I gasped for breath, tired the f.u.c.k out.

"By the foxes, can these things all f.u.c.k off?!"

I wish the Roly-Poly"s of death had been the end of it. But no. If there"s one thing the Abyss has, its variety. Even in demons. Scratch that, ESPECIALLY in demons.

There are... so many... I seriously can"t even.

Luckily not all of them do not die. All the dogs-with-vertical-jaws-and-tentacles-for-tongues die pretty easy. Thank G.o.d.

I do NOT want to deal with immortal tentacle hounds. That just sounds R rated.

On a side note, G.o.d am I tired. I"ve been running non stop.

At this point, I"m using blood aura to power me just to extend my stamina. That"s how exhausting endless sprinting and casting of spells is.

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I turned, a sizable crowd built up behind me.

"First, windblades to cut at them all over."

This spell is NOT "WindBlade", but rather what I call "Tornado Blades", because it"s a tornado of swirling blades of air that tear the flesh of whatever is trapped in said tornado to bits.

I cast it throughout the corridor on a horizontal axis, creating a tunnel of cutting blades rather than a tornado(G.o.d switching spell position for different effects is fun).

Then, I put Dark Mist that drains energy into the wind, so each blade has a smoky outline... and then I finish this trifecta of combination magic, shooting a flamethrower of fire into the winds to be grown and intensified, and swirling blades of smoky, energy-draining wind slashed into them all as tongues of intense flame came in the swirling winds as well.

"YEAH b.i.t.c.hES!"

Elemental Resonance can take effect because of the fact that every element has bits of dark and a few other unidentified energies mixed in because this is... well, the Abyss, also know as h.e.l.l. So those dark "Abyss Energy" bits resonate to increase spell power. Very useful.

"Spirits are all similar too, with soul energy, so can Elemental Resonance between Spirit Magic"s of different elements work? I should test that."

Note to self: experiment more with cla.s.s skill limits with the newer form of magic I"ve been figuring out.

"That trifecta would be so much faster if I could just will flame to shoot out instead of creating a spell frame to create a flamethrower. I could"ve used Shade"s help creating a more effective energy drain, and Match probably could"ve improved the damage."

In other words, having lost my spirits sucked.

I turned to see a creature with its brain not even covered, eyes on its shoulders and it walked on four legs with ma.s.sive claws, and its entire head was one ma.s.sive jaw with the brain out the top.

"...at this point I"m just questioning the evolutionary flaws of these things more than being scared. I"m a little dumb by this-HOLY s.h.i.t!"

I jumped away, freaked the f.u.c.k out. You know how in horror movies the thing will move super jittery and randomly have super fast then slow moments back and forth?

Yeah, that thing SCUTTLED at me. That"s the word I"m using. It shot at me at an unrealistic and terrifying speed, throwing itself from the floor to the wall, and charging at me from there.

I jumped away from the wall, placing my back against the other as I gathered kinetic energy within my grasp, and launched it like a cannon.

The recoil hurt my shoulders as I used the wall to support my body from what opposing force did come through, but a ma.s.sive hole was bunched not just out of that creature, but several walls behind it.

"d.a.m.n that"s effective."

Physical force created by large mana amounts is terrifying. Also without my ma.s.sive mana regeneration, I would be SO dead.

"Mage types need warriors to hold the front line so they can be patient and use mana in an intelligent, thought out way."

I began to muse upon some more obvious things that I would need to consider eventually(mostly I"m just trying to not panic, cause he"ll be scary).

"Without others to hold the lines, and provide physical damage, a Mage would run out of mana in any fight with more than 2 people."

Suddenly I remembered an obvious factor that made a big difference in my version of a Mage and anyone else"s.

"Oh. Yeah. They totally need someone to buy time so they can do their chants. Meanwhile I have instant-magic. In other words, I am the only one alive capable of being a Mage and getting sneak attacked without dying, cause if any other Mage with no items were there when a demon appeared right-the-f.u.c.k next to them, they"d be dead."

"Also, let"s not forget mana regeneration." I spoke aloud, the sudden silence of had for the last bit freaking me out just a little.

