Game, Live Stream

Chapter 54.2

Chapter 54.2

Translator: Ellabells

Editor: darlingv

He suddenly began jumping up and down, quickly retrieving the egg from the hole, “I got it! I got it!”

Xiao Tangqiu smiled, “Congratulations, I’ll go for it next!”

“Don’t worry! You’ll definitely get it next time! If you’re still not sure, I can pa.s.s you some more tricks to the claw machine!” Tang Mianmian was filled with confidence as he pulled Xiao Tangqiu aside, filling his head with another pile of information.

Xiao Tangqiu felt dizzy from listening, but could only nod along.

Tang Mianmian puffed out his chest, “You can’t go wrong listening to me! I’m a claw machine expert!”

Next was the geek’s turn again. The geek already had an egg so he didn’t feel any pressure. It was fine even if he didn’t get anything, it was just a feather in his cap) if he did. He was relaxed as he found a position, relaxed as he dropped the claw.

The claw grabbed an egg, but it once again let go in midair.

Although he didn’t get anything, the geek didn’t feel disappointed.

“Alright! This is the last chance! Next!”

As the clown’s voice sounded, Xiao Tangqiu felt his heart in his throat.

His heart was thundering so much it could almost burst in his ears.

This is the last chance! He has to grab one! Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to leave this theme park with Tang Mianmian and them!

Xiao Tangqiu obviously didn’t want to be the one left behind in their group of three. Even though he had a moment of sympathy towards the female player back in that escape room, he definitely didn’t want to become like her.

This was his last chance. No matter what, he had to grab an egg this time!

Xiao Tangqiu took a deep breath and went in front of the egg machine.

He got started..

He stared at the eggs inside the egg machine, his mind extremely tense.

He used all of his focus to move the joystick left, right, up, down… Finally, the claw was above the egg.

Xiao Tangqiu continued to carefully adjust the claw’s position, testing different angles to best grab an egg when the claw dropped. He adjusted here and adjusted there, but nothing was satisfactory. If it wasn’t too straight, it was too tilted. From his observations, when the claw dropped it would turn at a certain angle, both too straight and too tilted made grabbing difficult.

He quietly calculated the place to drop the claw for ages, then spent a long time more carefully adjusting the angle. Only when he felt absolutely certain that this claw wouldn’t fail did he press the b.u.t.ton. The claw went down!

The moment the claw dropped, Xiao Tangqiu was so nervous that he held his breath.

Grab it! Grab it! It had to grab it!

Finally, the claw grabbed the egg!

But he knew that it’s still a long way from being able to let out his breath. He closely watched the egg inside the claw, his heart practically following the egg’s ups and downs.

Please don’t let go! Please don’t let go!

It must reach the hole! It must reach the hole!

But, just as the egg was about to reach the hole, the claw relaxed and the egg fell back into the machine.

This was already the last chance, but Xiao Tangqiu still hadn’t gotten one.

His mind went blank.

Was this the furthest he would be able to go?

Was he never to leave this theme park?

The paint on the clown’s face seemed to become more and more exaggerated and funny. He began to let out a strange laugh, “All three chances are used up! Looks like this player isn’t very lucky!”

Xiao Tangqiu dumbly looked at the egg that had fallen back into the machine after traveling halfway, unable to make a single sound. His mind was completely blank but the clown’s flamboyant voice still entered his ears clearly.

“If none of the other lucky players are willing to let you have their egg, then you’ll have to stay in our theme park forever, becoming a member of our theme park…“

Who would be willing to give him their egg?

Who would be willing to give their hope to someone else?

The clown continued to speak suggestively, “…Of course, you can also choose to steal the egg from someone else’s hands.”

At this moment, a noise interrupted the clown’s words.

“Wait, wait a minute! I’ll give my egg to him!”

The clown’s words came to an abrupt stop. He obviously hadn’t seen such a self-sacrificing situation in many years… or, maybe he’d never come across it before?

Xiao Tangqiu also looked at Tang Mianmian who had just spoken in disbelief. Although he and Tang Mianmian were close friends who had gone through many life and death situations, in this sort of moment where they were faced with the choice between life and death… to put it bluntly, even he wasn’t sure if he would exchange his life for Tang Mianmian’s. Yet Tang Mianmian didn’t hesitate to make the choice.

“This lucky player, are you sure you want to let him have your egg?” the clown asked with a twisted smile.

Tang Mianmian’s expression was full of conflict as he struggled for a few seconds, but he still nodded. “Yes! I’ll let him have it!”

“Are you really sure? If you let him have your egg, unless you can get another egg this round, you will take his place and forever stay in this theme park of death…”

This time Xiao Tangqiu didn’t wait for Tang Mianmian to respond before calling out, “Tang Mianmian! Think this through! You might not be able to get an egg this time!” Even though he didn’t want to die, he also didn’t want someone else to die for him.

Tang Mianmian’s expression was conflicted but he still nodded, “I’m sure!”

The clown grinned, “Right, I forgot to say this earlier. Although the egg can be traded or given away, but it can only happen once. If you give the egg to your friend then there’s no way to get the egg back from your friend once you fail to get an egg this round.”

