Game, Live Stream

Chapter 55.3

Chapter 55.3

“Last time, Shen Yuan’s state lasted for half a year. Fortunately, he just completed a super S-level mission so he couldn’t be forced into an instance for five years. Within half a year, he slowly recovered to normal… but this time Shen Yuan can’t wait. He will be forced into an instance after a month.”

Xue Junli finally stated why he was willing to hide nothing from Xiao Tangqiu.

Shen Yuan couldn’t wait for half a year or longer to recovery. If he entered the instance in his current state, chances are that he would never come back!

Xiao Tangqiu was shocked, “A month? Wait! Didn’t you complete an S-level mission just before? You should have another year!” Su Manluo clearly told them that once they had completed an S-level mission, they would get a year of rest.

Xue Junli said softly, “It seems that you still don’t know the main task.”

“Main task?” Xiao Tangqiu was confused again. What’s that?

Xue Junli arbitrarily explained a bit, “Tasks are divided into main tasks and non-main tasks. When you enter the game, the first task is your main task. The system gives you rest time according to the main task, such as your first one, the S-level task. In theory, you will have a rest period of one year. You can pick up other tasks during the year. If you complete a D-level task during this period, you will have to do another task after seven days. The higher the task level, the longer the rest time…but these tasks are just your non-main tasks. Once your first main task’s rest period is over, even if you just completed an S-level mission the day before, you will still be forced into an instance by the system.”

Xiao Tangqiu didn’t think that these horror game tasks actually had main tasks and non-main tasks. But after listening to Xue Junli, he understood, “The super S-cla.s.s task that Shen Yuan did before was his previous main line task. ?”

Xue Junli spoke softly, “Yes, the interval between Super S-level missions is five years. The main mission coming up next month is exactly five years for him.”

Five years…

Xiao Tangqiu carefully thought over this number. It turns out that Xue Junli and Shen Yuan had known each other for five years. Xue Junli was even so clear about the specific time of Shen Yuan’s main task. It seemed that the two of them were indeed very, very familiar.

Five years ago, Xue Junli encountered Shen Yuan who just came out of a super-S instance. So then what did he do five years ago?

Xiao Tangqiu stunned and couldn’t help but ask Xue Junli, “So, what you had me come here for…”

Xue Junli, “He remembers your name… maybe you can calm him down.”

…Were they treating him as some kind of sedative?

Although Xiao Tangqiu was a bit flattered, and even felt some excitement in his heart, he didn’t think he was anything special to Shen Yuan. After all, for “Shen Yuan”, they only experienced an instance together. They were only temporary teammates.

On the degree of trust, Shen Yuan couldn’t match up to real teammates like Yu Fuling and Sai Lulu.

To confidently say that he could become the most special person in someone’s heart, that person could only be Meng Xinghe.

Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t help but feel a bit fervent, the unstoppable thought making his chest ache.

Shen Yuan remembering his name might be because of the nestling complex, but it also might be that Shen Yuan was Meng Xinghe and Meng Xinghe was Shen Yuan. Maybe Shen Yuan subconsciously felt that he was very familiar, so he subconsciously wanted to get close to him?

Just as he was distracted, the person on the bed suddenly moved.

The silver demon binding chains moved with the crisp sound of clanging metal, and the person on the bed opened his eyes.

Xiao Tangqiu’s heart soared and he was about to go up, but he was shocked by Shen Yuan’s eyes k2014; Shen Yuan’s eyes were as dark as night, as cold as ice, like an endless abyss, making people want to shrink back.

When Shen Yuan opened his eyes, he naturally wanted to get out of bed. After discovering that his hands were bound by the demon binding chains, he instantly became angry and began to struggle.

The demon binding chains made a harsh sound under his strength, and the bed that the chain was bound to began to distort.

Xiao Tangqiu was shocked by such a Shen Yuan. He had never seen such a Shen Yuan, with so much aggression and strength. No wonder Xue Junli and them couldn’t hold on and had to find him!

He subconsciously looked at Xue Junli and saw Xue Junli looking back at him with a cold smile, the corner of his lips pulled up mockingly.

He was seeing if he was scared.

Xiao Tangqiu’s heart sank. He also looked at Xue Junli coldly, then turned his head and looked back at Shen Yuan.

Shen Yuan struggled with all his might. The strength he used was huge, making the demon binding chains embed deeply in his flesh.

Seeing that Shen Yuan was almost bleeding from where the demon binding chains were, Xiao Tangqiu quickly went forward and tried to stop Shen Yuan’s actions. “Don’t hurt yourself!”

Shen Yuan glanced at Xiao Tangqiu coldly, his eyes chilling Xiao Tangqui to the bones.

Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t help his expression from falling, Shen Yuan really forgot him…

For Shen Yuan, he was not special at all.

Could it be that Shen Yuan only responded to his name?

Seeing that Shen Yuan was still struggling, Xiao Tangqiu gritted his teeth and grabbed Shen Yuan’s hands. “I am Xiao Tangqiu… Do you remember me? Xiao Tangqiu! I am Xiao Tangqiu!”

Shen Yuan’s fierce struggle gradually stopped. His dark eyes looked at Xiao Tangqiu, seeming to be filled with a layer of fog. “Xiao… Tangqiu?”

