Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2585: Aim at Where the Barrages Are Most Intense!

Chapter 2585: Aim at Where the Barrages Are Most Intense!

Li Yao was almost showered by Boss Bai’s saliva although he was hundreds of thousands of kilometers away. Wiping his face, he grimaced and replied rather at ease, “Aya, I know that my requests are slightly outrageous. If it were another fleet commander, I wouldn’t have proposed such shameless requests at all. But who are you? You are Boss Bai, and not just regular Boss Bai but the super Boss who has been strengthened by Yan Xinjian’s remaining soul!

“Really, I have never admired anybody in my entire life, but you are the only stars.h.i.+p commander that I appreciate and even wors.h.i.+p. Boss Bai, I’ve been regarding you as my idol since more than a hundred years ago. Other people may be incapable of such requests, but I’m sure you can accomplish them! You are an unparalleled expert who is going to rage in the four-dimension, five-dimension, six-dimension, and beyond. Now that you have been reborn, you are destined to challenge the limits and create miracles. Are a tiny Astounding Thunder Fleet and an insignificant Lei Chenghu really a big deal?”

Li Yao finished his speech without stopping and stared at Boss Bai full of expectations with his big, pitiful eyes wide open and his hands crossed.


Boss Bai was rather reluctant to refuse Li Yao’s adulation. He hesitated and said, “What you said is not entirely unreasonable.”

“That’s right! It’s a deal then!”

Li Yao jumped to his feet in excitement and transferred the data link between him and Boss Bai from the super crystal processor in the command center to his wrist crystal processor, before he stormed out of the room. “All in all, just hang in there for a while, Boss Bai. I’m going to the s.p.a.ce battlefield as fast as possible!

“Right, since the Astounding Thunder Fleet has come to reinforce the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors, they must’ve established data links between themselves and the garrison fleet of the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors or at least shared the code of their identification system so that they would not accidentally hurt their allies, right?

“You can ask Xiaoming and Wenwen whether or not they can hack Lei Chenghu’s fleet with the garrison fleet of the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors as the platform if I ask Jin Yuyan to fully open the ports of the identification system to them. I’m not asking them to seize the commanders.h.i.+p of the Astounding Thunder Fleet. As long as some information can be sent to you or that some of our stars.h.i.+ps can be marked as the Astounding Thunder Fleet’s ‘allies’, it will be of great help for your operation, right?”

“Hey, hey!”

Boss Bai continued shouting on the light beam, but Li Yao had already run out of the building like a wind.

Because the communication channel had been transferred to the wrist crystal processor, the reception abilities were ten times weaker than before. The images and voices of the two parties were even more twisted. There were even several minutes when there was nothing but fuzziness and noise. Nothing could be seen or heard at all.

The Seven Seas Grand Market boasted an artificial atmosphere and tremendous metal materials after all. The interferences were rather severe. Only after Li Yao entered the s.p.a.ce battlefield could stable communication be restored.

On his way to Jin Yuyan’s command center, Li Yao saw countless pillars of light rising from the horizon like the pillars of a magnificent palace, supporting the artificial sky that had been smoked and burnt.

Many Exos even launched themselves to the sky only with the jetting of their crystal suits instead of boarding on a stars.h.i.+p. After accelerating to the highest speed, they turned off their power units and marched towards the battlefield through inertia.

The warriors were so dense that they were like thousands of boats on a running river.

They were the last reserves that the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors had launched for the final battle.

While thinking, Li Yao rushed into the command center and met Jin Yuyan whose eyes were bloodshot.

According to Jin Yuyan, in the s.p.a.ce battlefield, Lei Chenghu’s “Letter To The Soldiers Of The Imperium” was as powerful as a piece of stellar magical equipment. 90% of the warlords’ fleets and miscellaneous troops had stopped attacking. They were observing the situation in a neutral stance.

Yun Xuefeng’s fleet and Lei Chenghu’s fleet, the two enormous military groups which each boasted ten thousand main-force wars.h.i.+ps, were colliding like two furious beasts. The result of their collision would very likely decide the stance of 90% of the observers as well as the outcome of this war.

As for the stars.h.i.+ps of the Li family, the Song family, and the Dongfang family, after realizing that the Astounding Thunder Fleet had jumped to the Seven Seas s.p.a.ce Zone, they naturally could not sit on the fence anymore. They all rushed toward the coordinates where Yun Xuefeng and Lei Chenghu were confronting.

It was a pity that they had run too far in the battles in the previous days. Many of their main-force wars.h.i.+ps had escaped all the way to the edge of the Seven Seas s.p.a.ce Zone.

Also, their fleet was mixed with abundant stars.h.i.+ps of the warlords, the miscellaneous troops, and the Immortal Cultivators of other surnames. Those guys were not determined to fight in the first place. After Lei Chenghu’s arrival and his declaration to “establish a powerful national army and realize the glory of soldiers”, whatever left of their determination was entirely gone. They hesitated and slacked off from the orders issued by the four families. Sometimes, they even purposefully made some accidents in order to stay where they were.

