Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3252: Out of Control Clones

Chapter 3252: Out of Control Clones

“Ou Yezi is a fake, and his heritage is also a fake. The ultimate techniques stored in the Heavenly Refining Tower, including the so-called memory fragments of Ou Yezi, are all fake?”

“However, the refining techniques in Li Yao’s memory are definitely compatible with many ancient Cultivation cla.s.sics. Your soul weapon can’t be forging the ancient Cultivation cla.s.sics of the entire Heaven’s Origin Sector or even the Pangu Universe, can it?”

“It’s true that soul weapons are not powerful enough to forge all the cla.s.sics of the ancient Cultivators, but they can forge themselves according to the cla.s.sics of the ancient Cultivators.

The will of the earth explained, “The so-called ‘Ou Yezi’ and the young vulture Li Yao met each other more than ten years after they transmigrated. Over the past ten years, my soul weapon has been able to absorb a lot of information from the Pangu Universe and the Heaven’s Origin Sector and pretend that it is a perfectly reasonable ident.i.ty and technique.

“The marvelous techniques that seem to have originated from the ancient Cultivation world were mostly faked by the advanced ‘future technology’. Otherwise, do you really think that a modern man could call the wind and summon the rain in the modern world of cutting-edge design and manufacturing with the ancient technology from tens of thousands of years ago and reign as a king? You must know that the human beings of the ancient Cultivation world did not understand the technology and principles left by the Pangu Clan in the first place. The real Ou Yezi’s knowledge was not worthless, but it was impossible for him to train Li Yao into one of the best refiners in the sea of stars.

Red Pole Star blushed and was rendered speechless for a long time. Finally, he sighed and said, “Yes. It was me. Li Yao was too naïve. If he had thought the whole thing through carefully, he wouldn’t have been fooled so easily.

“No. Your performance was already very good. It was so good that it far exceeded my expectations. It must be noted that it was a miracle in itself that it exceeded the expectations of an omnipotent being such as myself.

The will of the earth said, “I thought that young Vulture Li Yao would either be unable to withstand the first test of the soul weapon and perish on the spot, never to be reincarnated, or my soul weapon would continue to move in the Pangu Universe against his body.

“Or, even if the young Vulture Li Yao can withstand the test of possession for the first time, it doesn’t matter. It’s very likely that he will lose himself in the overwhelming strength and become dependent on the so-called ‘Ou Yezi’ without him knowing. Gradually, he will be transformed.

“I have deduced and practiced countless times. Generally speaking, under such circ.u.mstances, the young Vulture Li Yao, with the strength of ‘Ou Yezi’, would embark on a one-way road leading to wealth, power, and desire. With his extraordinary refining skills and tyrannical techniques, he would slay the G.o.ds and slay the devils. He would advance triumphantly and suppress everything. He would seize everything that could be seized and win everyone’s reverence and even fear. Then, he would establish his own vast empire and his own harem. All the desires and ambitions hidden in the deepest depths of human nature would be released to the limit… How strange. It should have been like this.

“If he—you really made such a choice, your burning desire and ambition would’ve charged my soul weapon without you knowing. Maybe you would’ve woken it up long ago and melded with it deeply. Then, you would’ve sent a subtle ripple similar to a gravitational wave to the Reincarnation Prison in the center of the universe, where my true self is right now. By then, I would’ve been able to turn you into a remote controlled clone and locate the coordinates of the Pangu Universe precisely.

“I see!”

The Red Pole Star was greatly alarmed. Its sweat and blood almost froze at the same time. “If Vulture Li Yao had been fooled by the power of the so-called ‘Ou Yezi’ at that time, he—I would’ve become your puppet, your ‘eyes’, ‘ears’, or even ‘jump coordinates’. You would’ve occupied the entire Pangu Universe long ago!

“I understand now. In the battlefield of the universe, you have a lot of enemies scattered in various parts of the universe. They might not be as strong as you are, but the universe is too vast and boundless for you to find them easily. Therefore, you are trying to send countless clones into the ‘border universes’ to dismantle the remaining enemies from the inside!

“Yes. So, I’m not lying to you. I am Li Yao. Li Yao is you. You are me. In a sense, Li Yao is just a clone that I carefully refined. He is just… a clone that has lost control.”

The will of the earth hesitated for a moment and said, “I’m very curious. What kind of power drove you to resist my ‘help’? As you said, the young Vulture Li Yao never doubted the authenticity of ‘Hundred Smelting Guild Leader Ou Yezi’. But for some reason, you were very resistant to the remnant soul and were unwilling to accept his help or be influenced by him.

“In the early years of your adventure in the Heaven’s Origin Sector, the Flying Star Sector, and the Blood Demon Sector, you often used the power of ‘Ou Yezi’. But in the later years of your adventure, you seemed to have forgotten the existence of ‘Ou Yezi’ and even suppressed its activities subconsciously, making it impossible for me to establish a stable remote connection or even sense its existence with you.

