Game, Live Stream

Chapter 133.1

Chapter 133.1

Tang Mianmian blinked, “Something important? What important thing?”

Xiao Tangqiu, “…I said I forgot, how do I know!”

Tang Mianmian scratched his hair, “Strange, when you say that, why do I feel like I also forgot something important?”

They looked at each other for a long time, but in the end, neither of them thought of anything.

That night, in addition to Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian, other people woke up one after another. But these people, like them, lost all memories related to this kidnapping case. They couldn’t remember anything whether it was during or before the kidnapping.

Everyone seemed to have been memory wiped for no reason. They disappeared collectively and were rescued collectively by the police, and in the end they lost their memory collectively… This kidnapping case quickly caused a lot of public opinion. The melon-eating launched a heated discussion war online. Some said they were kidnapped by cultists, some said they were kidnapped by enemy spies, and some even said they were kidnapped by aliens.

A week later.

“It doesn’t matter if we are kidnapped by cults or enemy spies, what’s the matter with being kidnapped by aliens?” Tang Mianmian pulled Xiao Tangqiu along while scrolling Weibo and complained, “What are aliens kidnapping us for? Even if aliens want to invade Earth, they should kidnap the heads of governments of various countries. What’s the use of kidnapping us c.r.a.ppy low-level civilians!”

Xiao Tangqiu folded his clothes without raising his head, “Why are you still so relaxed? You’re going to be discharged from the hospital today. Why don’t you pack your luggage quickly, is there no one to pick you up and leave the hospital?”

“No one is picking me up, I will get discharged by myself.”

Tang Mianmian continued to lie on the hospital bed and use his mobile phone carelessly. Since he and Xiao Tangqiu netizens met, he insisted on begging the doctor to transfer them to the same ward. They had been living together in the same ward for a week now.

Xiao Tangqiu raised an eyebrow, “Your parents have gone abroad again?”

Tang Mianmian snorted, “They went to the airport yesterday. After such a big thing happened to their son, they just glanced at me and left. How can you say that there are such uncaring parents in this world?”

Xiao Tangqiu smiled, “They still care about you very much, they only left after confirming that you are all right.” Although they lost all memories of the kidnapping case, neither their bodies nor their brains were affected otherwise. Their intellect also wasn’t affected.

Tang Mianmian pouted, “Although nothing major happened to us, I lost my most important job offer… I finally got a third male lead who has lines and a storyline, but I was delayed for half a month. The duck in my hands had flown off.”

Xiao Tangqiu smiled, “It’s fine as long as you’re okay. Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise.”

Tang Mianmian sighed, “I don’t even dare to call the director now, they must have appointed another actor long ago. I didn’t have time to sign the contract after all and suddenly disappeared… But if I only disappeared after I signed a contract, maybe I would have to pay for lost time. I can’t say which one is more unlucky.”

Xiao Tangqiu, “There will still be opportunities. Besides, even if you can’t be an actor, it’s not bad to be a streamer.”

Tang Mianmian scratched his face, “But it’s my dream to be an actor. Although it’s good to be a host, my dream is to be an actor!”

Xiao Tangqiu packed his luggage, sat down, and chatted with Tang Mianmian.

Tang Mianmian suddenly asked, “By the way, what’s your dream?”

“Dream?” Xiao Tangqiu paused and thought for a long time before he smiled and said, “I wanted to be a writer when I was in junior high and even wrote several novels in my notebooks. When I was in high school, I became addicted to games and I wanted to be an e-sports player or a gamer…”

“Writer? Novels? You can write novels?” Tang Mianmian winked at Xiao Tangqiu and said, “You must show me your masterpiece someday!”

“Don’t make fun of me, what kind of masterpiece can a junior high school student write…” Xiao Tangqiu glanced at Tang Mianmian and suddenly remembered something, “But at that time, I still had a loyal reader.”

Tang Mianmian blinked, “You had readers?”

Xiao Tangqiu smiled and fell into nostalgia, “Every time I wrote a novel in my notebook, I would first show it to him. And his reaction was always very supportive… But the so-called novels I wrote were actually just simple outlines.”

Tang Mianmian reacted at once, “Is that the friend you went to visit the grave of?”

Xiao Tangqiu paused, then smiled and said, “Yes, it’s him.”

Tang Mianmian blinked, “Sorry, did I mention something that shouldn’t be mentioned?”

Xiao Tangqiu shook his head, “No… He’s been gone for seven years.”

