"I"m buying you the cheesiest sweatshirt imaginable after we finish eating," he said, pointing his plastic spoon at her.

"No way am I wearing some neon pink sweatshirt with California emblazoned across it." She slowly shook her head, instantly coming up with a better idea. "Maybe I"ll buy you one instead."

"Make sure it"s purple and has a sad-faced seal on the front of it," he said, not batting an eyelash. "Purple is my favorite color."

"It is not." Didn"t anything faze him? She was so on edge being with him out in public, and he acted like it was no big deal.

"Maybe you should snuggle with me under my sweatshirt instead," he suggested, his gaze heated as he stared at her.

A giggle escaped her, and she immediately clamped her lips shut. "No way." She shook her head, despite her skin buzzing with antic.i.p.ation. That sounded like an amazing idea, but she refused to do it. She couldn"t be seen with Nick like that, surrounded by strangers. It might give him ideas.

It might give her ideas. Ideas she couldn"t begin to contemplate.

This is fake. These dates mean nothing. Don"t forget. And whatever you do, don"t let him break your heart again.

She really, really needed to remember that.

They ate and talked, sharing what happened in their worlds the last few days like a normal couple, which made her uneasy.

"Work keeping you busy?" he asked nonchalantly as he devoured his clam chowder.

"Definitely. This is one of the busiest times of year for me. During the holidays and early summer. Holiday parties or weddings and baby showers." She went into enthusiastic detail about her schedule for the next few weeks and the new cotton candy flavors she wanted to try thanks to the inspiration she just received here at the Wharf.

That mention had put a particular sparkle in Nick"s eyes, which, of course, thrilled her.

Not that she would ever admit it.

"How do you feel about the next game? Are you ready?"

"h.e.l.l, yeah. I"m pumped. The entire team is pumped. Don"t like to go into too much detail only because we get a little superst.i.tious." He tore off a hunk of sourdough bread from his bowl and chewed thoughtfully. "After everything"s over, we should go on a vacation."

She nearly swallowed her tongue. "Together?"

"Well, yeah. That"s the idea." His gaze zeroed in on her face, turned thoughtful and aroused, all at once. "You work d.a.m.n hard, woman. You deserve a break."

"You work pretty hard yourself," she pointed out, her skin warming with pleasure that he seemed so concerned with her wellbeing tonight.

But he was talking about a future that they really didn"t have. Why in the world would he want to go on a vacation with her when he was blackmailing her for a certain amount of dates?

Maybe because Nick actually cares about you?

Why did the idea of that both excite and scare the c.r.a.p out of her?

The more they talked, the more she forgot that she was supposed to be angry with him. She laughed at all of his jokes. He dialed down the overt charm and just acted like himself-the Nick she remembered from before. All the while they scooted closer and closer to each other, until finally they were done with their dinner and she was practically sitting on his thigh, her head nestled on his chest, his deep voice rumbling against her ear as he talked.

Realizing what she was doing, she tried to jerk out of his hold, but he wouldn"t let her.

"I know you grew up with your father but you never say anything about your mom. Tell me about her," he said, his voice soft.

She stiffened, unease making her blood run ice cold. "There"s not much to tell."

"She"s never really been in your life, huh?" He knew this. She"d been ultra sensitive to the subject when they were together the first time around. Realizing at the age of nineteen that your mom doesn"t give a s.h.i.t about you hurts. A lot.

Maybe that"s why she"d clung so hard to Nick back then...

"It"s always just been me and my dad," she finally answered, wishing they weren"t having this conversation.

Now it was his turn to stiffen. "Yeah...Walter. So how"s he doing?"

"As overprotective as ever." She paused, plucking at the front of his sweatshirt, horrified when she realized she was acting like the typical clingy girlfriend. She let her hand fall away from him. "He"d probably have a coronary if he saw the two of us together."

She didn"t even want to think about what her father would do.

"I"m sure," Nick said wryly.

They remained silent for a few minutes, Willow"s head spinning. He asked about her mom, and no one ever did that. She knew Nick was close to his mother so maybe it was just a natural thing. He probably thought the fact that she wasn"t close to her mom was pretty disappointing. Which it was.

Plus, he probably remembered how torn up she"d been at nineteen, feeling abandoned and angry at her neglectful mother.

"Talking about my mother isn"t easy because we don"t have much of a relationship," she finally said, feeling defensive but needing to get this out. "She lives in Europe. She"s selfish and vain and only cares about the clothes she wears and if she looks young enough. She used to be a model."

"I bet you look just like her," he said softly, reaching out to touch her hair.

