Full-time Lottery System

Chapter 3: Ghost.

Chapter 3: Ghost.

Yandang mountain, hillside!

A group of cars are descending the mountain at an extremely fast speed. They form a line of motorcades and easily pa.s.s through dangerous bends in the eyes of ordinary people.

The leading car of this group of cars is a yellow luxury car. The whole car is streamlined and looks very luxurious.  The speed of this car is also very fast. All the way down the mountain, it"s speed is more than 100 kph. Although the car behind is also very fast, but it is still left in the dust.

The owner"s name is Yang Qi, and he is the captain of the team. Their team is also the fastest underground team in Yandang Mountain.  The reason why he became captain was not only because of the best performance of his car, but also his driving skills.

At the moment, the intercom inside his car rang. It was the drivers behind.

"Hongliang, your condition today is good, even more than me."

"Ha ha, that"s right, I"m over 80 kph today."

"Hey, hey, I"m almost at that speed too. Either way, it"s still a great run on Yandang Mountain."

"But the boss is still the best. He should have exceeded 90 kph, and that is him deliberately slowing down, otherwise he would have left us already."

The voices inside the intercom kept coming out, obviously everyone behind was very excited.

Also, racing, especially in this mountain road on the edge of life and death, is the easiest way to let adrenaline surge.

"All of you, pay attention. We are practicing today for the match on Friday night. Please don"t let anything happen."

At this time, Yang Qi said. Obviously as those in the intercom said, the current speed is far from reaching Yang Qi"s peak. Although he is already over 100 kph, he is still very calm.

"Yes, boss."

"For the boss, we will definitely win the match on Friday."

"Ha ha, let us let them know how good our team is, no other team could win against us."

The people inside the intercom said one after another, obviously they are very confident, confident in the mountain that no one can beat them.

"Ah, this, what is this?  Am I seeing a ghost? "

All of a sudden, there was a voice in the intercom.  Before Yang Qi could react, another voice sounded almost immediately: "oh my G.o.d, how is that possible, ghost! Is that a ghost?"

"Too fast, how can this car drive so fast? Am I dreaming?"

"How can it be so fast, this, this is really a ghost?  One bend, just one bend, and I was left in the dust. "

"Impossible, it"s a Meisanrui car. How can this car drive so fast? It"s impossible."

The whole intercom was in chaos. Everyone kept screaming and shouting. It seemed that something incredible had happened to them.

Yang Qi was also confused. It took him a while to understand what had happened.  It turned out that there was another car behind him, overtaking all the cars and its speed seemed incredible. Almost all the cars were left behind in one or two bends.

More importantly, it seems that the car coming here is only a cheap car, only worth a few hundred thousand car.

"A Meisanrui car, are you kidding? How could this happen? How could this car drive so fast?"

Yang Qi whispered, it is really hard to imagine what happened behind. Even the worst cars behind are worth hundreds of thousands, starting triple the price of a Meisanrui.

Om!  !  !  !  !

Just as Yang Qi was thinking about these things, there was a noise from behind him. Then a black car appeared. Its speed was very fast. It was the Meisanrui.

"It turned out to be true. The Meisanrui was able to drive so fast."  Yang Qi was only then sure that what was said in the intercom was true.

He immediately stepped on the gas and raised the speed of his car to the highest.  As the captain and boss of Yandang Mountain team, he naturally cannot allow any vehicles to pa.s.s him here, especially a Meisanrui.

This luxury car of his is more than a Meisanrui.  Indeed as expected, with his speed the Meisanrui behind him was immediately left behind.

Noting this, Yang Qi"s face relaxed a lot: "A Meisanrui is just a Meisanrui after all. It is impossible to surpa.s.s me."

Although the Meisanrui behind was briefly pulled away, it was not immediately thrown away.  Because soon there was a big curve ahead, this curve was close to 50 or 60 degrees, it"s very difficult to drive past it.

Even with Yang Qi"s current skills, he had to slow down, otherwise he"d rush out of the mountain path.

However, just after Yang Qi slowed down, something happened that he couldn"t believe. He saw the Meisanrui behind him approach his car all the way and then pa.s.s by.

"Not slowing down, he didn"t slow down at all.  This, this, how is this possible? Is this the first time the driver of the Meisanrui drove on this road?  Doesn"t he know about the curve upfront?  At such a speed, how is it possible to pa.s.s the curve ahead? It is impossible to pa.s.s at all!"

Yang Qi muttered to himself, apparently stunned. He couldn"t believe that the car in front of him was going through such a curve without slowing down.  At such a speed, Yang Qi thought that it could not pa.s.s at all.

Screech!  !  !  !

Just when Yang Qi thought that this Meisanrui was bound to rush out of the mountain path, it suddenly swung to the right, then quickly swung to the left, drifting through the detour in a way Yang Qi could not imagine.

"This, this, inertial drift, this is inertial drift!"

Yang Qi muttered to himself, his eyes wide open.  At this moment, he realized that it was not that the driver was unfamiliar with the mountain road, but that the driver is too skilled to imagine.

When Yang Qi pa.s.sed this detour, the Meisanrui was already completely out of sight, leaving him, the number one driver in Yandang Mountain in dust with only one curve.

Yang Qi stopped his car and stepped down to look at the mountain road in the distance. His eyes shocked: "How could it be so fast? Who is the owner of this car?  It is simply incredible."

Soon, the rest of Yang Qi"s motorcade arrived. When they saw Yang Qi stop, they all got off their cars one by one, and then exclaimed to each other. It was hard to believe.

"The license plate of that car is our city"s license plate, so the owner of this car should be from our city.  It is really hard to imagine that there are still such experts in our city. "  Yang Qi said, "Or I would rather admit that the driver of this car is a ghost. How can a normal person be able to drive so fast?"

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