
Chapter 21

Troll wiped his male sweat (of course it"s male"s since it"s Troll"s. If it"s Ray"s - what sweat would you call it? Bis.e.x sweat?) while walking out from the court. His teammates slapped his shoulder as a sign of praise - his 3-pointer today was amazing.

"Not going out today?" asked coach Fakhri. He"s offering his bike to his most loved student.

"I"m not in the mood today, coach. But we"ll see. Maybe later tonight," said Troll.

Coach Fakhri nodded, not arguing. His spare key was always with Troll. His only condition was to tell him when he wanted to use the bike. His teammates, while some of them never cared, some felt annoyed with the special treatment that Troll received. But that"s the most they could do; get annoyed.

If you want special treatment, then, perform! What"s the point of pulling faces? Troll thought.

After showering in the changing room, Troll went out with the intention to drop by the auditorium. An SMS from KJ suddenly sounded:

Hot news. Ray suspects Gibbs is dating someone. We"ve been had, bro - haha!

On the way, he was suddenly stopped by a girl - or to be exact, a Tamil film extra. Deepa.

"Jailani," she greeted.

What"s with her? She never bothered talking to me before, and now she"s even calling my name?

Troll simply nodded and planned to keep walking, but Deepa blocked his way. "I want to talk to you for a while," she requested.

"What"s up?" asked Troll. It"s not his intention to sound rough; it"s just his natural voice. Though, he"s still annoyed with this girl, suddenly blocking his way. Didn"t she know that Troll could easily throw her aside?

"Hmm… can we talk somewhere private?"

Troll looked around. His teammates were coming out from the changing room and Troll didn"t want to be seen with this girl. What does she want me for? Give me some time to let my imagination build up. If it"s just based on the looks, then it"s a definite no…

"To the foyer then," Troll suggested. The foyer area was desolate at this time.

As they arrived, Deepa started talking…

"I want a one-night stand. With you. Can I?"

s.h.i.t, too direct! It made Troll stunned.

Troll took out a cigarette and lit it. He felt stressed meeting a direct girl like this. He needed a few puffs, lessening the stress.

"Aren"t you into Gibbs?" asked Troll while puffing out a few clouds of smoke.

Deepa fanned in front of her face, trying to remove the smoke to someplace else. "Of course," she admitted with a slight cough.


"You guys have a rule, right?" she questioned.

Demmit! She"s seriously a psycho. Troll shivered thinking about what she"s doing. Yes, there were many girls that knew about the Musketeer Code, but never were there one who wanted to make a deal like this. Truly desperado.

"It"s not just me and Gibbs. KJ and Ray too," Troll reminded her.

"I know. I don"t mind," replied Deepa.

s.l.u.t, Troll thought. He observed Deepa from top to bottom. Not bad, actually. But a psycho is still a psycho. Troll warned himself. He knew that among his circle of friends, he"s the least clever one, but he at least knew how to differentiate what"s dangerous and what"s not. Every human has a survival instinct.

"No can do. Gibbs doesn"t like you. KJ too. I"m not sure about Ray, but if we"re doing it, everyone needs to like it," it was Troll"s turn to be direct.

Deepa didn"t like she felt anything. It"s seriously weird. If it"s other girls, they"d have cried by now.

Deepa suddenly smiled. Ah d.a.m.n! She"s smiling now! Troll shivered looking at it, especially when he remembered her stalking Gibbs at Bintang Coffee Shop that day.

"You all… do you like Fara?"

"What kind of like?"

"Would you like to have a one-night stand with her?"

Troll wasn"t sure what"s playing in her brains at the time. He knew that Fara was Deepa"s roommate, and Gibbs was crazy about her. It can"t be that this girl is easily offering Fara to them, that fierce SL?

Troll shrugged. "Maybe," he answered briefly.

"Do you know that Gibbs actually had gotten Fara? But he didn"t share her with you guys?" Deepa started putting in the needles.

Troll was silent. He stared at Deepa"s creepy face. "You"re lying, right?"

"Nope. I have proof. The thing on Gibbs" left wrist… it"s Fara"s. She never took it off, but now it"s on Gibbs. Something meaningful like that - there must be something between them," explained Deepa.

Troll was silent again. He had seen the string Gibbs wore - at first he thought that it was just a fashion statement. Gibbs was a metros.e.xual person, and if it"s true that the string was originally Fara"s…

"I don"t know. I need to think first," Troll decided.

"Hm, think about it. While you"re doing that, Gibbs is happily backstabbing you guys. He hasn"t been spending time with you as much as before, right?" Deepa spat out poison.

Troll clammed up, and again, looked at her from top to bottom.

s.h.i.t, now what?

"Your abstinence today is something else." Teased KJ while Troll was telling what happened with Deepa at the foyer. Ray who was laying on Gibbs" bed while smoking simply smiled. Everyone was in Gibbs" room, awaiting the return of the Malaya hero that hadn"t come back since evening. Looked like he"s having fun dating.

"I"m not h.o.r.n.y like you!" replied troll.

"So - if we trust her story, Ray"s prediction and my tracker, it"s confirmed that our friend is in love?" summarised KJ.

"Your contribution is the least helpful," Ray voiced while exhaling carbon monoxide. He deliberately said that. Teasing.

"The h.e.l.l! Yours is the one that can"t be used!" protested KJ.

"Observation is a powerful tool, my friend," replied Ray nonchalantly.

KJ turned to Troll with a questioning look and pointed to Ray. "Is he high or something? He sure talks a lot tonight."

