Gang of Yuusha

Chapter 13

– 6.5 – Percibell"s Bargaining

Even as you think that everything is working out, some way or another a problem is going to appear.

As Shouji visited Percibell"s atelier to secure a refill of perfect potions, the shopkeeper was groaning "Un, un".

With crossed arms she was studying the strange and complex alchemical formula drawn on the tablecloth, attempting to think of a counter-measure.

He rang the bell, but she was too concentrated to take notice.

Shouji raised his voice.

"What"s wrong?"

"Wauu!? Onii-san… Well… That is… A wa wa… We have a bit of a problem."

"And that is?"

"I am out of ingredients."


Tapping forefingers cutely together before herself, on Percibell"s troubled face floated a slightly deceiving smile. He shoulder length blonde hair was hanging free.

In that way she was attempting to appeal to him with her cuteness.

The recipient, Shouji, descended into her workshop with a serious look on his face.

Approaching in silence he tightly grabbed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s from above her clothes. With force he deformed the small bust.

"What did you say?"

"Nn… W, we might be out of ingredients… I"m sure I said it when we met the first time. That potion uses high-grade materials. That is why I am in debt. It"s not something that is so easily obtained… Ah, auu… My chest is getting squashed."

The shivering Percibell"s cheeks turned red. With her eyes she blamed Shouji for not getting permission before he acted, but right now that was the furthest thing from Shuoji"s mind.

— This was bad.

The delivery date of the perfect potions was nearing.

He had finally gotten a deal with retailers and had gotten out of doing the dealing himself. He had finally obtained a large-scale contract.

With the promotional potions he had handed out at brothels, bars and at the mercenary guild, he had gotten reputation for his product. They had of course negotiated the prices, but it appeared that he would be able to deal with them at good prices. For the essential goods to be missing was not a matter to joke about.

If he could just go forward with the deals then he would rake in the money.

Did he really have to let this chance slip away?

There was no way he could allow that to happen.

He had even hired dealers. And he was well aware of their tempers.

There was no way he could squander this opportunity.

"Can"t you do something about that?"

"If, if I don"t have the raw materials… then even I won"t be able to do anything… Auuh…"

"I"ll go get them. Where are they?"

"Ehehe… I don"t mind telling you, but you could at least treat me with some lovingness… is what I was thinking…"

In this predicament those words were irritating.

With that att.i.tude towards their business dealings… and their current crisis, he thought that she must have lost her mind.

Raising his eyebrows, Shouji asked.

"Bell, don"t you want money? You and I need money, don"t we?"

"Money and onii-san, I desire both. Fuwaa… I, I"ve cleaned up the bed… h, how about it?"

While having her chest groped, she propositioned him for s.e.x with a heartrending look on her face.

Her cheeks were like apples. Rough breaths that seemed to release steam repeatedly left her lungs. He seemed to remember having seen this state of arousal before.

This girl, did she maybe drink the potions herself… Comprehension struck Shouji.

Sampling the perfect potions seemed to have started becoming a habit.

Percibell"s slender fingers worked to open the buckle of Shouji"s belt.

She opened the front of his pants and pulled down his trunks. Looking lethargic from his anxiety about the potion business, Shouji put the weight of his back on the bed"s headboard.

Even if he didn"t do anything, his partner was proactive, she had given in to her recently discovered l.u.s.ts.

Maybe because he had taken her virginity, but it seemed that her shyness had broken away.

Even though they had entered the bed they were both almost fully clothed, yet Percibell maneuvered herself into the slight s.p.a.ce between Shouji"s legs, and brought her face closer. She was grinning when her face reached right before his crotch, but then with the exposed meat rod in front of her she furled her eyebrows.

"Nn… It"s a bit soft… It"s sort of dangling."

Maybe his lack of response to her expectations of s.e.x had hurt her, she muttered sorrowfully. She gave a small enthusiastic shout "Ei", and posed the powerless meat stalk in vertical position by grabbing it with the ring she had made from her fingers.

