Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2433: The City of Fire!

Chapter 2433: The City of Fire!

“It’s like… the end of the world!”

Hiding in a trench on the Netherwind Mountain, Li Yao looked at the bleeding, h.e.l.lish battlefield far away and observed in amazement.

Come to think of it, it was the first time he had witnessed a ground siege of the highest intensity in the Imperium of True Human Beings.

The battles on the surface of a planet within the atmosphere were vastly different from the s.p.a.ce battles in the vacuum.

Even though the scale and intensity of the s.p.a.ce battles were a hundred times higher, since sounds could not be transmitted in the vacuum, and the distance between each other was too far apart, it was often the case that when a stars.h.i.+p turned into an enormous fireball in silence, the fireball would perish very soon, bringing away the lives of thousands of people.

The deaths in the vacuum were greatly diluted by silence and distance. Lives were nothing but cold and hollow numbers. Those who were less imaginative could hardly understand how cruel the battles were.

But the ground battles before his eyes were entirely different.

The air was hot, the earth was shaking, and the moans and screams of human beings, accompanied by the explosions of cannons and collapses of fortresses, brushed everyone’s eardrums and hearts like stinky tides.

The whole process where vigorous lives were shattered, decayed, and obliterated was displayed in front of everyone in the most vivid scene. The indescribable sensational stimulation was a hundred times more than that in s.p.a.ce battles and could really drive people mad.

Netherwind City was surrounded by mountains on three sides. The mountains rose high into the sky and were very steep. It was very hard for the soldiers to be deployed.

In the meantime, tremendous anti-air bases had been established based on the mountains, where all the ammunitions and fuel of the four Kurfürst families that were still lingering in the capital were stored. Every second, ten thousand fiery snakes were dancing in the sky crazily. It was impossible for the low-alt.i.tude wars.h.i.+ps of the reformists to break in at all.

In terms of remote firepower, the reformists had deployed a thousand giant cannons in the places on the mountains where it was relatively smooth, shooting tons of heavy crystal cannonb.a.l.l.s at Netherwind City incessantly.

However, Netherwind City boasted a comprehensive, multilayer defense system. The whole city, as well as the border of the Netherwind Channel, was covered in translucent, hexagonal spiritual s.h.i.+elds that were glowing.

Outside of the spiritual s.h.i.+elds were the twisting force fields and the detonation force fields, which twisted the air into giant vortexes.

When the heavy crystal cannons of the reformists were shot over, they would be detonated in advance while they were flying. Then, all the shrapnel would be blocked or deviated by the twisting force fields. Even though some of the pieces or blasts managed to leak in, they would still be offset by the spiritual s.h.i.+elds.

Despite the deafening explosions and the grand earthquakes, they would not deal too much damage to the city and the super teleportation array.

There were also dozens of secret bastions of heavy cannons at the heartland of the Netherwind Mountain. All the critical locations within five hundred kilometers had been calculated in advance, and the shooting parameters had been set, allowing them to lock onto the positions of the reformists easily and launch determined counterattacks.

The positions of the reformists were all established temporarily. Naturally, they did not have a solid, multilayer defense array as Netherwind City did, and they suffered heavy losses in the mutual barrages of heavy cannons. After quite a few positions were destroyed in a row, they did not dare to bombard on a large scale but hurried to move on to somewhere else.

The rugged mountain roads were unsuitable for the heavy crystal tanks to push forward. Therefore, the reformists could only send out the crystal suit legions and push forward inch by inch in head-on collisions.

The coalition army of n.o.bles, which was having their dying struggle, had also deployed the troops on the long, treacherous defense lines. As far as one’s eyes could reach, there was an ocean of armors and blades. The modern war of crystal suits was somewhat like a cla.s.sical war of cold weapons in the ancient times.

However, no matter how st.u.r.dy the defense of Netherwind City and the Netherwind Channel was, it was a lone island in a vast ocean after all. Everybody knew that it could not be defended for long.

Therefore, all the n.o.bles were fleeing in a hurry, stomping on each other while they tried to board on stars.h.i.+ps and jump out. They had even violated the operation regulations of the super teleportation arrays and significantly reduced the gap between two jumps. It was often the case that a second stars.h.i.+p had already been launched out when the ripples of the first stars.h.i.+p hadn’t dispersed yet.

It was a highly dangerous and unprofessional approach.

s.p.a.ce ripples were like reefs on a sailing route that would cause critical damage to s.h.i.+ps.

It was especially the case when the anti-fire network and the wars.h.i.+ps of the two parties had burnt the sky into an ocean of fire, and a lot of s.p.a.ce-based magical equipment was bombarding the ground from beyond the atmosphere. The tiny s.p.a.ce ripples had already become terrifying “icebergs”.

When Li Yao and the rest of them observed the highest peak of the Netherwind Mountain, they happened to witness such an accident.

Only one minute after the first stars.h.i.+p ripped apart the void, the second stars.h.i.+p had rushed out without bothering anything and was almost torn into helical “noodles” by the ripples. But it narrowly escaped and disappeared into nothingness.

