The strange and familiar excitement began to palpitate as it spread from the bottom of his heart. Jun Wu Yao had to forcibly suppress that out of control feeling. Until Jun Wu Xie had completed her transformation to a Spiritual Body, then he could wake her up. 

Once Jun Wu Xie woke up, Jun Wu Yao then took her and entered the Soul World. 

The feeling of pa.s.sing through the gates of the Soul World and Spirit World were not dissimilar, Jun Wu Xie did not feel any strangeness upon stepping into the Soul World. 

But, after fully stepping into the Soul World, everything in front of her made Jun Wu Xie realised that apart from her, everything else in that spiritual world was completely unfamiliar. 

It was a paradise covered in blue and green, the azure-blue sky, the white clouds blossoming, and looking at it, the next day hanging high. 

The soil under their feet was soft and real, and the surrounding air was filled with the fragrance of vegetation.

The scenery of the Soul World was similar to that of the Upper Realm, it was not as dark as the Spirit World!

Jun Wu Xie looked at everything in front of her, slightly dazed, she looked up subconsciously to see Jun Wu Yao, clear eyes that held a hint of query. 

Jun Wu Yao took note of Jun Wu Xie"s reaction, unable to control a light laugh from sounding out. No matter how many years had pa.s.sed, no matter how many obstacles faced, that little fellow would occasionally reveal inexperienced and ignorant expressions. It was as if whatever that had happened, did not taint her innocent and pure soul. 

"Surprised?" Jun Wu Yao looked at Jun Wu Xie smilingly. 

"This place… is different from Spirit World." said Jun Wu Xie as she swept her gaze around. The pa.s.sage from the outside to Soul World was between two mountains. Nearby, there was a meandering stream, the sound of water was pleasing to the ears. The mountain was filled with crisp, green trees, countless flowers and plants intertwined with the earth, as birds could be seen flying through the trees. 

Everything here looked so real. If Jun Wu Xie wasn"t aware of where she was, it would be difficult to connect this place with the place where souls rested. 

Jun Wu Yao could not control his laugh, dipped his head to peck Jun Wu Xie"s head and said, "Spirit World is metamorphosed by the power of the Spirit Lord. Although the Spirit Lord"s power is good, but compared to the Spirit Tree, he"s still not powerful enough. Within the Upper Realm, all the souls originate from the Spirit Tree. So it can be said that the Spirit Tree is the only one and the origin in this world. With all the power it possesses, how can you compare it to the Spirit Lord?"

Jun Wu Yao looked at the familiar Soul World in front of him. That year, when he hadn"t left the Upper Realm yet, he had come to the Soul World. If not for the fact that the Spirit Tree was powerful enough, with his temperament, he wouldn"t have given it any regard, and why would he take a seed from the Spirit Tree? 

With regards to the power of the Spirit Tree, it could transform Soul World arbitrarily. The Spirit Tree had no desire, it only bred various different souls. It made Soul World so real in order to give those "children" that it cared about a complete world to live in. 

The Spirit Tree"s spirit offspring could choose to be humans or animals, or even stay within Soul World. It had great tolerance for the souls that it had nurtured.

If it was true, this Soul World was more suitable for life than the Three Realms.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"I think you will like it here." Jun Wu Yao pulled at Jun Wu Xie"s hand and led her into this miraculous world. There was no mutual deceptions, it was very suitable for someone like Jun Wu Xie. 

"But it"s not safe here at all." Jun Wu Xie suddenly said. She didn"t forget why Qin Ge and Long Jiu were eager to come back, the Soul World, she was afraid that it was no longer a paradise.

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