"What are you here for?" The previous Spirit Master said in displeasure. Having become a prisoner, he still had not lost his great flair and he did not look the least haggard.

Wu Jiu looked smilingly at the previous Spirit Master, completely disregarding the previous Spirit Master"s disdain. Seeing the wretched state the previous Spirit Master was in, Wu Jiu then said with a smile: "Is there a need for Master to show such disdain for your disciple? Your disciple is being so disrespectful to Master only because I have no other choice. Once Nalan Shan hands that brown bear over to me, I will immediately release Master and Master can then very well punish me for any disrespect that I have shown. I implore for Master to understand the deep thoughts and heart your disciple has put into this, as your disciple is doing it all for the sake of letting the Spirit World further flourish and thrive, and that is the reason why I am doing all this."

"That contemptible face of yours disgusts me." The previous Spirit Master completely ignored everything Wu Jiu had said, as Wu Jiu"s actions amounted to deceiving one"s Master and destroying the ancestors" name, a crime that made people"s hair stand on end.

Wu Jiu spread his hands wide as he looked at the previous Spirit Master who was showing utter contempt, showing he was not bothered.

"There"s no need for Master to make it sound so ugly. I still remember back when Master first accepted me, didn"t you like me very much? Or why would you pa.s.s down the position of Spirit Master to me, and not to that unambitious and unaccomplished Nalan Shan?"

The previous Spirit Master almost vomited blood from anger. "If I had known that you would be so despicable, even if you beat me to death, I would not have handed the position of Spirit Master over to you. It is the one thing I regret having done the most!"

How could the previous Spirit Master have thought that this originally obedient and intelligent First Disciple of his would become so utterly heartless and be so devoid of morals after inheriting the position of Spirit Master? However pure and innocent Wu Jiu had been in the past, he was now just as evil and malicious.

Wu Jiu suddenly laughed out loud. "Master can just carry on berating me. Your disciple is here to accept it. But in another three days, I ask for Master to work in concert with me, so that my fellow junior Nalan Shan can come save you good and proper."

"You will suffer retribution!" The previous Spirit Master spat through tightly gritted teeth.

Never would he have dreamed that Wu Jiu put him in captivity.

"Retribution? Great achievers do not bother with trifling details. It was exactly because Master had been inflexible and unbending that you implicated yourself regarding the incident with the Dark Emperor, to have given up on your position as the Spirit Master for nothing. And if not for that, what kind of glory would I have to speak of today?" Wu Jiu said indifferently.

"Your honeyed words hides daggers! Having bewitched the Spirit Lord, what is it exactly that you seek to achieve?" The previous Spirit Master asked as he glared at Wu Jiu.

He just would not believe that the Spirit Lord would allow Wu Jiu to do something so decadent and malicious.

"Bewitch the Spirit Lord? Master, you really think too highly of me. I do not possess that kind of capability. The Spirit Lord himself seeks to gain more power and it happens that that is something I can change. As for what I am going to do, Master will come to know it when the day comes." Wu Jiu said with a laugh, his eyes filled with yearning and lunacy. Looking at the flickering firelight, he then said in derangement.

"What I am doing, is something that can change the entire world. Be it the Lower Realm, or the Middle Realm, even the Higher Realm will definitely shake with this! Master, you are being too obstinate. If you are willing to work together with me, you shall gain powers that had never been seen, reaching a state that you would not be able to attain throughout your life of bitter cultivation."

The previous Spirit Master shook his head as he looked at Wu Jiu who was descending into lunacy. He had gone mad, really gone mad.

But Wu Jiu"s words had also caused the previous Spirit Master to fall into the throes of immense fear. From Wu Jiu"s words, he seemed to have heard hints of something incredible.

This matter no longer only concerned the Spirit World, but would directly affect the Three Realms!

"Master, get yourself some good rest. I"ll come see you again three days later." Wu Jiu went back to normal and he looked smilingly at the previous Spirit Master before he turned to leave, his laughter that made a person"s skin crawl reverberating within the dungeon, sending chills to run through the previous Spirit Master.

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