I continued to try and fill the quiet, nerves. .h.i.tting me like a live wire. "Wait, my mana regeneration is from a buff t.i.tle, "Favorite of The Source", which is because I was created by the energy of the source of this world(the whole-a.s.s dimension).

If every Dungeon is made from that source... doesn"t every Dungeon Boss that contains the highest and most pure concentration of that energy have this t.i.tle and buff then?

"Oh!" I forgot where I was for a second at realization. Of course!

Dungeon Boss"s are stuck with no partners, just minions, so while the disposable waves can sub in for a party of warriors, any dungeon boss would need such a buff to be able to continuously use mana, like with blood aura and spells!

It"s obvious!


A low rumble hit my bones like a loud ba.s.s note as the floor trembled.

"...s.h.i.t. Was I too loud or...?"

I cautiously took a few more steps after the growl or earthquake faded(please be the second, not the first.)

I tried to quiet my breathing. "G.o.d d.a.m.n it, if I just didn"t need to breath, sneaking would be much easier!"

Then the obvious occurred. "Oh right. Maaaaagiiiiiiic. Duh."

I cast silence, trying to act like I wasn"t the dumbest fox alive.

Ha! Technically I"m not wrong, the only fox would be the dumbest! And smartest, and ugliest, smartest, funniest, etc.

I turn a corner, drop over a railing to a floor below as I enter a large... ballroom? There are tables to the sides and a large area in the middle cleared. Oh. And more roly-poly death sacs. Gonna avoid you.

"Oh there"s a staaaaaa..."

Yeah. That"s a stage, so maybe this is a theater dinner-place? G.o.d I don"t even know. It might have eastern appearance, but Foxkin culture is its own culture from another world, so I honestly have no clue what this room is meant for.

I do know that the ma.s.sive creature filling up the entire stage is terrifying and huge, and probably the source of the noise earlier.

"Somehow... I knew this would happen. Because of course it did. Of course the roly-poly"s are babies hatching from eggs, and mana is home."

It"s head was scaled along with its neck, long and terrifying. It had a western-dragon like appearance except the jaw was so big it took up most of the head. Hair longer than I can measure by sight tangled off its head and neck, but even then I could see the pale red glows behind its hair on its head.

"I think those are it"s eyes. Lovely."

The round body was now stretched out, with a proper rib cage and hip bones jutting out.

And one arm went off the stage, across the room. It was big, and not as stick-thin in comparison to the baby ones. Muscle could be seen(it literally had no skin on its arms as far as I can tell, so I mean LITERALLY seen), and the elbow closest to the shoulder split off into two arms. So 2 arms of normal build(one elbow) attached together to create a single upper arm of a second elbow.

"G.o.d that"s weird."

Is it scary? Yes. But does it matter? No. You know why? Cause I"m just gonna walk the f.u.c.kITY f.u.c.k away, and am NOT DEALING WITH THIS s.h.i.t.

"Knowing my luck, it"ll wake up as I walk away."

I turn and gingerly walk away, hesitantly taking each step as I watched the floor for anything that can cause a noise when stepped on.

After all, wouldn"t you be paranoid about bad luck by this point? I got reborn into a DYING BODY for Fox"s sake.

As I left the room behind I breathed a bit easier. "Wow. Nothing went wrong. That"s good. Also has me highly suspicious."

I continued walking down corridors, looking for an exit. As I walked past a window I froze, walked back, and looked out.

"3rd floor... why am I even looking for the door? Can"t I just climb outta here with mana grip?"


I looked back up at the castle and the bit of dark ocean above it.

Then I looked back at the rest of this h.e.l.l, and it"s burned land of fire and death.

I began to run, running past skeletons half-melted away, and many other things as well.

I pushed myself, lungs heaving and muscles screaming, thinking "Just her the f.u.c.k away from the demon-dragon-thing! Cause that won"t sleep forever I guarantee!"

"Run faster!" I strained myself, pushing as hard as I could against the ground, forcing my legs to stretch outward, bending forward slightly to try and move faster.

Finally it was too much, and I slowly came to a stop, placing my hands on my knees as I heaved for breath.

"d.a.m.n. You"d think in a fantasy world you"d feel less rubbery from running."

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