Forlorn Madness

Chapter 2

A new novel here. The prologue has been posted yesterday and the synopsis was in another post. The MC this time is a male, unlike the other Sharramycats projects with female POV. It’s a mix of comedy, vampires, romance (?) and chaos. Lol. Have a nice read!

Hio’s POV 

I grew up in a strange way of living. All that I know is that our family is rich. My parents were gone. They said they had died in an accident. All that I have now with me are my grandpa and older brother.

We sleep at daytime and when night comes, we are most alive. I thought to myself then, we’re in the right place but our sense of time in the mansion is like that of those people who belong to the other side of the world.

They really hate the sunlight. All the windows were draped with heavy curtains. They said that our bloodline has a strange disease that makes our skin sensitive to sunlight.

I study but unlike the other kids who went to school during the day, I have a private teacher and we study all night till dawn.

Our family seems stupid, right?

When I was ten years old, I was brought into a grand feast. It was my first time leaving the mansion and riding the carriage. We went to an even bigger mansion.

It was also my first time to socialize with other people.

I’m so happy on the merriment that was happening since I’ve only read of this on books.

It was just strange that they were calling my older brother ‘Your highness, The Duke’ who was only eighteen years old. The people would always bow to him as a sign of respect before greeting him.

“Kuya*, are we n.o.bles? You’re bigtime* ah?”

My older brother just laughed and messed my hair. “This kid. Looks like you’re enjoying yourself.”

“Of course! After all, at last I got out of the mansion!”

“Do not stray too far from us, okay?”

I thought to myself. “Why, Kuya?”

“Nothing. I just have someone to introduce to you later.”

I became excited. “WHO, KUYA?”

He whispered. “A princess. My future bride–”


Oh wait, I’m gonna pee!

I moved away from my brother and went to the comfort room.


When I went out, there were two persons leaning on the wall just in front of the comfort room’s door.

A man and a woman. They’re looking at me and they were glaring.

The hairs on my body suddenly stood up.

More so when the woman came near me. She put her hand with long nails on my shoulder.

“–Are you starving Alfredo? This young boy looks good–”


A fan hit her hand.

“Insolent! You can not lay your fingers on this child”

Her voice was so gentle. I lifted my eyes.

I became dazed. She’s beautiful.

Her long hair and her white dress suits her.

The two morons looked like they have seen a ghost and they immediately bowed before the angel.

“Your Royal Highness, the Princess. Please forgive us!”

Princess?! Is she–

“–You should have followed your brother’s advice to not stray away from him.”

Ha?! How did she know about that if she had just arrived?

“Come and I shall return you back to the hall.”

She took my hand and we walked together.

I was floating in the air. She makes me feel different.

Like a favorite song, it is enthralling.

As we entered the hall, all eyes were on us.

My older brother approached us. He took her hand and kissed it.

“–Looks like you already met–”

“Div Umbra, you did not even watch over your younger brother. He was almost–”

“–You are mistaken my dear Medea. Penumbra is always guarding him ”

Weh? I don’t even understand what they’re saying. Who is Penumbra?

Their conversation was cut-off by the announcement of Princess Medea’s arrival. People came to her alternatively.

When the orchestra started playing again, she and my older brother danced.

I could clearly see their love for each other.

My older brother is really lucky. I wish when I grow up, I could find someone who’s like Medea.

After the first song, they approached me.

“Would you like to dance?” she asked.

My eyes became round. Sure sure sure!

It’s my chance to show-off what I have learned in order to become a gentleman. I offered my hand to her.

“Let us dance, my fair lady.”

I’m so greeaaaatttt!

I’m small compared to her. But it’s alright. I put my hands on her waist while hers are on my shoulder.

We joined the pleasing music.

“Your name is–”

“–DON’T SAY IT!” I stopped her. I could feel the reddening of my cheeks.

“Oh why? Your name is beautiful–” she laughed.

“Actually, I do not like my name. You should just call me Hio…That’s my nickname.”

“Hio…I’ll remember it.”

I stared at her the whole time while we were dancing.

“You’re pretty. If only you’re not my brother’s fiance, I would want to marry you someday.”

She giggled. “Oh, really?”

I nodded. She caressed my cheek then she slightly bend down and brought her mouth to my ears.

“–Swear that you are true to your words” she said.

“I swear!” I said quickly.

I couldn’t forget the night when I met her. As in, I dreamed of her instantly.

But we never saw each other again.

In a twilight night , my brother brought me into an orphanage.

“Hio, forgive me but you have to stay here in the orphanage.”

I was almost in tears.


“Our business went bankrupt and all of our belongings were already p.a.w.ned. But you’ll just temporarily live here. Grandpa and I will make a way then I’ll get you back. Promise.”

I clung to his leg. “Kuya, don’t leave me.”

No matter how loud I wailed, he still left me in the end.

The orphanage was run by the nuns. When an orphan turns eighteen, they’d be allowed to leave. They regained freedom, so to say if they are convicts.

At first, I had a hard time adjusting. I was always punished because I always stayed up late. I became sleepy every morning.

But it’s imba*. I experienced to live under the sunshine.

I always wait for my brother… if he ever came back for me…But seven years had already pa.s.sed, even his shadow did not even show up.

“Hio, what are you looking at the window?”

