Gang of Yuusha

Chapter 20

Four men were lying in the swamp that was created by Holly"s Summoning Magic.

The mud produced by microorganisms crumbling the soil is a place where intense odor was smell, it is also a place where soldiers pa.s.sing by.

The outward appearance was covered with muddy brown mud, and the four men figures are a.s.similated into the scenery.

Everyone was holding their breath as if already died, but after the sunset rise and the footsteps of the soldiers disappeared, Bando opened his eyes and spit a curse word.

「That s.l.u.tty woman, she glanced at my d.i.c.k and then said “That"s… It"s small”. Because she saw my Max she can say that」
「Calm down, Shorty. Man is all about heart」
「Hey, how long should I lie down ? My wounds are hurts like h.e.l.l」
「Doldo, want to drink my blood ? It works like a saint"s blood」

When the conversation comes out, they kept talking while lying down.

The sand was a collection of rat corpses roughly about ten, it was not enough, but it was faked by making a hole in the carriage as if it was spilled by the wind.

Holly believed that the suspect"s death was the most beneficial way to keep the army reputation.

It is said that a bluff can give a feeling to bring down and cleanse out all sins.

From the beginning, the Navy is less likely to come in and out of from Error Knife. Even if they found them alive, they will not bring up the matter that have already been settled once and exposed their own fault.

It is not a bad strategy, and everything went well.

「Aaaa, this time is a failure, eh. s.h.i.t. Did we lost all the money we get so far ?」
「No, I got about three millions idol. Here, look」(TLN: Idol is the currency in their world)

Shouji lifted up a cloth bag. The semi-solid mud drops from his hand. The bag is slightly dirty, but―― It is few, but there is a bundle of banknotes.

The three men eyes were moist with delight, but pointed out as if just remembered about Stark.

「Wasn"t that guy said that he refused the Ojou-chan ?」
「How would I know. I am not going to be laid in that beautiful a.s.s」
「You are the best, Shouji. That"s what I expected of a true man. Let"s go buy some strong liquor and prost.i.tutes or something tomorrow」
「I… I am going to the hospital first」
「Of course, we will share the money. I am counting on you for the next mission alright」

The three of them were silent while made a wry smile, but―― Soon they smiled and laughed out loud.

「Next time, let"s rob a Bank. My hateful arrogant Tax Office is also good」
「I am recommending the rich mansion. That will be easy I think. I am confident I can even unlock the key that was installed with magic」
「Let"s sell potions normally. Steady is the best」

After the three of them giving their own opinion, Shouji suggested to take one week vacation.

It"s an odd sum of money, but it will last for awhile.

They will get all the things the want. They will not let it ends just like this. They will definitely grab a fortune on their hands.

And then, they will live without any inconvenience.

Even so.

Right now, they just wanted to rest slowly.

Sorry for the late release!! I though I had already publish it yesterday, but… I actually forgot to click publish…

How clumsy.

OH, and by the way Volume 1 ended with this chapter !

It was quite a ha.s.sle translating this series, especially since this is my first time ever translating a novel and english is not my native.

I will translate the short story first before continuing to volume 2.

I thank all the readers that had read this series, even though the translations is quite slow.

I hope you guys can keep reading this series with me to see how Shouji will rap- , I mean selling potions.

Please keep supporting me so I can translating this series.

And if you LIKE this series please BUY the ORIGINAL BOOKS to support the author.

I guess that"s all, I"ll see you again later, see ya !!

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