Forever Youth

Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Chapter 04 . Clear Sky

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Just as we were about to move to the next base, she suddenly stopped me . There was no helping it for I could only respect her wishes . Reluctantly, I slept on the side of the bed .

I woke up early the next morning and saw that no one was around . I knew Li Li had taken advantage of the time and left when I was sleeping . Thus, I arrived at school with a face full of fatigue and discomfort .

Unexpectedly, I heard rumors from my cla.s.smates that struck my heart . It had to do with Yuan Yuan, the girl I met in the teacher’s office . Apparently she’d been forced into a corner by a few unknown hoodlums last night while I was out and about with a woman in a hotel! Thinking about this, my heart began to ache .

I let Yuan Yuan down, causing her to receive such an injury .

I won’t allow any harm to come to her the next time!

Though we didn’t know each other for too long, she and I had gotten on familiar terms and had even thought of me as her own brother . And so, as her only brother, I just couldn’t sit back and allow harm to come to her!

She had a reputation and integrity to maintain but it had been tarnished by those hoodlums . I’m sure her mind and body suffered a huge blow and received the sort of pain she could not bear . T

That day, I asked a few familiar folks to inquire the whereabouts of the hoodlums who caused Yuan Yuan to suffer, but… they seemed to have disappeared without a trace .

Just like this, I brought along a portion of my guilt towards Yuan Yuan and unexpectedly came to a sort of place . In that place, I found a couple yellow-haired hoodlums who didn’t look easy to talk to . They were thugs, more or less, and because of Yuan Yuan, I was willing to try anything .

I called over one of the hoodlums and told him about Yuan Yuan .

“This is Big Brother’s doing . If you have the ability, then go and settle this matter in private with Big Brother,” he said .

I didn’t hold back and asked, “Where is your Big Brother?”

I just wanted to solve the problem quickly .

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They brought me over to their Big Brother who was not only strong and burly but also gave off the feeling of fiendish demon . I felt like was looking at Yamma . There was also the fact that I was just a one-man-team facing against so many people . I admit, I was afraid and nervous, but when I thought about Yuan Yuan, my heart was wrought with pain over and over again .

Gritting my teeth, I bravely went forward and asked, “Why did you forcefully take my beloved Yuan Yuan?”

“I didn’t know she was your woman,” Big Brother replied, “Why are you questioning me?”

At this moment, my heart was broken . I had used all my strength to strike at the fiendish man . I hadn’t expect his cronies to swarm in like a flock of bees . I couldn’t move a muscle and all I could hear was the sound of knocking on the door before I lost unconsciousness .

It was at that time that the head teacher learned of my motives and the place I had gone to so she immediately called the police . When the police arrived, the hooligans scattered and ran for their lives .

As the saying goes, if the tree falls, the monkey would scatter . That was indeed the case .

It also made me realize how extraordinary a woman’s courage and boldness was!

The head teacher brought the wounded me back to her house . Though her house was anything but grand, it gave off homely and elegant aura . Her taste wasn’t so bad . The head teacher was a naturally kind-hearted woman to the point that it felt like spring all year round . I’ll always remember the time she took care of me .

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She helped me to the bad, which was soft and felt comfortable . There was also some cute stuffed animals on the bed . So this was the kind of stuff she liked…

Slowly, she took off all my clothes as I didn’t have the ounce of strength to even tie up a chicken so I had to let her do it . Of course, she was also very careful and meticulous in changing my clothes . Thereafter, she went to the bathroom to get a basin of hot water to carefully wipe off the blood on my body .

After all was said and done, the head teacher was tired and laid down beside me and watched me sleep . That was the only way she could keep track of my condition .

But anyways, it didn’t matter if I slept or not because she had this tempting and seductive body . Do all women have that charm? Because each time, I would fight off my desire and remind myself not to do anything foolish, regardless if my blood was boiling or not, regardless if her beautiful curves was in front of me or not .

While I could no longer hold back my desires I began to touch her . Meanwhile, I heard the door open and the faint voice of a man calling the head teacher’s name . I later found out that the man was her boyfriend . When he opened the door to the bedroom, he froze for a few seconds at the sight he saw low and behold before rushing up to give me a trashing .

I groaned inwardly . Who told the head teacher to sleep next to me? At this point, the wounds that hadn’t fully healed yet began to open up .

But at this point, the teacher got angry and said, “He’s just a student of mine, there’s no need to turn this into a ruckus . ”

Her boyfriend grew ired at that statement and said, “You’re just a sh*tty b*tch! You’re not worthy of my love!” Then he slammed the door and left .

I felt sorry . She saved my life and in turn she lost her boyfriend . I never expected for this to happen! I hope I had not left a bad impression in her heart . But I’m sure I did . When I think of it all over again, everything was just full of regrets .

I was in low spirits and stayed at the head teacher’s house for one night after most of my wounds had healed up .

In school, I saw Yuan Yuan . She seemed bright and happy and had even gone ahead to greet me, but I wonder if that was merely a mask .

But at that time, I was quite indifferent towards everything that had just happened and the only thing on my mind was Sister Qing Qing .

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