"There"s no way I could excited that fast."

"At least five times is needed, right?"

Determinedly looking up at him with upturned eyes, she seemed to be seeking a.s.surance from him. But Shouji just closed his eyes with a groan.

"Please stop, don"t just create such rules."

"Well, well, well, how about I suck it. You like that right?"

Placing her gold-colored bangs behind her ears, she placed his glans against her soft lips. Her small tongue slowly wandered across. Stimulating edges of the helmet, her tongue moved in an obscene crawl.

Her attempts at sucking and breathing in at the same time were unsophisticated and innocent.

"Chuu… Nn n nn… Churu… Wafuu… Get biiig… Get biiig… Ahmuu, chuu… Muchuu"

"Are you an idiot?"

A voice filled with vitality called out a stupid cheer for his member. Shouji was mortified when blood started gathering in his lower parts.

Because she had attempted to talk while attending to his member, Percibell"s saliva had leaked from her mouth run over her lower lip down her slender throat.

The last time he had gotten her to blow him, he had taught her to mix in her saliva on purpose. It seemed that she remembered her lessons.

Putting it all in her mouth, his glans became wrapped in the warm and soft mucous membranes of her mouth.

His lower body started to become numb with a tingling sensation.

Percibell released a light of mischief from her eyes, formed her lips into a perfect seal around his member and started sucking.

"Chuuu… Nn… Mmm, the manly juice has appeared… Nn… And… The hardness has come. Nnn… Chuu!"

She seemed to have found enjoyment in releasing indecent voices.

Doing that, she greatly enhanced the mood. Touching Percibell"s cheeks they seemed almost feverish.

As if to stimulate his towering rigidity, she invited his member into to insides of her throat. Being engulfed in the young woman"s mouth all the way down his rod felt exquisite. The softness of the her tongue and the mucous membranes of her mouth was nigh unbearable.

"Nn.. Nn… Chururu… Nfuu… Chupachupa… Chu, NNN!"

Raising his hips slightly and trying to rub the back of her throat, Percibell gave him a reproachful look that seemed to criticize him. They seemed to tell him that since she was the one attending to him, he should not play tricks like that on her.

She had become engrossed in the act of swallowing the man"s meat rod.

She allowed the debauched act to scorch her to such a degree, that n.o.body would ever guess that she had been a virgin just the other day.

"Mou… If you move too much, I will feel it… Wamuu… Nnn, chupu… Churururu… Npu… Nnn, a perverted liquid has started to come out… Chuu."

From the crack in his glans had leaked a secretion. She licked it up with the tip of her tongue, and swallowed it with a big motion.

She ran her tongue over her upper lip in satisfaction.

"Fuu… It has really become solid now… What should I do?"

She seemed certain that the risen state of his member was the result of her own actions.

Those words were filled with boastful pride.

As he patted her head, her way of closing her eyes and reveling in the attention seemed very much like a cat. Her hair, that he had always felt looked like silk threads, really did feel like silk in his hands. As it slid through the s.p.a.ce between his fingers he acknowledged that texture was of the highest cla.s.s.

"I feel like I want to let it out in Bell"s mouth."


The ends of her eyebrows fell and her mouth melted.

A flattering sensuality could be seen in her blue eyes that released a feminine blue light.

She was delighted to have received a s.e.xual request from the man.

As she was ordered, she kept the saliva covered phallus in her mouth. With a quick move she covered it in saliva from the tip to the base, making it much more slippery.

She put some strength into her lips and applied slight pressure to the rod.

Urging on the e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n she started to move her head up and down.

"Nn… Nn… Jipuu… Chuu… Nn, nn, nn… Nn!"

Gradually the speed increased.

The wet sounds became more intense and a pleasure that seemed to make his hips float began to surge.

Hoping for insemination, Percibell"s cheeks expanded and deflated along with the movements.

"Chuu… Chu… Chuppu… Chuu… Nnn, yo, you can… let it out whenever you want to… Nn, nn, nnn!"

