Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2449: The Silence

Chapter 2449: The Silence

Li Wuji seemed to have been caught in a weird nightmare.

The wall around and the famous paintings hanging on it were suddenly stretched to somewhere far, far away, as if they were ten thousand meters from him, before they were suddenly bounced back to his face, almost whizzing into his eyes.

He extended his hands, only to discover that his hands were like blossoming flowers. Everything, from the fat and the veins to the nerves and the bones, was clearly visible, but he could not sense the slightest pain. The fundamental law of the three-dimensional world had been completely violated.

The deafening explosion just now was more than soundwaves too, and it was flowing, roaring, and corroding his soul that was exposed outside of his brain in glamorous colors!

It took Li Wuji a long time before he finally gathered a tiny bit of thinking ability and realized his status.

His flags.h.i.+p “Eternal Spring” and him were in a certain state of transition, or “superimposition”, when it was breaking into the four-dimensional s.p.a.ce for a s.p.a.ce jump.

However, the s.p.a.ce jump did not succeed, and his stars.h.i.+p or even his fleet had been bounced back mercilessly.

It was almost like a high-speed train running into an iron wall.

No, it was even worse than that.

It was because they were not bounced back because of the problems of the s.p.a.ce jump units or other faults, but because the wormholes that they ripped were blown apart by bombardments, and they were thrown back to where they came!

They were a.s.saulted by the enemy in the middle of a s.p.a.ce jump. It was the most dreadful nightmare that no stars.h.i.+p commander wanted to experience!


The deafening explosions congregated into a flood raging inside every pathway on the stars.h.i.+p, collapsing and swallowing everything on its way—the crystal suits, the s.p.a.ce shuttles, the a.r.s.enals, and the panicked Immortal Cultivators.

As a powerful person of the four Kurfürst families, Li Wuji had a fleet that was equipped with the most advanced and high-quality stars.h.i.+ps. The defense of his flags.h.i.+p “Eternal Spring” was only slightly lower than that of the general stars.h.i.+p of the family. It was an out-and-out “super wars.h.i.+p”.

Under normal circ.u.mstances, one Eternal Spring was enough to deal with a dozen hostile stars.h.i.+ps without losing when it was not with a fleet. It could even resist the fierce firepower of a s.p.a.ce fortress the hard way and fire back at the enemy.

However, it was a whole different case when a stars.h.i.+p entered the s.p.a.ce jump state.

No matter how st.u.r.dy the alloy armor, how strong the spiritual s.h.i.+eld, and how thick the interferential magnetic field was in the three-dimensional world, it was absolutely meaningless for a stars.h.i.+p that had been unfolded in the four-dimension.

When unfolded in the four-dimension, all their internal parts would be exposed. How could the armor on their bodies help at all however solid it was?

When the enemy lurking in the dark suddenly dropped the disguise and launched the fiercest firepower at the fleet that was in the middle of a jump, it was not an ambush or a war but a sheer slaughter.

Eternal Spring and its owner, Li Wuji, were finally bounced back to the three-dimensional state.

But the damage caused by the intense explosions and the severe interferences were irreversible.


Li Wuji stared at his hands in a daze. During the process when he was bounced from the four-dimensional state to the three-dimensional state, s.p.a.ce ripples had been flying freely inside the stars.h.i.+p like blades without thickness and, other than reaping the lives of too many Immortal Cultivators outside, cut his three fingers and half of his ear. The blood was spurting crazily, staining the delicate woolen carpet on the floor into a mess. He was both disgusted and in pain.

His case was among the better ones.

His personal chamber had the best protection. So, the rampage of s.p.a.ce ripples did not cause much damage.

He couldn’t imagine what a terrifying picture it would be outside, particularly near the engine compartment and the s.p.a.ce jump units.

How did it happen?

His face pale and covered in a cold sweat, Li Wuji was completely lost.

Even the dumbest stars.h.i.+p commander knew that, while s.p.a.ce jump was the most important technology for mankind to conquer the universe, it was also the most vulnerable, defenseless moment for every stars.h.i.+p and every pa.s.senger onboard and the most likely moment for the enemy to attack.

Therefore, a s.p.a.ce jump should only be performed in the most steady area after ensuring that no enemy was around.

If possible, it would be better to ensure that they would be met by their own people at the destination of the jump, and they had large s.p.a.ce gates for navigation. Only by doing so could the s.p.a.ce jump be riskless.

Even though the commander on Li Wuji’s fleet was not the most famous general in the Imperium, he was still from a n.o.ble background and was a professional with decades of training and a hundred years of commanding experience.

The jump point he had chosen was the traditional, steadiest point in s.p.a.ce near the Blue Sky Market. Every nine out of ten stars.h.i.+ps that pa.s.sed the Blue Sky Market would choose to jump from here. Nothing had ever gone wrong.

All the wars.h.i.+ps in the Blue Sky Market that belonged to the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors had been destroyed or disarmed. It was absolutely impossible for them to take off and attack Li Wuji and his fleet.

Was it done by the s.p.a.ce pirates?