“Xiao Tangqiu! I am Xiao Tangqiu!” Xiao Tangqiu quickly repeated.

“Xiao Tangqiu…” Shen Yuan lowered his gaze and the long crow feather like black eyelashes trembled. He began to softly recite the name.

Xiao Tangqiu’s heart soared, repeating: “Yes… I am Xiao Tangqiu…Xiao Tangqiu…”

The reincarnation team around the two of them was shocked. They didn’t think that Xiao Tangqiu could actually make Shen Yuan calm down!

No matter what they did, and what they used, even when the two cats that Shen Yuan had raised with his own hands were placed on his bed, Shen Yuan could not recognize them and would not calm down.

Now, after seeing Xiao Tangqiu, Shen Yuan really magically calm down.

Shen Yuan calmed down.

After a while, he opened his eyes again and looked up at Xiao Tangqiu, who stood beside the bed, from the bottom up. His expression was a bit dumbstruck, “Xiao Tangqiu… Qiuqiu? Qiuqiu?”

Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t stop his heart from thundering because this was the h.o.m.onym of his name. Meng Xinghe had liked to call him “Qiuqiu”, and this nickname was something only Meng Xinghe knew!

“Yes! I am Qiuqiu! I am Qiuqiu!”

However, what disappointed Xiao Tangqiu was that Shen Yuan didn’t seem to remember him and this nickname. Instead, he seemed to have discovered something like a treasure. He began to call the name, “Qiuqiu! Qiuqiu!”

Xiao Tangqiu, “…”

How old are you, what are you selling cute for!

Looking at the cold face of Shen Yuan’s expressionlessly selling cute, the sense of wrongness wasn’t light!

The Reincarnation Team also had complex expressions on the side.

Leader, stop trying to sell cute!

They didn’t want to dream about the image of their great and heroic captain imitating bird chirps when they went to sleep that night!

“Qiuqiu! Qiuqiu!” Shen Yuan called a few times. Seeing that Xiao Tangqiu didn’t respond to him, he became upset. He grabbed Xiao Tangqiu’s sleeve and continued to call, “Qiuqiu!”

Xiao Tangqiu quickly responded, “I’m here! I’m here!”

Shen Yuan was happy and called out a few more times, “Qiuqiu! Qiuqiu!”

Xiao Tangqiu, “…”

Did Shen Yuan really lose his memories and not his intellect?

Just then, Shen Yuan’s stomach suddenly growled. He finally got hungry after not eating for a few days.

He looked down at his belly with a confused look. He didn’t seem to understand why his stomach was so hungry.

When Xiao Tangqiu saw this, he quickly took out two candy b.a.l.l.s from his pocket and handed them to Shen Yuan.

The vending machine of the Abyss City was full of magical powers. It even had the most popular candy brands from the real world, and foodstuff needed very few points so he had exchanged some in preparation for the instance. He had put a few in his pocket for a rainy day.

Seeing Xiao Tangqiu take two candies to feed their captain, Yu Fuling immediately stepped forward to stop him, “Don’t give strange things to our captain! Who knows what your intentions are!” She certainly didn’t think Xiao Tangqiu would’ve poisoned Shen Yuan. She just found Xiao Tangqiu not pleasing to the eye.

Xiao Tangqiu’s movement paused, just as he was about to peel the candy and eat it on the spot to demonstrate, the originally quiet and obedient Shen Yuan suddenly glared at Yu Fuling, “Get out!”

He climbed up from the bed in anger, and since he was bound by the demon binding chains, he directly broke off the headboard!

Yu Fuling was shocked. Xiao Tangqiu was also shocked. He rushed forward and hugged Shen Yuan, “It’s okay! Calm down! Calm down!”

Shen Yuan angrily complained to Xiao Tangqiu, “Bad guy! She’s a bad guy!”

Xiao Tangqiu smiled bitterly, “No, she isn’t a bad guy…”

Shen Yuan was not convinced, “She’s definitely a bad guy!”

Xiao Tangqiu hesitated, “Then do you think Qiuqiu is a good guy?”

Shen Yuan furiously nodded, “Of course Qiuqiu is a good guy!”

Xiao Tangqiu, “Then listen to Qiuqiu, that… big sister is not a bad person, she is just a bit mean.”

Shen Yuan huffed, “She’s mean! She’s mean, Qiuqiu!”

Xiao Tangqiu felt like he was coaxing a kindergartener, “…Then don’t learn from her, you can’t be a meanie.”

Shen Yuan finally calmed down, “Okay, not a meanie.”

Xiao Tangqiu silently looked at the innocent expression on Yu Fuling.

Shen Yuan poked Xiao Tangqiu again, “Wanna eat candy.”

Xiao Tangqiu silently handed over a small round candy, shucking the wrapping along the way.

Shen Yuan put the round ball of candy in his mouth, his cheek puffing out where he held it. He looked at Xiao Tangqiu while eating candy, mumbling, “Eat little candy b.a.l.l.s, eat Xiao Tangqiu...I am eating Qiuqiu!

Xiao Tangqiu, “…”

Help! Was he really coaxing a kindergarten kid?!

T/N: omfg I didn’t click the publish b.u.t.ton last week. I’m so sorry!!! -kneels down- I’ve been not doing a good job in the short time I’ve taken on this project, please forgive meeeeeee

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