She jerked away from him. "You"re right, I do. And I hate it. I think my dad doesn"t really like the reminder either."

"You gotta be kidding me. You"re his only child," Nick said, looking furious in her defense.

She shouldn"t have said that about her dad. Shouldn"t have said he would freak if he knew they were together, either. It was rude-a reminder of their c.r.a.ppy past. How they snuck around and kept everything hidden. Yeah, she should still be p.i.s.sed at Nick for forcing her to go on these dates with him, but this one...didn"t feel forced.

And that scared her.

"The restaurant at the end of the pier has the best view of the bay you"ll ever see," he said out of nowhere.

"Really?" She glanced up at him, found him staring down at her. He looked so...serious. Too serious, and she couldn"t have that. She should be mad at him. Furious he was forcing her to pretend to be something they"re not. He just wanted in her pants again, and she let him. Stupid on her part because if she let him get even a fraction closer, he had the potential to really tear her heart out of her chest when he left.

Because he would leave. Of that she had no doubt.

"I wanna take you there," he murmured, his gaze dropping to her lips, lingering. "Want to check it out?"

"Sure," she whispered, noticing the fire that lit his eyes when she agreed. She wondered what he had planned.

Despite her tumultuous emotions, she couldn"t wait to find out.

Tonight"s date with Willow couldn"t be more perfect if he tried. The more they talked, the more agreeable she became-until he mentioned her mother. But he could understand her defensiveness regarding that subject. It also explained a lot of her behavior.

He tried his best to coax the old Willow out-the one he fell so hard for-but she was a different woman now, one that he was definitely attracted to. Strong and so d.a.m.n independent. Smarter, s.e.xier, wittier. f.u.c.k, this woman did a number on him. He wanted to take her back to her place, strip her naked, and kiss every inch of her smooth, beautiful skin.

But first he wanted to do something a little riskier. Have a little fun, push her limits a bit. He remembered how excited she used to get when he got a little grabby in public. They"d had s.e.x more than once in public places their first time around. Completely insatiable, unable to keep their hands off of each other, what they"d shared had been so intense, so outrageously good...

It was still good. h.e.l.l, it was better. Thoughts of blackmail and Walter Cavanaugh and buildings for lease and fake dates...they all fell away the more time he spent with Willow.

Taking her hand, Nick led her up the narrow stairwell that led to the top of the restaurant, wondering if she noticed his slightly sweaty palms. d.a.m.n, he was nervous. She made him nervous. He didn"t want her to push him away, to tell him there was no way she would do what he wanted.

So he"d seduce her instead. With a beautiful view, a few murmured s.e.xy words, and kisses on the neck.

Her favorite.

They emerged on top of the building and he led her to the side that faced the Wharf and the Monterey Bay just beyond. The wind was cooler up this high, blowing back her hair so it flew into his face. He brushed the stray tendrils away, baring her neck to his gaze as he breathed deep her scent. She smiled back at him, the most carefree he"d ever seen her.

"The view is beautiful," she murmured as she leaned against the railing, peering over the edge to check out all the people milling around on the wharf below them. "I don"t think I"ve ever been up here before."

"Nice, huh?" He came up behind her, bracing his hands on the railing on either side of her, boxing her in. "I like the view I have right here, too."

A little shiver went through her when he impatiently nudged some of her hair away from her neck with his nose, pressing his mouth to her nape. Her skin was warm and so, so soft. Her low murmurings pleased him as he dropped tiny kisses on her neck, licking her skin.

Just like that he was hard for her. Aching for her. He stepped in closer, letting her feel just what she did to him, and she pressed her a.s.s against his groin, trying to drive him crazy, no doubt.

"What are you doing?" she whispered, sounding scandalized.

He hoped like h.e.l.l it was all an act. "What do you think I"m doing?"

"Trying to drive me crazy?" She drew in a harsh breath when he sucked on her earlobe.

"Yeah." He slipped his hands beneath her shirt, touching her stomach. It quivered beneath his fingertips. "Remember how h.o.r.n.y we used to get in public places, Will?"

She laughed, the soft sound tearing at his insides. d.a.m.n, he"d give anything to hear her laugh like that again and again. All the time. He liked a happy Willow. "Some of our more embarra.s.sing memories, don"t you think?"

"Nah." He slid one hand higher until he was cupping her breast, the lace of her bra rasping against his palm. He could feel her hard nipple beneath, and he brushed his thumb across it, making her gasp. "Remember that one time we were at a restaurant and I slipped my hand between your legs? Got you off while you were trying to talk to that waiter?"