"He doesn"t even need to get high. An artist"s words are really powerful."

"Who knows. Maybe that cougar gave him a bit more. That hippy woman," said KJ.

"Uish. Really?" Troll asked in interest.

"No way!"

"No way what?" a  voice chipped from the door. The voice of Gibbs who stepped in.

The air became still.

"Aii, I just entered and it became quiet? It"s obvious you"re badmouthing me," Gibbs said while casually sitting next to Ray.

"Where were you from? Didn"t see your face for a day," said Kj. Serious. It"s rare for him to sound that serious.

"Town. There"s lots of things to do. I went to the post office, the bank," Gibbs answered. Confident. Confidence is important.

"You didn"t bring us along?" it was now Troll who asked.

"You"ll just get bored," Gibbs replied. Still confident.

Troll looked at KJ. KJ looked at Troll. Each didn"t know how to begin the topic.

Suddenly, Ray got up from the bed. Smoke was blown out for the umpteenth time, before extinguishing it in an empty Pringles container. Ray sat on Gibbs" left. His right elbow was put on Gibbs" left shoulder. Then, his left hand grabbed Gibbs" left wrist. He raised it a bit, smiling… and asked calmly.

"This… whose symbol of love is this, Gibbs?"

Gibbs was shocked. So were KJ and Troll. This b.a.s.t.a.r.d Ray is a smooth criminal.

Gibbs was still dumbfounded while Ray was lighting a new cigarette. Ray threw a glance to KJ and Troll which meant… "I"ve started it. What are you waiting for? Continue!"

"Even if you"re dating, don"t make the love symbol so obvious, can you? That Deepa girl busted you, you know?" said Troll.


Troll told him his meeting with Deepa. Gibbs listen anxiously but didn"t make a sound.

"Haih… Gibbs, Gibbs," sighed KJ. "You"re really something else. Deepa even offered to handle everyone, just so she could get you."

Gibbs was silent. He wasn"t even proud of that comment. He felt guilty.

"What… did you talk about with Deepa?" Gibbs asked Troll.

"She tried infuriating me, you know? She kept saying you"re backstabbing us, so why are we backing you up - rejecting a free meal just because you don"t like her," explained Troll.

Gibbs was silent.

"The moral of the story is simple," said KJ while lighting a cigarette from Ray. He purposely took his time, inhaling the smoke deeply.

Gibbs" heart beat wildly, waiting for KJ"s next words. I"m doomed… they"ll definitely uphold the Musketeer Code, Gibbs thought. But her was determined. No matter what, he would not jeopardize his relationship with Fara, even when he"s unwilling to sacrifice his friendship with these three people.

After puffing out a few clouds of smoke, KJ finally resumed his sentence… "The moral is, Gibran Mohd. Zahim… next time you"re dating someone, tell us first. It"d be easier for us to defend you when there"s a psycho chick like that."

Gibbs raised his face, a bit shocked. He stared at KJ"s face that"s grinning as usual. There"s not a trace of anger in it.

He then looked at Troll. Troll too was smiling, while shrugging. "One more thing. If we know that you"re dating someone… it"d be easier to make fun of you!"

Troll and KJ high-fived each other. Ray smiled and shook his head, but a flat smile - not an artist"s smile that he usually gave.

"You"re… not mad?" asked Gibbs.

"How long have you been lovesick because of her? It"s too obvious. We know the difference la, playing around and the real thing, bro," replied KJ.

"Then, if even this h.o.r.n.y KJ understands, then what more I and Ray, right?" added Troll.

"You demon of a giant! You"re saying I"m shallow?!" responded KJ with a shout, but Troll wasn"t even the least bit disturbed.

Maybe it"s obvious that Gibbs" was showing a touched face, that Ray followed along with a slight teasing… "Don"t cry."

"Idiot! I"m not crying!"

"We know we"re the best," KJ joined in the basket, lifting himself up.

"So all this time you went missing, you"re upping the game with Miss SL?" asked Troll.

"What upping the game? I"ve already gotten it," Gibbs didn"t let go of this chance to brag, his smile getting wider. The gang had already known, making him feel relieved.

"That"s good. The important thing is that we"re getting the perks too. Understand?" threatened KJ.

"Yer, you"re getting it. The guard company isn"t changing, right? That and much more. Enjoy your senior year, my friends!" said Gibbs.

So cheerful… Haih, a person in love as they say it, sighed Ray.

"What should we do with Deepa?" KJ suddenly asked.

"What else? Just let her be," replied Gibbs. He"s too lazy to think about that psycho.

"You just told us to enjoy senior year. Think properly… you"re now a couple with the roommate of a psycho girl who loves you half-to-death. She even bothered you a few times. You think, will our lives be peaceful?" KJ tried explaining lengthily.

"Certainly," Troll acknowledged.

"I have to admit - that kid is of a weird species," Ray too sounded.

"Then? What?" Gibbs asked.

KJ was silent. It"s dangerous when KJ was silent. It"s a sign that his brain was spinning fast.

"I"m thinking… defamation," said KJ.

"Hah! She"s not even famous!" Troll chipped.

"What"s on your mind?" asked Gibbs.

"She opened an offer to Troll, right?"KJ began.

"Want me to school her? Sure!" replied Troll.

"No, not that…" said KJ

And he let out what was playing in his head.

Here’s a chapter. I’ll be posting 2 more today. It seemed like a good stopping point.
Hope you enjoyed the read.

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