Although Xiao Tangqiu said it was fine, the atmosphere in the ward still cooled down. Tang Mianmian secretly glanced at Xiao Tangqiu, and then silently lowered his head and played with his mobile phone.

Xiao Tangqiu turned his head and looked out the window. It was noon and the sun was shining brightly. But for some reason, his mood seemed to be covered with a gray haze and no amount of strong sunlight could disperse it… But why?

Meng Xinghe had been gone for seven years, and he decided to let it go… But why did his heart still have a dull pain when he thought of the name Meng Xinghe?

Meng Xinghe…

Xiao Tangqiu recited the name silently in his heart, and his eyes became wet again… Before he realized it, he had already begun crying.

He quickly wiped away his tears, but for some reason, the more he wiped his tears, the more tears flowed. At this moment, Tang Mianmian suddenly shouted, “f.u.c.k!”

Xiao Tangqiu was startled, thinking that Tang Mianmian found out that he was crying again, and immediately turned his back to Tang Mianmian, “What… what’s wrong?”

“f.u.c.k!” Tang Mianmian yelled, staring at the phone, “Kidnapping…solved!”

Xiao Tangqiu stayed for a while, “Solved?”

Tang Mianmian’s tone was very shocked, “f.u.c.k! The news said that the police caught the kidnapper suspect at the crime scene today, and they are now interrogating and investigating… I heard that the kidnapper had already run away when the police rescued us. It’s been more than a week, they could still catch them!”

“Caught today? At the crime scene?” Xiao Tangqiu paused, “Did they surrender?”

“I don’t know…” Tang Mianmian seemed to be still watching the news, “It doesn’t reveal too much information, not even the suspect’s name or appearance, just said it was a woman.”

“Woman?” Xiao Tangqiu paused.

“That’s amazing, everyone thought that the kidnapper would never be caught, but they did it!” Tang Mianmian was shocked, “And the kidnapper is actually a woman! I thought it would be a strong man to kidnap so many people at once! Or a gang-organized crime!”

Xiao Tangqiu frowned. He vaguely thought of something, but it was fleeting.

“It’s good as long as they catch the culprit!” Tang Mianmian humphed, “I lost such an important job opportunity! At least a dozen years in prison! Put her in jail!”

Xiao Tangqiu looked at the sunlight outside the window and suddenly sighed. For some reason, although the criminal in this kidnapping case was caught, he still felt empty in his heart, like the most important piece of the puzzle was missing… What did he forget? What was missing?

At this moment, someone suddenly knocked on the door of the ward.

Xiao Tangqiu’s heart skipped a beat, and he turned around excitedly but was disappointed when he saw his parents.

“Xiao-Qiu, we’re here to pick you up from the hospital… Why do you look disappointed? Who do you think it was?” Mother Xiao regained her previous spirit after Xiao Tangqiu’s recovery, “Did you meet someone in the hospital? A nurse? Which one? Let’s see if Mom can be a matchmaker for you.”

Xiao Tangqiu smiled helplessly, “…Nothing, don’t worry about it. Let’s go back.”

Mother Xiao used the gossipy spirit unique to middle-aged women and teased her son for gossip, “You really don’t like any of the nurses in the hospital?”

“Not really,” Xiao Tangqiu shook his head, “I just thought… thought it was…” Who did he think he was?

He was in a trance, vaguely remembering that he seemed to be waiting for someone.

So, who was he waiting for?

Xiao’s mother blinked, “Who did you think it was? Which girl?”

Xiao Tangqiu said subconsciously, “Not a girl.”

Tang Mianmian interjected, “Which boy, then?”

Xiao Tangqiu glared at Tang Mianmian, “Don’t talk nonsense.”

“Okay, okay, we should get discharged from the hospital,” Xiao Tangqiu quickly changed the subject, “I want to go home soon. I haven’t been home for a long time, I’m feeling a little homesick, Mom, I haven’t eaten the food you cooked for a long time.” Because he was just discharged from the hospital, Mother and Father Xiao planned to take Xiao Tangqiu back to his original home and let Mother Xiao take care of him for a while with some delicious nourishing food for the body.

“Okay, okay, Mom will cook for you tonight, what do you want to eat?”

“I want to eat everything.”

“So greedy! I’ll cook them for you in turn, then!”

Tang Mianmian looked at the happy image of Xiao Tangqiu’s family and was silently envious and bitter. At this moment, his cell phone suddenly rang.

When he saw the caller ID, his hands trembled.

After three seconds of mental preparation, he took a deep breath before picking up the phone tremblingly, “Hey… Director Zhang…”

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