? The young master wants you to be his personal maidservant?" Xiaoqing was shocked and stunned, she continued to look at Bing’er who was packing up.


Bing’er was depressed, but fortunately she did not have much luggage, it didn’t take long for it to be packed. She lifted her eye and was puzzled as to why Xiao Qing looked so surprised.

"Bing’er you should know, young master is very much a loner, if it were not necessary, then he would not let others wait by him. I have served young master for three years, other than to bring water (for face wash) every morning, to clean the room, and to deliver the three meals everyday, there are no other In other words, serving young master is the most idling. But now the young master asked you to be his personal maidservants, does it not seem unusual?" 

Because she served this young master, other maids were very envious of her, not only was it prestigious, but it was also very leisurely. But now when she heard Bing’er new a.s.signment, it was just simply incomprehensible.

"I don’t know why, I most likely am just unlucky."

Binger thought for a moment, but can only come up with that conclusion. It must be so, otherwise why would Dong Fang Ling suggest such a thing?

"Then you have to be careful when waiting, I will help you."

Xiao Qing looked at her sympathetically, after all they both will now serve young master, but fortunately she does not need to be like Bing’er and constantly follow him, thinking about it, Bing’er is very pitiful.

"Bing’er, have you finished yet? Hurry up, do not let young master wait too long."

Elder Jiang yelled outside, Bing’er hurriedly carried her bag, in the pitying eyes of  Xiao Qing, she walked out. After she came out of the room, she was faced with Elder Jiang’s judging eyes, she stood in front of him, confused.

"Hurry up." He waved at her.

Walking through the numerous curved corridors and pa.s.sed the rockery water, Elder Jiang’s mouth kept muttering, while tightly frowning. Binger who followed behind him, heard all this conflicting words, originally she was in a depressed mood,but now she felt a little bit better. This Elder Jiang was really interesting. She looked back at her previous room, compared to her, it seems to him was more distressed about the situation.

Suddenly the once walking Elder Jiang stopped and turned back to face her. "Bing’er, you tell me honestly, what did you do to let young master choose you as his personal maid?"

This maid did not seem capable of seducing young master, but he must make clear of it, or he will not be able to sleep at night.

" Elder Jiang, this, I am not really sure myself, if possible, Elder Jiang, please somehow can you young master to not let me become his personal maidservants."

Binger wrinkled her little face, why does everyone ask the same question, and his eyes looked skeptical, it seems as if it was like she seduced Dong Fang Ling. Heavens know, in fact, she is the most pathetic ah!

Elder Jiang looked at her for a while, made sure that she was not lying and finally let go of the matter.

"This matter was brought up by the young master himself, I have little right in this matter, serve him well, even at the slightest mishap, I will not forgive you."

This maid really was bold, she dared to defy the young master’s order, she did not know her status.

"Yes." she curved down her lips and continued walking.

After they neared the manor and once outside the room to the main bedroom, Elder Jiang knocked.

"Young master, I have brought Bing’er."

The room was silent for a moment, then Dong Fang Ling’s voice was heard: "Let her come in."

Elder Jiang opened the door, looked at Bing’er, then he turned away.

Binger looked at him in grimace, pink lips slightly down, she walked into the room, now she had to lived together with Dong Fang Ling. To think, her first time posing as a maid, to become like this, such bad luck ah! Next time, she will never play as a maidservant.

"Bring your luggage to the right wing, that is where you will temporarily stay, other than showering, do not leave me side, understand?"

Dong Fang Ling stood by the open window, his stature did not move and said say.

"Yes." Other than consenting, what else can she do? She rolled her eyes.

Dong Fang Ling let out a low inaudible sigh, thin lips slightly hook, used his crutches and turned towards her.

Binger wanted to approach and aid him, but looking at him she rest a.s.sured he was stable on his own, only carefully paid attention to his footsteps, looked at him on his own, as he securely sat down.

She couldn’t describe the feelings in her heart, but she was now willing to accompany him on his side to take care of everything until his eyes could see again, after all, this was all she owed him.

"Why are you standing, since it is just the two of us, you do not need to follow the guidelines of a servant right now, just sit down." Though he would not hear her voice, he could feel her constant staring.

"Young master means?" Her eyes flashed with intelligence, she must make sure what she just heard.

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