It"s still morning and the heat of the sun is still gentle. The sky was bright yet the wind is cold. It was the same morning Vlad experiences in this world, yet he feels more refreshed than anything he had experienced before.

It was his first time traveling like this in this new world. Riding a carriage is a completely different experience from flying with his own wings; though both felt rewarding.

[ Vlad-san, we"re about to reach the capital. ] Carla says.

They"ve pa.s.sed a few smaller villages and towns and now, they are on a clear field, where all they can see were green plains of gra.s.s.

[ Is that so? I guess we"ve talked so much that I wasn"t able to feel the time. ] Vlad replies.

[ It"s the same for me. There are really some interesting things to talk about. I"ve been dealing with you for quite a time now, but this is the first time I realize you were that smart with business. You would be a great merchant. ] she compliments.

The two of them had talked varieties of topics, but the one that piqued Carla"s interest was his knowledge of basic economics.

Although it was not the subject Vlad was best at, he still knows many things about it. Trading business, the concept system of selling and buying is something of common knowledge in his previous world, and he"s more than educated to share that knowledge in this world. And as a person dedicated to business, Carla was interested.

Since the topic had started, she did not stop talking and asking everything that comes into her mind. To her, it was the first time she was able to share and chat with someone with the same knowledge as her.

Since many merchants and traders inherited their jobs, most of them don"t even know what they are doing. The concept and principles of trading are almost unknown to some that sometimes they will sell their products with prices much higher the normal amount, or with much lower.

And that"s where Vlad comes in. He fully understands how trading and money works. It was like he was the only person she can talk about her goals and interest with. Because like Vlad, she also studied economics when she was a kid, though only on her own.

[ I"m really glad I was able to be acquainted with you. You won"t mind if I talk with you about this subject again, right? ]

[ Of course, you"re already a familiar acquaintance; I"d be happy to. ]

They again conversed with the same energy they had when they first started, and before they knew it, they had already reached the gate where they should arrive at.

Like the gates and entrance of Altair city, there are many people lining up for entry. Most are wearing rags and normal clothing, and there are some who also have carriages for carrying their supplies.

They all turned their eyes to Vlad"s carriage and they went quiet. The people who were standing on their way immediately moved to the side, allowing them to past the line of people waiting. This was how it was supposed to work - n.o.bles take priority - it was basic knowledge.

Their carriage then moved slowly, and they continued their pace until they reached the guards.


*Tap, tap tap...

The carriage stopped for a moment as it arrived just under the tall gates. The rushing sound of footsteps was heard and a guard came peaking on the window beside Carlo and says:

[ It"s nice to see you again, Carlo-sama. ] a greet came from the guard.

Judging by how casually she was greeted by the guard, it would seem that they know each other, but that was not the case.

Due to Carla"s fame, almost every soldier, knights, and n.o.bles knows her name and her face, her carriage is already familiar to them as it always goes back and forth in many different places.

[ We"ve been informed of your arrival, you"re free to pa.s.s, Carlo-sama. Some of your servants are here to receive you, too. ]

[ I expected as much. Tell them to follow. ] she casually replied, and as she did, their carriage, again, started to move.

And as they leave the shadow of the gates, they were greeted by the same bright sun, but unlike earlier, right now, there were also the tall connected buildings inside the city.

[ Vlad-san, welcome to the capital, Diamond city... ]

The scene was completely different from when he first arrived in Altair city. Unlike the houses of different styles in Altair, the building here looks completely similar to each other, only a few were different. Most of the structures were clean and painted in white with some having a mixture of blue on them. It definitely looks cleaner and organized than Altair"s. The city almost felt one generation ahead than theirs.

But like Altair, this city also has many people walking and enjoying themselves outside. The roads here are much wider than that in Altair and it can fit more people, but if compared, Altair still has a decent amount of adventurers that will equal the number of people in this city.

[ A different view, right? This is your first time coming here, so I will explain the difference between Altair and this city. ] she mutters to Vlad as she also took a glimpse outside.

[ People here are much wealthier than the people living in Altair. Most people that live here are n.o.bles; either here to study, live away from their parents, or to socialize with other n.o.bles. Those commoners you saw outside were mostly here to sell their products or people who want to work as servants. Also, the reason why you don"t see any adventurers is that there"s no branch of the guild built here. If the people want to task someone, they will ask the knights or even their own slaves. ] she continues to explain.

[ This city is the heart and center of this kingdom, the capital, Diamond City. It would be better if you know how this city works. ]

Vlad quietly listened to everything she had said. And as he thought what it would be, the capital really has higher standards than Altair. Commoners here are n.o.bles and adventurers are knights, it was almost the same yet not at the same time.

[ Un, thank you, Carlo-san. ] Vlad responded. A thought then came to his mind and asks:

[ By the way, Carlo-san, I know it"s already too late to ask, but where should I be staying at? ]

[ Oh? Haven"t I told you yet? There"s someone already waiting for you. ]

( Huh...? I haven"t heard anything like that... I"ve also never read anything about someone receiving us from the letter... ) Vlad made a confused look on his face.

[ Can I borrow your invitation letter, Vlad-san. ]

Ask she asks, Vlad took the first letter he received from Carla and brought it to her.

[ Vlad-san, this crest here is from the n.o.ble family who is supposed to receive you. That family would serve as your guide and you will be their guest of honor until the event happens. Normally, no n.o.ble family would allow a commoner into their homes, but since the next head of this family is quite close to you and you already have enough fame, the current head volunteered to make you their guest of honor. ]

[ Oh? I didn"t know anything about this... About this next head of the family you said I"m close with... Who is it? ]

[ It"s the son of the war general Cristov, Caiden Lionheart. A lion is the symbol of their crest, as you can see here. ] she says as she pointed at one of the corners of the letter she"s holding.

[ So it"s Caiden, huh? ]

[ Yes, Alicia"s family also accepted, but in the end, Caiden"s family won. Their family is actually the reason you were not labeled as a criminal for what happened to Arthur. They recognize strength and their head, General Cristov, took interest in you, no matter how Arthur"s family wanted you dead, they were not able to do anything about it because of him. ]

( Oh...? Does this mean I owe their family? I"ve heard that General Cristov is a major part of this country and their family is recognized by strength... it"s not like I wished for it to happen, but I guess they saved me the trouble. )

[ Hmm... I just want to ask, am I allowed to refuse? I thought there were supposed to be many Inns in the capital? ]

[ Of course, you can always refuse and find your self a place to stay at. But not accepting it would be rude and disrespectful. They and the other n.o.bles might take it as a bad sign. I personally haven"t seen anyone refuse an invitation like this, especially from a family like the Lionhearts. ]

[ Is that so? Well, it"s just a thought... ]

[ Well, even if you wanted to, I think it would be too late to refuse now... We"re about to arrive in their residence. ]

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