“Nothing, Mother Superior.”

I do not like Mother Superior. Not only because she makes me kneel while outstretching on salt, but because she’s surly and strict.

“Are you praying while you’re outstretched there?”


I’m already weary and my knees were wounded but she still won’t let me stop. It’s already late.

“Very well, you can go now. Remember your mistakes and don’t ever do it again.”

Oh thanks! Praise the Lord!

I came out limping from the punishment room.

What sin had I committed ? d.a.m.n it!

I’m already seventeen years old, only one year is leeeeeeft!

Punyemas*, I was actually punished because Rose and Joannie fought. They’re fighting over me. Eh they’re not even my type!


It feels good to curse in my mind! It was taught to me by a friend. Lulu.

She’s a street kid, sixteen years old. I learned all about the streets from her.

Speaking of Lulu– I sneaked inside the kitchen and s.n.a.t.c.hed some food. Then I secretly went on one side of the gate. The style was railings that’s why you can see the outside.

“–Lulu, are you there?!”

I peered into the gap between the metal bars.

“I’m here!”

I shoved all the food that I brought to her. “Oh here, eat.”

I also met her like this. She was filthy back then, begging for food.

“You’re well dressed today ah?” I asked critically. Her tight-fitting skirt is short. Her cleavage is showing, what else, she’s wearing a make-up—Wow she doesn’t look like a pauper, ah?

She suddenly became shy and stopped eating. “My mother is the one who dressed me up. She said, that I’ll be meeting a Kano.” (Note: Kano – could be a white man or American)


Why did I have a bad feeling?

“—Aren’t you…being pimped out by your mother?”

She didn’t answer.

A moment of silence.

“Hio…Can I ask a favor?”


She held both of my cheeks and forced a kiss on my lips.

“Ay, you, MTHER FCKER Lulu!”

I immediately broke away then wiped off my lips.

That’s my first kiss!


She just smiled and pulled out her tongue. “Bleeah! For good luck!”

“Fool!” I’m still hypertensive for what she did.

“Well, I’ll be off!”

Wait a minute Lulu!

I didn’t even manage to warn her to be safe…

The next day…I just heard that she died.

Her body was found in a motel, bathing in her own blood.

Not only that. That night, Joannie and Rose were also found bathing in their own blood.

I was traumatized. There might even be a serial killer hiding here in the orphanage!

In my fear, I decided to run away.


I’m so free that I became a vagrant. But I eventually found a job.

My first job. I’m a—

“You’re applying for a construction worker here, boy. Not a modeling agency! Why are you wasting your good looks?” A foreman said to me when I was applying.

“Very well, you’ll begin today. For now, just carry things around. You’re not even a mason.”

“Yes boss!”

When the foreman turned his back on me, someone patted me. “Hey bro, why ar’ you frowning when ‘purman talked to you?” asked Coffee to me.

We’re Kosa*. I met him on the street while he’s picking up trashes to trade on a junk shop. We clicked immediately since we’re both orphans. He even let me settle in his house. Since then, we’ve always been together in all the foolishness, foolery and even here at work.

Coffee is a BISAKOL. Bisayang Bikolano*. We’re both equally handsome but he’s awesome in English. He could make you laugh all night.

“Why wouldn’t I, his body odor is blasting me! F*ck. His nostrils is so big yet he can’t even smell himself!” I’m being a critic again. Why am I like this again? Maybe all the compliment saying that ‘ you’re handsome‘ rushed up to my head. That’s why my basis of being handsome is myself. Well it’s their fault.

“–Kuh,  ‘ef you contraction all day and night, won’t you have body odor?”

Mther Fcker…HE SAID CONTRACTION?! What are we, giving birth?

You’re merciless Kape*! It’s you already!

The foreman pa.s.sed by.

“Hey you two, you’re just new here, and yet you’re already chattering around! Move!”

“Yes boss!”

We started hauling sacks of cement.


Kuya – means big brother/older brother. Is also used to address older men you don’t know. A semi-polite way of addressing older men than you.

Bigtime- A term often used to describe someone who has achieved a high enough level of respect to be able to trump other people without validation.

Imba-Slang word that"s short for "imbalance," this originated in online games when something or someone is too good or overpowering that there is a large imbalance in the dynamics, and it would be unfair and irrational to expect one to continue competing. It means one-sided strength; overwhelms all else;

Depending on context, this could have positive or negative connotations.Thus can also means not balanced, awry, weird.

It is also used when you run out of words to describe a situation.

Ex : Imba talaga!!!
That"s so… whatever!!!

This Filipino slang word was most popular in 2011 and 2012.

Punyemas- A variant form of punyeta. Another swear word with Spanish origin, punyeta came from "puño" which means to do something with your fist. It is often used to express agitation or disappointment.

Kosa- It means jail mate.

Bisakol- It means men that treats women as princess but thinks she’s a wh.o.r.e.

It may also be a combination of two words. Bisaya and Bikolano. It may pertains to a person who’s language is Visayan (Bisaya) but has influenced from the Bikol region’s language.

The author played on words. Meaning Coffee is a man who treats a woman as a princess but think she’s a wh.o.r.e and is also from a Visayan province who’s near the region of Bicol. (Because, why else will his language be influenced with bikol words.)

Kape- the filipino word for Coffee.


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