However, the third stars.h.i.+p that closely followed behind was not as lucky. It waited too shortly and soared to the sky only half a minute after the second stars.h.i.+p was launched. As a result, it hit the fuzzy, twisted void vortex precisely, which was the “ma.s.s trap” left by the abrupt disappearance of the second stars.h.i.+p.

Water was fluid. When a huge ma.s.s of water was lost in an ocean and a giant hollow appeared, the water around would certainly flow in crazily to fill the hole.

In the process, surging currents would be raised, and highly-dangerous swirls might be formed. Whoever sailed near such swirls would probably not end well.

The same applied for s.p.a.ce, which was also fluid and continuous.

When two stars.h.i.+ps disappeared from the stable, fluid, and continuous s.p.a.ce in a row, they temporarily disrupted the stability, fluidity, and continuity of the s.p.a.ce.

The ripples of the four-dimensional s.p.a.ce continued dropping to the three-dimensional s.p.a.ce to fill the gap. A lot of “turbulence” and “swirls” would be raised in the process, too.

The third stars.h.i.+p, on the other hand, had accelerated to the highest speed and dashed into such “turbulences” and “swirls”, hoping to rip a new crack in the unstable s.p.a.ce so that they could crawl through in one piece.

How was it possible?

In the eyes of the observers including Li Yao, the stars.h.i.+p that had just crawled out of the exit of the Netherwind Channel was longer and longer like a glittering, translucent noodle, gradually turning from a “noodle” into a “thread” while it tried to pa.s.s through a needle hole in the midair.

However, right when the “noodle” was stretched to the maximum, it suddenly collapsed because of the entanglement of s.p.a.ce ripples!

Every block of the collapsed “noodles” had lost the previous “elasticity”. When they were bounced back, they became blocks of the broken stars.h.i.+p.

Many of the n.o.bles on the debris had not died yet but were waving their hands and legs crazily in the buffer gel.

Part of the debris and pa.s.sengers had been absorbed by the s.h.i.+ning needle hole in the sky. n.o.body was willing to imagine what they would encounter and become after that.

Another part of the debris exploded in the midair, and the raging fire consumed each and every pa.s.senger. Fortunately, most of the pa.s.sengers had already been ripped and killed by the s.p.a.ce ripples before that.

The gory destruction was displayed everywhere above the h.e.l.lish battlefield below the sky of flames.

But n.o.body was interested in the destruction at all. The escape of the Netherwind Channel was only disrupted by the accident for twenty minutes before the fourth stars.h.i.+p soared out against the overwhelming barrage and the s.p.a.ce ripples that had not entirely dispersed.

“They are crazy.”

His blood frozen, Li Yao mumbled, “Considering cooldown, buffer, maintenance, refill of the fuel, and all the other factors, such super teleportation arrays can be launched every five minutes at best. By the limits of the limits, it may be launched every two minutes. But in order to escape, those n.o.bles are insane enough to launch them once every minute or even every half minute?”

That was not an escape but a suicide!

It was also a sign that the last stronghold of the four Kurfürst families in the capital was about to be lost.

Today was probably the day the city would be conquered. Otherwise, the n.o.bles who cherished their lives more than anything else would never have escaped so hastily.

“The defense line of the coalition army of the n.o.bles is still rather steady without major flaws, but I estimate that something must’ve happened in the city. They can’t persist for another twenty-four hours.”

Li Yao said to Long Yangjun and the rest of them, “In order to be safe, we will sneak into Netherwind City in twelve hours and board on a stars.h.i.+p to get out of here.

“Xiaoming, Wenwen, have you made it?”


The kids who were busy working on crystal suits clapped their hands and exclaimed at the same time.

Then, they shouted at each other, unwilling to give in, “I made it first!”

“No, it was me, it was me!”

What the two kids hacked just now were the few standard crystal suits of the Imperium that Li Yao and Long Yangjun stole just now. They had the latest emblem of the reformists engraved on the breastplate, which was the traditional lightning trident with an additional furious fire below it.

“Renew the entire Imperium with iron, blood, and fire!”

It was the most determined roar of the troops of the reformists who believed that they were the rightful army of the Imperium.

Naturally, it was not challenging at all for Li Yao and Long Yangjun to steal a few standard crystal suits from the reformists’ troops.

The troops that were attacking the Netherwind Channel together were also complicated and made of a lot of units. The Deep Sea Fleet, the Imperial Guards, the surrendering n.o.bles, and even the special squads made of civilian experts—all kinds of people could be found there.

The army was organized in a haste, and they were not familiar with each other. After more than half a month of fierce battles, many troops had also been separated, which gave Li Yao and the rest of them a precious opportunity.

The only problem was the identification system based on the soldiers’ personal information and the dynamic pa.s.swords that changed every day.

That problem was resolved after the kids hacked the control center of a certain troop of the reformists and cracked the database of personal information and the dynamic pa.s.sword generation system.

“Come on, let’s go and break into the city!”

Li Yao put on a standard crystal suit of the Imperium and spoke to his partners behind him.

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