“This is a strange thing that I have never experienced in my billions of years of life.

“You definitely won’t be able to understand what a bizarre new event means for an ancient and enormous existence like me. It’s like you’ve been locked in an empty white house for 10,000 years, during which time nothing has changed. Even a speck of dust has obediently stayed where it should be. But on the 10,000th year and 10th day, a translucent crystal flower suddenly bloomed in a corner of the room. You definitely can’t bear to crush it into pieces all at once… This is the reason why I’m willing to waste my time and computational ability to talk to you in a relatively equal manner.”

“Is he subconsciously resisting the power of ‘Ou Yezi’ and unwilling to walk on the path of ‘struggle for power, dominate the world, and have a harem of beautiful women’?”

The Red Pole Star was dazed for a moment. It did make sense. After hearing what the will of the earth said, he also discovered that the ‘soul fragment of Ou Yezi’, which had been of paramount importance in Li Yao’s memories when he was a teenager, had completely disappeared when he broke into the Nascent Soul Stage and fought against the Black Wind Empire and the Sanctuary Alliance.

At that time, Li Yao didn’t feel that anything was wrong. Everything was so natural, just like how a child who had learned how to walk no longer needed the support of an adult. He also disliked using the strength of ‘Ou Yezi’ more and more.

But on second thought, it didn’t make any sense, because as far as Li Yao knew, ‘Ou Yezi’ was a terrifying expert above the Divinity Transformation Stage who had invented an unprecedented magical equipment named ‘s.p.a.ce-time Travel Array’. Even though Li Yao had reached the Nascent Soul Stage or even the Divinity Transformation Stage, he could still get a lot of help from the remaining soul of ‘Ou Yezi’.

This included the various masterwork weapons of the ancient cultivation era that Li Yao had once racked his brain to completely restore when he was a youth. In the later years of his adventurous life, there was no news of them at all. They died without a cause.

For a long period of time, well, perhaps as long as a thousand chapters in the novel , Li Yao had never thought of the matter of “Ou Yezi”. He did not even mention it.

It was as if… Li Yao’s subconsciousness was resisting the power of ‘Ou Yezi’.


Swoos.h.!.+ Swoos.h.!.+ Swoos.h.!.+ Swoos.h.!.+

Pictures were flas.h.i.+ng inside the Red Pole Star’s brain. They were all soul-stirring scenes and unforgettable characters recorded in ‘Forty Thousand Years of Cultivation’.

No matter what kind of adversity he was in, he would never abandon Ding Lingdang.

In the middle of a thunderstorm, on a train on the Grand Desolate Plateau, Cultivators were willing to die for their compatriots.

Below the flapping Rising Dragon of the Nine Stars flag, countless soldiers of the federal army were marching forward in roars.

The qi-trainers of Iron Plateau who were about to break into the 99th level of the Refinement Stage as men.

Professor Mo Xuan, who had once fought for mankind and almost lost himself when he turned into a ‘star spirit’, suddenly came back to himself and burnt himself to ashes.

Also… his thousands of compatriots, his thousands of shouts, his thousands of hands that raised him high in the most difficult times, his family, his compatriots, his comrades, his blood, his flag, and his glory as the saber of mankind. Everything, everything, was the true source of strength for ‘Vulture Li Yao’.

What was the point of having Ou Yezi’s remaining soul when he had the greatest strength?

Moreover, the ‘real’ and ‘kindness’ contained in the strongest force was like a s.h.i.+ning mirror that could reflect the falseness and ugliness of Ou Yezi’s remaining soul!

When Li Yao realized his true strength, he subconsciously despised and resisted false strength. This was the reason why Li Yao no longer needed ‘Ou Yezi’s residual soul’ after a hundred years of growth!

“I see. How interesting.”

The will of the earth sensed the soul waves that were spreading out of the Red Pole. It immediately grasped the reason for the ‘loss of control’ of the clone and mumbled to itself, “Life is indeed marvelous. It seems that I won’t be able to fully understand its mysteries even after billions of years!”


The Red Pole Star gnashed her teeth. “Life can never be fully understood or controlled. We will always find our own path, awaken our own will, and make our own voice! Even if Li Yao was just a clone of you in the past, after hundreds of years of training in the Pangu Universe, we have experienced the feeling of ‘love’, ‘touching’, ‘hot blood’, and ‘justice’ in the world of mortals. We have developed our own reality and found the meaning of our existence!

“We are no longer your clones but the one and only ‘Vulture Li Yao’. We are no longer willing to be controlled by you, and we will not stand by and watch you manipulate and fool the proud lives of billions of heroes. We have not failed yet. The ‘Vulture Plan’ is still on. Today, right here, we will defeat you!”

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