It did not take long before he erupted.

As the lumps of desire ran further and further up his urethra, Shouji had perfectly grasped the timing and gripped Percibell"s head in his hands and pulled it to his crotch.

He roughly fired off his s.e.m.e.n onto the mucous membrane at the very back of her throat.

As his s.e.m.e.n ran from her mouth to her esophagus, Percibell had tears in her eyes as she stopped her breathing and waited for the e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n to end.

For about five seconds she had to put up with the gushing cloudy liquid.

"Keho, keho… U, ueee… Nnn… How mean… Mou."

When the p.e.n.i.s was removed and her head was released she held her throat is if choking.

While she wiped her teary eyes with the back of her hand and glared at Shouji, the next order came flying.

"Get on the bed and point your a.s.s over here."

"Eh, ah, okay. But… before that let me clean up a bit… That, I read in a book that this would be a good idea."

Taking the rod in her mouth again, she sucked the remaining s.e.m.e.n from his urethra. A thorough post processing.

With a "chu" sound the f.e.l.l.a.t.i.o concluded and Percibell moved to the bed. From the shelf above the wooden headboard she pulled out a test tube.

The liquid inside it was the perfect potion. So she still had a stock. Shouji had an unexplainable expression on his face, but Percibell, who was in high spirits, did not respond to his feelings.

The cork stopper was pulled out and contents downed.

"Puwaaa… Nn, nn… O, oou. My body feels warm and fluffy!"

"Don"t just naturally put your hands on the sales goods."

"Isn"t it alright? When I drink it the sensations from my skin become more intense, and even if onii-san furiously attack my secret place, the damage will heal right away. Besides, this way makes it feel twice as good."

She counted out her reasons on her fingers.

Maybe because of the wishes of the person in question her hymen was not repaired, but the mucous membranes in the v.a.g.i.n.a would have the damage inflicted by the s.e.xual friction healed during the act. That was one of the points that made a recovery potion superior to an aphrodisiac.

Thusly, the dazzling efficacy of the potion caused Percibell"s facial expression to relax.

With a face turned sloppy from the feelings of ecstasy, she lay down on the bed.

Hugging a pillow tightly and placing both hands on her head, she planted her knees in the bed and stuck out her bottom in emphasis. She rolled up her pure white skirt with one hand and turned her head and winked.

"Pleeaase. Go aheeaad."

"You… That felt pretty mechanical."

"Onii-san is to blame for that, since you stole my virginity. Since then I seem to have awakened weird feelings. My body itches for it."

She urged him on with her head turning bright red.

There was no real shyness in her statements. Having Percibell"s fully visible bottom pointed in his direction seemed to go right to his legs, making them lose power.

The little bottom wrapped in thin pink underwear was pleasantly round, she truly had enticing curves.

Besides, the part of her underwear covering her secret place had turned a darker color from the dripping wet insides.

"Please, remove my panties."

"Why me?"

"Onii-san likes to strip girls, doesn"t he?"


The observational skills she had cultivated as an alchemist, observing the changes in chemicals, could be put to practical use observing people.

However, he found the att.i.tude that told him that she could see through him cheeky.

In return he struck one of her defenseless cheeks with his palm, sending vibrations through her bottom.

"Hiuuu! Mou, please plunge it in quickly."

"You will have to explain precisely step by step. So, what do you want me to do?"

Percibell caught the thread of his teasing words and mumbled.

"Pl, please… thrust onii-san"s strong p.e.n.i.s into my aching v.a.g.i.n.a. There, I said it. Mou… what was so fun about that!?"

Rapidly uttering the vulgarities she sulked in blushing embarra.s.sment.

Having become slightly accustomed to the effects of the potion, she still showed some her shyness.

That just meant that she was still a cute and lovely young lady.

Putting his fingers into both ends of the underwear covering her upturned peach-like bottom, he shifted it downwards.

