General Bramble

Chapter 16

Aurelle wished them a pleasant journey.

"Well, good-bye, Dundas. It was nice seeing you again. I suppose you"re jolly glad you"re going to Constantinople? I rather envy you."

"Yes," said the Infant, "I"m quite bucked about it, because the general who was there before us is leaving us a house that"s got up in absolutely British style; there"s a bathroom and a tennis-court.

So I"ll be able to go on practising my overhead service. Splendid, isn"t it?"

They exchanged greetings and good wishes. The stars were shining in a moonless sky. On the pavement in the avenue they heard the aide-de-camp changing his step to fit his general"s. The door closed upon them.

In the gallery, in front of the green bronze warriors with their large, staring eyes, the three Frenchmen looked at one another, and the corners of their mouths twitched with the same friendly smile.

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