Absolutely impossible. All the pirate wars.h.i.+ps were docked in the Blue Sky Market obediently under the watch of the other half of his fleet closely. Li Wuji did not receive any report of the anomaly at all!

A third force that was neither the s.p.a.ce pirates nor the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors had suddenly jumped out to attack them?

That was too preposterous!

The universe was too vast, and the distance was too far. Technically speaking, n.o.body could “suddenly jump out” at all.

Li Wuji’s stars.h.i.+p could’ve detected the waves of the rus.h.i.+ng stars.h.i.+ps within hundreds of thousands of kilometers. If a fleet had been coming at them aggressively from millions of kilometers away or even further, his commander, being neither blind nor deaf, couldn’t have neglected it at all or decided to perform a s.p.a.ce jump under such circ.u.mstances in order to kill themselves, could he?

After all the impossibilities were ruled out, there was only one explanation that was most ridiculous and horrifying was left.

Li Wuji suddenly felt that his mouth was dry, and his heart had sunken into a bottomless canyon.

The only possibility was that there was indeed a hostile fleet, one that did not come at them aggressively from millions of kilometers away but had been ambus.h.i.+ng right next to them all the time.

To be more exact, they had been ambus.h.i.+ng in the steady s.p.a.ce that was most suitable for s.p.a.ce jumps near the Blue Sky Market.

Turning off the power units, retreating the spiritual s.h.i.+elds, maintaining radio silence, and even lowering the artificial gravity and air circulation inside the stars.h.i.+ps to the minimum, they tried not to spread out the slightest spiritual wave.

If there was indeed such a silent fleet, which had stayed in the state of rocks and garbage for the past few days or even longer, it was indeed possible that they could’ve avoided the scanning of Li Wuji’s fleet under the cover of the stone belts outside of the Blue Sky Market.

However… However… However—

“How can there possibly be such an insane tactic!”

Li Wuji let out a scream of incomprehension!

In order to carry out such a tactic, the enemy must’ve arrived here a few days in advance to set up the ambush, and to not release many spiritual waves, the living environment on the stars.h.i.+ps must’ve been extremely harsh. Chances were that the temperature was below zero, and the air was stinky. Everybody had to wear their crystal suits and live through the few days in sufferings with the self-circulating respirators as tough as iron.

The mysterious, silent fleet was like an who hid inside a swamp, holding the breath, the pores, and even the heartbeat, just in order to wait for an opportunity to cut the enemy’s throat.

Li Wuji discovered painfully that he seemed to have fallen into a fatal trap.

The mysterious enemy with such willpower and such a high control over the fleet was certainly not waiting for any random business group or pirate gang. The only prey that was worth their price was him, Li Wuji!

“My lord! My lord!”

His adjutant’s desperate screams echoed from outside the door.

Before Li Wuji answered, his adjutant, covered in blood and snot, had already barged in.

Li Wuji looked around and picked the flowery scarf on the table. Grabbing the adjutant’s collar with the scarf as a blockage, he shrieked, “Don’t panic! What exactly has happened?”

“A-A mysterious fleet that came out of nowhere launched an a.s.sault at us while we were carrying out the s.p.a.ce jump!”

The adjutant cried, “Doomed! Our fleet is doomed! Most of the stars.h.i.+ps have been deformed by the s.p.a.ce ripples and lost the abilities to attack, defend, or move. The remaining stars.h.i.+ps have also lost their commanders.h.i.+p and become loose sand!”


Had it not been the blood and snot on his adjutant’s face, Li Wuji would’ve slapped him hard. “What do you mean by saying ‘they have lost their commanders.h.i.+p’? What are the captains doing? Hurry and raise the spiritual s.h.i.+elds and gather the stars.h.i.+ps that are still mobile! Even a skinny camel is still larger than a horse. My fleet is among the best at the peripheral worlds of the Imperium. Even though we’ve been attacked halfway through the s.p.a.ce jump, who can be certain to swallow all my stars.h.i.+ps?”

“It’s… It’s impossible to raise the spiritual s.h.i.+eld or send any message to other stars.h.i.+ps!”

The adjutant replied, almost crying, “Our control system and even the entire battle network have been compromised and sabotaged by the enemy!”


Feeling that his head was dizzy, Li Wuji shouted at the loudest of his voice, “How is it possible? Eternal Spring has state-of-the-art technologies in cyberwarfare. After we set sail and the dynamic defense system is activated, the pa.s.sword for every interface is changed more than a hundred times every second. Who could’ve hacked our battle network so quickly?”

“It was not hacked just now.”

His adjutant wailed, “When docked in the Blue Sky Market for maintenance and fuel refill, Eternal Spring was once connected to the database of the Blue Sky Market to collect the business secrets of the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors. Billions of entries of information were copied. Somebody must’ve snuck in at that time and left a ‘backdoor’ in our system.

“By the time we had a s.p.a.ce jump and the mainframe crystal processor of the stars.h.i.+p was most vulnerable, the enemy kicked on the ‘backdoor’ and broke in like ferocious wolves!”

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