[Footnote 38: Wright, "Latin Stories," p. 235.]

[Footnote 39: "Francis of a.s.sisi," Mrs. Oliphant. London, 1874, p. 87.]

[Footnote 40: "Valerius Maximus," vi. 2, 3.]

[Footnote 41: It will be sufficient here to refer for further details to the following works:--"Geschichte und Literatur des Schachspiels," von Antonius van der Linde, Berlin, 1874, 2 vols.; "Quellenstudien zur Gefchichte des Schachspiels," von Dr. A. v.d.Linde, Berlin, 1881.]

[Footnote 42: This dedication is omitted in the second edition.]

[Footnote 43: Second edit. reads "Thossyce of notaries/ aduocates scriueners and drapers and clothmakers capitulo iii"]

[Footnote 44: Sec. edit. reads "The forme of phisiciens leches spycers and appotycaryes"]

[Footnote 45: Sec. edit. "Of tauerners hostelers & vitaillers"]

[Footnote 46: Sec. edit. "Of kepers of townes Receyuers of custum and tollenars"]

[Footnote 47: Sec. edit. "Of messagers currours Rybauldes and players at the dyse"]

[Footnote 48: "democrite" in the sec. edit.]

[Footnote 49: "beclyppe" in sec. edit.]

[Footnote 50: "demotene" in sec. edit.]

[Footnote 51: "demostenes" in sec. edit.]

[Footnote 52: "blisful" in the sec. edit.--The reading of the first edition is evidently a misprint.]

[Footnote 53: Sec. edit. "buneuentayns."]

[Footnote 54: sec. edit, "y nough."]

[Footnote 55: sec. edit. "by the martel or hamer."]

[Footnore 55: "And therfore &c." to the end, is wanting in the second edition, and, instead thereof, the treatife concludes in the following manner--

"Thenne late euery man of what condycion he be that redyth or herith this litel book redde take therby enfaumple to amende hym.

Explicit per Caxton."]

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