The Immortal Cultivators of the Li family, the Song family, and the Dongfang family could barely do anything about those guys. They could not fight those guys, and their criticism mattered little. If they were too inconsiderate, they might even be pus.h.i.+ng those guys to Lei Chenghu’s side.

Therefore, they could only get rid of the troops of the warlords and the miscellaneous troops, and they could regather only with the forces of the four families.

As a result, a lot of time was wasted.

The garrison fleet and the hunting fleet of the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors, on the other hand, did not idle by. On one hand, they intensified the cyber interferences on all frequencies indiscriminately, sabotaging the enemy’s “Flying Lightning Super Command Chain” without considering the cost to prevent the stars.h.i.+ps scattered at the edge of the Seven Seas s.p.a.ce Zone from regrouping. On the other hand, all the capable soldiers in the Seven Seas Grand Market were all deployed to stop the fleets of the Li family, the Song family, and the Dongfang family from reinforcing Yun Xuefeng’s main force.

They were naturally no match for the four families.

However, as long as Lei Chenghu took down Yun Xuefeng, their “commander”, before the arrival of the reinforcements of the four families, 90% of the warlords’ troops and the miscellaneous troops would be inclined to the reformists’ side. They would take the initiative of the battle.

“Listen to me, Director Jin—”

Li Yao was deep in thought as he stared at the red and blue light spots that were glittering on the holographic map of the s.p.a.ce zone. He suddenly had an idea. “Whatever Lei Chenghu is really up to, he is an ally to the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors on the surface, right? It is perfectly normal for allies to send a few liaison officers to each other. Can you tell Lei Chenghu that you are going to send a liaison officer to his flags.h.i.+p?”

“It’s very difficult.”

Jin Yuyan shook his head and said, “In order to destroy the intruders’ command chain as greatly as possible, we projected tremendous indiscriminate interferential magical equipment everywhere in the entire s.p.a.ce battlefield. It is interfering with the enemy as well as us. Now, the communication between us and Lei Chenghu is very bad. Sending a liaison officer is absolutely meaningless.

“Besides, Lei Chenghu made it very clear a moment ago that whatever questions we had, we could discuss with him after he annihilated Yun Xuefeng’s main force. I could feel that he was very indifferent and even slightly wary of us.

“It seems that he must know something, or he just doesn’t like the greedy merchants no more than Wuying Qi does.

“Don’t forget that the most serious economic crisis of the century in the Imperium a hundred years ago, caused by Black Wind Fleet’s failure in the collapse of the defense line in the Black Wind Sector, had a lot to do with the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors. If Lei Chenghu learns part of the inside information, it will not be unusual that he is highly vigilant of us!”

In his anxiety, Jin Yuyan lost control of his mouth and spoke part of the truth.

“Also, Yun Xuefeng’s fleet and Lei Chenghu’s fleet are already getting engaged.”

He continued, “The tens of thousands of main wars.h.i.+ps of the two parties are about to collide with a thunderous momentum. It will definitely cause a destructive vortex. How are you going to approach them? Isn’t it too weird that a liaison officer is sent at such a moment?”

“It does make sense.”

Li Yao had to seize every second and did not have any time for explanation. “Then, give me the fastest stars.h.i.+p. I have to go to the s.p.a.ce battlefield immediately!”

“Are you really going to take the risk?”

His eyes red, Jin Yuyan stared at Li Yao for a long time. “The fastest stars.h.i.+ps under my command have just set off to the battlefield with the last reserves to block the reinforcing fleets of the other three fleets. The only vehicles left are the cargo s.h.i.+ps that are terribly slow. By the time you reach the battlefield, the fight between Lei Chenghu and Yun Xuefeng would have been concluded.

“However, if you are the only pa.s.senger, I have faster ways.

“We have a facility named ‘tidal slingshot’ on the No. 5 s.p.a.ceport of the Seven Seas Grand Market. It is a super teleportation array that can launch objects of small directly into s.p.a.ce. Those who are above the Nascent Soul Stage and who can resist the tearing force can be launched too.

“However, the precision of such a super teleportation array is very low. It is impossible to teleport you to a certain safe place accurately but will likely send you to the center of the most intense battlefield. Is there a problem?”

Li Yao immediately understood what Jin Yuyan meant.

The so-called “tidal slingshot” was a piece of teleportation magical equipment similar to the “Heaven’s Artillery” in the Heaven’s Origin Sector and the “Eye of Blood Demon” in the Blood Demon Sector.

Such a piece of ma.s.sive teleportation magical equipment was mainly meant for middle and long-distance teleportation across Sectors. For example, Jin Tuyi had tried to teleport an army of demons to the capital of the federation through the Eye of Blood Demon.

The feature of such magical equipment was that the longer the teleportation was, the more accurate it would be. When the destination was so close, it was barely possible for the device to recognize the tiny parameter differences in the coordinates.

However, Li Yao did not have a choice.

Furthermore, he did not mean to be too far away from the intense battlefield either. If he jumped to the peaceful and quiet sea of stars billions of kilometers from the battlefield, should he spend another few days catching up to Lei Chenghu’s flags.h.i.+p?

By the time he reached his target, everything would’ve been over!

“In that case, launch me out now—” Li Yao shouted, “—toward where the barrages are most intense!”

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