The cloth twisted and her flower bud and enticing flesh was revealed. As he thought, there was a joy to be had in witnessing the part that a young lady had always held secret. Maybe because the underwear had rubbed her skin, a bit of steam seemed to float around her naked hairless slit.

Her sweet fragrance stimulated his sense of smell, and blood again gathered between his legs.


Spreading her nether lips to the sides, he pushed the c.l.i.toral hood back.

When he brought his face nearer to her private parts, and without delay rolled her erect love b.u.t.ton with the tip of his tongue, Percibell brought her hand to her mouth even while writhing.

She closed her eyes and entrusted her body to the pleasure.

With deep "haa haa" breaths, her lovely abdomen inflated and deflated.

Gently creeping his tongue along her slit in vertical motions, a shrill cry is released.

"It… It"s fine already, so… please stop teasing me!"

Unable to bear the itching sensations, she pushed her bottom backwards by herself.

Shouji, who had lowered his body to diligently caress the lowly positioned privates, received the surprise attack. His muzzle struck the valley of her bottom. In this stuck together shape he stopped his movements.

He was stained with sticky lukewarm love juice from suddenly having her nether regions glued to his face.

After wiping the viscous liquid from his face with the bit of her chemise that he had pulled towards himself, the slightly angered Shouji aligned the tip of his erect p.e.n.i.s with Percibell"s v.a.g.i.n.a.

Stroking the lightly swinging flesh of her bottom, he brought his hands to slender waist and tightly grasped it.

"Bell, don"t f.u.c.k with me."

"Eh… Nnn!"

Without delay his glans penetrated her fleshy insides.

The moment he entered the young lady"s dark hole, he quickly slid his rod deep down into her v.a.g.i.n.a. With all his strength, as if delivering a powerful blow to an enemy, he struck forward his hips.


Percibell, who suddenly had her inside walls deeply gouged, open her mouth wide and screamed.

Her mind floated up from the darkness as a tear fell from her eyes. Drool flowed freely from the side of her mouth.

Having completed his thrust, Shouji checked on her reaction. Because he had stopped moving, Percibell calmed down a bit. In search of softness she grabbed the pillow again and buried her in it.

"Nn, Nn… Nwaa… R, right now… was amazing… That feeling… When you"re rough… and it feels like you"re ravishing me… Nn! That feeling is amazing…"

As if seeking further abuse, she squeezed his p.e.n.i.s in ecstasy.

Thinking about sheathing his p.e.n.i.s down to the limit of the v.a.g.i.n.a in this slender little body increased his arousal.

With each stroke she cried like a canary that had received food. The temperature of Percibell"s v.a.g.i.n.a was as high as ever. Having spent some time inside of her recently, he seemed to have gotten used to it.

"Hii! Ann… Nn… Afu… Nnn! Iya… Nn! Coming…!"

Percibell let her climax be known, but Shouji did not slacken the movement of his hips.

He knew that she desired to come several times during the act. The only way to appease the burning l.u.s.t housed in that small body, was to earnestly trample it down repeatedly.

"Hiaaa… Ann… Good… Because he does it a lot… I love onii-san… Aaa… Wafuuuu!"

Her bottom bounced surprisingly well. When struck, the tender flesh undulated prettily. The friction between her entrance and the rod caused the love juice to froth and spill forth. The stench of s.e.x grew strong. On the blushing skin, sweat turned to drops and scattered onto the sheets.

As her blonde hair swung about, Percibell"s arousal only grew stronger.

Having parted ways with his reasoning, Shouji, who went along with his instincts, drowned in the young lady"s body.

"Annn, coming agaaaain! Oh, aah, fuun… Uuuu!"

Her chrysanthemum twitched open and closed as if breathing.

Her womanly flesh was mouldering, the heat of her v.a.g.i.n.a high as ever, the rod piercing it seemed like it might burn.

Percibell grit her teeth as her back twitched. Enduring the too powerful pleasure, she grasped strongly onto the sheets.

He stopped the intense rhythm.

This time he felt around the shallow parts of her genitals, and teased her c.l.i.toris.