"You were so bad," she whispered. "How could I ever forget that?"

One of his favorite memories of Willow, ever. Her skin had been all flushed, her dark eyes sparkling, her breaths coming a little too fast. She"d just come all over his fingers and had to smile and offer a stuttered thank-you to their over-attentive waiter, who kept trying to sneak a look down the front of her tank top.

"I"m in the mood to make another memory tonight, Will. You on board?" Both hands were tunneled beneath her shirt now as he cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, played with her nipples as he leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"But there are so many people..." Her voice trailed off when he pushed her bra up and touched bare skin.

"They"re down there, baby. We"re up here, all alone. They"ll never be the wiser." He removed one hand from her breast and cradled the side of her face, turning her so their lips met and clung. He took it deeper, the kiss turning instantly hot and wet, their tongues tangling, their breaths coming faster.

"We shouldn"t," she whispered against his lips after she broke the kiss first.

He ground himself against her backside, his c.o.c.k a needy, aching thing for her. Only her. "I need to be inside you. Please."

She studied him, her eyes wide, her lips damp as she pressed them together. They were so close, his body molded to hers; he could feel every inch of her seeping into him. The arch of her back, the curve of her a.s.s, those pretty long legs coming apart the slightest bit so he could rub his thigh between her thighs. A little groan escaped her when he did just that and he smiled.

This was going to be so easy.

And so good, too.

"You sure no one will notice?"

He nodded once, his hands going to her hips. "Turn and face the crowd, beautiful. I"ll take care of everything. You just enjoy the ride."

Another soft laugh escaped her and she shook her head. "You better be quick then. What if someone catches us?"

"No chance in h.e.l.l am I gonna be quick. And no one will catch us. We"re alone up here." He dropped a kiss on her lips. "Remember?"

"I don"t feel so alone, what with all those people down there." She waved a hand at the crowded wharf. "What if someone looks up and sees us?"

"You"ll be fully clothed. At least from the waist up, and they can"t see much beyond that." He smiled as he slowly slid the zipper on her pants down. "And if someone catches us, well then we"re gonna give them the show of a lifetime."

"Oh my G.o.d," she whispered, her voice shaky.

"Turn around, Will," he commanded, more than ready to slide inside her tight little body.

She did as he asked and he tugged at her black pants, pushing them down so they fell to her ankles. Her little pale pink lacy panties were a sight to behold, making him pause for the longest minute so he could drink in all that hotness. d.a.m.n, she drove him wild.

"Nice panties," he murmured, curling his fingers around the waistband and tugging them down. "I think you wear this sort of thing just to drive me crazy."

"You"re rather observant, aren"t you?" Amus.e.m.e.nt laced her voice, and he smiled in response, even though she couldn"t see him.

"Mmm, hmm." Grabbing the condom he"d slipped into the front pocket of his jeans earlier, he hurriedly undid the snap and slid down the zipper, pushing his pants off along with his underwear.

He talked of taking his time, but he was a d.a.m.n liar. Excitement rushed through him as he slipped the condom on and bent his knees, nudging at her hot, wet center. She spread her legs farther without him having to say a word and then he was sliding inside her welcoming body. Engulfed completely in Willow, he closed his eyes and breathed deep, pressing his face to her fragrant hair.

"Are you watching everyone, darlin"? Think they know what we"re doing?" he whispered against her hair.

She slowly shook her head. "They don"t notice us."

"Do you want them to notice us?" He started to move, slow at first, letting her get used to the position, and he pressed at her lower back, adjusting her so she could take him better. "Does it turn you on, knowing anyone could look up at this very moment and figure out pretty quickly that I"m f.u.c.king you?"

"Oh G.o.d." She moaned, and he swore he felt a flood of wetness surround his c.o.c.k at his words.

Will always liked the dirty talk.

"You cold?" She was shivering, shaking her head in answer as he increased his pace, thrusting deeper. Harder. Faster. Taking her brutally with his c.o.c.k, dropping soft kisses on her neck to ease his forcefulness.

But she never protested. More like she encouraged with her little moans, how wet she was, her soft, dirty words of encouragement. How she wanted him to f.u.c.k her harder and make her scream. Make her come.

"You"re a f.u.c.king dirty girl, you know that?" He licked her, sucking on her skin, wanting to leave a mark. Mark her as his so no other jacka.s.s would bother looking in her direction again.

She belonged to him.

His woman just didn"t know it yet. They were so d.a.m.n good together, how could she deny that they were meant to be? He felt it. She had to have felt it. And if she didn"t?

He"d make Willow fall in love with him.

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