“How can it be like this?” Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t believe it, “If he doesn’t get an egg, I can’t give it back to him?” If Tang Mianmian couldn’t get another egg, then isn’t that a one way ticket to death?

“That’s right, only once,” the clown asked Tang Mianmian with a grin, “So are you sure?”

Tang Mianmian struggled with a nod. He looked towards Xiao Tangqiu who wanted to stop him and gave a forceful smile. “Don’t worry! I’m a claw machine expert! I’ll definitely get one this round, too!”

Xiao Tangqiu’s words came to a halt, “But…”

“Don’t worry! I’m better than a claw machine newbie like you! You couldn’t grab one even with three attempts. It’s such a waste! I managed to get one on my second attempt!” Tang Mianmian laughed, “Although my luck isn’t good, I have skills! Didn’t you see it earlier? I successfully used the swing claw to throw the egg into the hole! I’ll definitely be able to easily get an egg this time, too!”

The clown spoke with a grin, “Since it’s like this, then the trade is successfully completed!”

Tang Mianmian forcefully shoved the egg he won into Xiao Tangqiu’s hand with a confident expression, “Don’t worry! I can definitely get one this time! I don’t want to die either! I still want to go back with you!”

Xiao Tangqiu could only look at Tang Mianmian, wanting to say something but unable to think of what to say.

“Alright! Time to show off my real skills!” Tang Mianmian rolled up his sleeves, walked over to the lucky egg machine, and began his last attempt to grab an egg.

This was also the last attempt for Tang Mianmian. If he could get an egg, then he would be able to leave this theme park of death with Xiao Tangqiu. If he couldn’t get an egg, he could only take Xiao Tangqiu’s place and remain here forever…

Tang Mianmian’s expression was extremely tense, but Xiao Tangqiu was even more tense. His current mood was even more nervous than when he was trying to grab an egg himself.

Tang Mianmian started to operate the machine, successfully moving the claw to stop above the green egg Xiao Tangqiu originally was going to grab before carefully making adjustments to the angle.

Xiao Tangqiu was so nervous that his hands became clammy and cold sweat broke out all over his body. It was only a few seconds of time, but it felt like an eternity had pa.s.sed. Finally, Tang Mianmian’s swinging claw dropped!

This short amount of time had Xiao Tangqiu so tense that he almost suffocated. Luckily, as the claw fell, the claws grabbed the egg!

Xiao Tangqiu’s whole heart was in his throat as he carefully watched the claw swing back and forth. But this time, Tang Mianmian’s calculation was off. The claws relaxed a second too late, throwing the egg to the back of the machine instead of towards the hole!

f.u.c.k! It’s the inner swing!

Xiao Tangqiu’s vision went dark in that moment, completely in despair. But in the very last moment, the egg that was swung back into the machine hit the gla.s.s walls and actually bounced back!

It bounced back!

It actually bounced back!

The egg used the force of the bounce to reach the edge of the hole, landing right on top of the gla.s.s divide and began to sway.

In that moment, neither Tang Mianmian or Xiao Tangqiu were able to breath. Luckily, the scales of luck finally tilted in their favor.

After the egg swayed for a moment on the divide, it leaned towards the hole!

The egg fell into the hole!

They got it!

The finally got another egg!

In that moment, Xiao Tangqiu was practically more excited than Tang Mianmian, immediately rushing over to pull Tang Mianmian into a hug.

Two eggs!

They had two eggs! Both of them could continue to live on! They could leave this d.a.m.ned place together!

It’s only now that Xiao Tangqiu realized that Tang Mianmian’s entire body was shaking. This guy’s entire face and neck was covered in sweat and his face was as pale as paper.

Tang Mianmian stood there blankly for a moment before hugging Xiao Tangqiu back, loudly beginning to cry, “Wuwuwuwu! I really thought I was dead this time! I really thought I definitely won’t get an egg this time!”

Xiao Tangqiu thought Tang Mianmian was just being emotional and immediately began to coax him, “Aren’t you a claw machine expert? Of course you’d be able to get it! And you did do it! You got two!”

“Wuwuwuwu. I was lying to you…I’m not some claw machine expert…” The tension and focus in Tang Mianmian finally broke under the huge shock of joy from escaping death and he began crying loudly. “The truth is, I don’t know how to play claw machines at all! I got all those plushies before because I spent money! My tricks to the claw machine are all bulls.h.i.t! It’s all because I spent money!”

Xiao Tangqiu was stunned, “You don’t know how to play claw machines?”

Tang Mianmian was stirred up, “I don’t know s.h.i.t about getting plushies! Before, I spent almost tens of thousands on claw machines, several hundred on just one plushie! It was enough to buy a whole mountain of plushies! Did the wind blow money into laozi’s hands? Laozi was so angry that I went and searched for guides to claw machines and learned a bunch of theories. But in the end, I never had the opportunity to test them… instead, coming to this terrifying haunted game!”

It turned out that Tang Mianmian was just skilled in theory, on paper?

Xiao Tangqiu, “…Then, before?”

“It was all luck!” Tang Mianmian was so moved that he laughed and cried together, “Getting it on the second try was luck, the third try was still f.u.c.king luck! I finally had a lucky break! The luck of my whole life might’ve been used up on this!”

Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t think of anything to say. He never thought that Tang Mianmian actually grabbed two eggs with just his luck. If Tang Mianmian weren’t lucky earlier… Forget it. Either way, Tang Mianmian grabbed two eggs in the end, saving both their lives along the way.

After a while, he helplessly smiled, “Your acting just now was really good, I really thought you were a claw machine expert.”

Tang Mianmian, “Wuwuwu, I also feel like that was the peak of my performance. Too bad this d.a.m.ned place doesn’t have some sort of Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival or Oscar.”

Xiao Tangqiu patted Tang Mianmian’s shoulder and wanted to say something comforting. But just then, the sound of the clown’s strange laughter sounded.

“Heeheehee, congratulations to the three lucky players all getting a lucky egg! Now, you can open the lucky eggs you have and take a look inside! I have a small gift inside for you guys!”

Xiao Tangqiu didn’t believe that the clown would give them any decent gifts, feeling that something wasn’t right. “Gift? What gift?”

None of them dared to open the eggs, all three nervously looking at the clown.

None of them hoped for any treasures, it would be good enough to leave this place alive!

The clown was full of grins, “Of course it’s three gifts that are full of my sincerity! One of the eggs have the key to leave the theme park of death. As for the other two gifts…they’re hiding bombs! The moment you open the eggs with bombs, you will — BOOM!”

The clown made a gesture for exploding, the exaggerated and comedic paint on his face revealed a huge grin.

“Blown up until you don’t even have ashes left!”

Xiao Tangqiu, “…”

Tang Mianmian, “…!!!”

As the two of them went silent, the geek flared up at the clown, “What kind of joke is this! We already got eggs like you said! Earlier, you clearly said that we can leave once we got an egg! Why are you going back on your word!”

The clown asked with a grin, “Did I say that earlier?”

“You did! You clearly said as long as we got an egg, we can leave!” The geek was so agitated that his eyes were red, turning to look towards Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian, “You guys agree, right?! He clearly said so!”

Without waiting for them to answer, the clown responded, grinning, “Alright. Even if I said that…so what? The rules of the game was originally set by me, you guys only need to comply! And didn’t I tell you not to trust the clown’s words right from the beginning?”

The geek was so angry that his entire body shook. Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian weren’t much better. They finally made it this far after so many difficulties, went through so much to be able to see the dawn, but right at the end, they were given this deadly blow. One! Among the three of them, only one person would be able to live!

Xiao Tangqiu began having doubts in his despair, was this really the difficulty of a D-level mission?

The three of them sank into despair. The clown continued to declare the last rules of the game on the side, “You can choose to open the eggs in your hand, you can also exchange eggs with someone. Of course, if the other person doesn’t agree, you can also use force… No matter if it’s by trade or by force, you only have one minute. You have to open the egg within one minute. After one minute, even if your egg doesn’t have a bomb in it, it will still go BOOM!”

Xiao Tangqiu and Tang Mianmian felt even more hopeless. Only one minute?

The didn’t even have time to organize their last words!

Of the three eggs, only one had the key. Don’t even mention that their luck added together couldn’t compare to the geek’s, even if the key ended up with them, only one of them would live!

Although the geek’s emotions crumbled for a few seconds, he quickly calmed down. Why should he feel indignant? Hadn’t gambling based on luck always been his strong point? Between the three of them, the one with the highest chance of getting the key was definitely him!

He immediately raised his head and puffed out his chest with confidence. Just as he was about to open his egg without any worries, the clown looked at him, grinning, “Are you sure you want to open that egg?”

The geek hesitated for a few seconds before responding, “…I’m sure.”

That clown asked with a grin, “Are you really sure?”

The geek began to worry. He wasn’t sure if he was mistaken, but he felt like he saw a flash of pity in the clown’s eyes. Even though it was only an instant, it made him feel doubtful and unsure. Was the egg in his hands not the key?

The clown smilingly asked a third time, “Are you sure you want to open the egg in your hands?”

The geek gritted his teeth and suddenly turned to call out to Xiao Tangqiu, “Hey! Let’s trade eggs!”

Xiao Tangqiu stared blankly for a moment. Although he didn’t know what the geek wanted, he still rejected it, “No, I don’t want…”

The geek’s emotions were already unstable. When Xiao Tangqiu refused him, he flew into a rage, “I want your egg! Give it to me!”

The moment he said that he lunged at Xiao Tangqiu, knocking him to the ground!

Hey guys! We’ve launched a fanart contest to commemorate reaching 1000 members in our discord server!

Key details: The compet.i.tion is fanart based, and submissions can be inspired by any of CG’s current, completed or teaser projects. If you’re daring, you can even combine characters from several stories and/or play with the plot as you wish! We’ll be selecting a winner through a voting system via the CG website after the submission deadline to make everything fair and reader-focused. The deadline for submission is Sept 30, 2019 Submissions must be sent in via this form:

Voting will begin October 2, 2019, and end Oct 15, 2019. The winner will be announced on Oct 16 and their artwork will be showcased on the website. (We might even showcase the top three!)

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