"Auuu, thi, this is too much… Going to come again soon… Feels so good…!"

Since she appeared to enjoy it he did it again, but Percibell seemed to feel bad about being the only one receiving pleasure, so she turned her head towards him and said without restraint.

"Oniiii-san… you can go ahead… Nn… Release it inside… please"

"You"re gonna get pregnant."

"Yes… But if we make a cute baby… Nnn. We can have s.e.x forever… Ahaa, please impregnate me lots and lots… Nn"

She had completely fallen… She seemed like she might listen to whatever he said as long as he had s.e.x with her.

Right now though, it would be better if she just normally made an effort in alchemy.

"Ah, ah, ah… Nn ah… Aaah… I had no idea pleasure like this existed… I wish I had met onii-san much sooner… Hauuu!"

With the depths of his eyes burning in pleasure, Shouji started the sprint towards the finish line.

From the intensification of the swinging, Percibell seemed to realize that the eruption was nearing, so she began to push her hips out to meet his thrusts. She did it in an effort to invite his meat rod even deeper, and she manipulated her inner walls to grip him even tighter.

"Uuuuh, aah, my p.u.s.s.y has become this hot… Afuuu… My head is becoming strange… Aaa, coming… I"m coming again… Nn! Aaah, auuh!"

"Bell, is it fine?"

"Ye, yesss! Uwaah… Uuuh, uaaah… I, aah… Uuh!"

The pulsating p.e.n.i.s burst open.

Warm s.e.m.e.n was poured into the young lady"s v.a.g.i.n.a in a stead stream. Percibell"s body twitched as if electric shocks. .h.i.t her again and again.

Noticing that their intercourse had ended, all strength left her body.

The completely exhausted Percibell collapsed.

As feelings of fatigue entered his body, Shouji stopped ejaculating. He pulled his rod from her flesh and wiped the girls dirtied secret place and his own p.e.n.i.s with a wet towel.

"Wauu, cold! Ah, sorry… Awawa… This is bad. Wait… I have no strength at all…"

Percibell turned her body over and looked up at him.

She was wearing clothes on her upper body, but as she was rolling it up and exposed the twin hills, the view became unusually lewd. Her eyes were soaked in the afterglow, but it did not appear that fires of pa.s.sion had left her.

"Now then, where can I get the required ingredients?"

"Eeeeh… If you do it once more, I"ll tell you."


With that warning, Percibell pushed aside the sweat soaked bangs that were stuck to her forehead. She seemed dissatisfied but it appeared that some of her s.e.xual frustrations had been relieved, and she spoke.

"It was called "Ultimate Magic Water" or something… along the bay coast at the head of the inlet, was it? It"s produced by a private factory around there, its circulation is scarce… My grandmother was a renowned alchemist, but she is no longer around, so I am unable to obtain it."


"Aah, don"t just start getting dressed after your matter is over. I beg you. Do it once more, just once more. If you can"t then please just hold me tightly… Aah, onii-san. Wait!"

"Do you swear to no longer touch the trade goods?"

He had gotten off the bed because she had started to become annoying. He turned to face her. Percibell raised her upper body to stop him, but he just turned his eyes away.

"Uuh, but… doesn"t potion s.e.x just feel amazing? I still feel all fluffy inside."

"Well then, see you."

"Aah, sorry! Yes, I understand. So, that, just one more time…"

For alchemists to become addicted to potions was a frequent occurrence.

While that may be true, for both of them to become addicted was a bad idea.

Rising, Shouji told Percibell to restrain herself.

She seemed dissatisfied, but she reluctantly acknowledged. It seemed that as long as he drowned her in l.u.s.t, he would be able to control the situation.

Her request for periodic s.e.xual encounters left him unable to tell who held the upper position.

To continue his everyday life, alchemical materials were required.

It might be a difficult operation, but he had to do it.

Translator notes: Since chapter 6 was a bit dry, here you go, you ecchi b.a.s.t.a.r.ds.

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