"What is this all about?" Jun Wu Xie asked suspiciously.

The man replied, "It"s like this. I come from the G.o.d"s World, which is the final destination for the most outstanding G.o.ds of each world. The one you just defeated wrecked such destruction in an attempt to enter our world. He should have been our problem to deal with but the laws of our world forbid us from interfering with matters of our original world or any other world once we are inside." 

"But to let him continue unabated would have resulted in irreparable damage. So we had no choice but to ask you to deal with him, we are sorry for the suffering you have endured." The man continued abashedly. 

In order to enter the G.o.d"s World, G.o.ds are selected based on a strict criteria and only allowed to enter if they meet the stringent conditions.

The G.o.d of Destruction was finding ways and means to enter but did not realise that his actions broke the rules of the G.o.d"s World and threw the Three Realms off balance.

The G.o.ds in the G.o.d"s World discussed how to solve the problem of the G.o.d of Destruction and they decided to let the soul of the previous messenger of G.o.d into the world to rid it of this evil and Jun Wu Xie was the chosen one.

Jun Wu Xie used to be the guide of the G.o.ds. When the world of the handsome man and Jun Wu Yao first appeared, it was she who qualified them to be G.o.ds. In her soul, there was the power of a G.o.d but as she had been reincarnated, she was no longer bound by the rules of the G.o.d"s World.

"You are saying that it was you who arranged for me to come to this world? Then Wu Yao…." Jun Wu Xie"s mind was racing, if she had been sent here by others, was Jun Wu Yao as well?

"Ah him, he was a disobedient one and did many bad things in our world. So in order to punish him, we sent him to this world to do some penance and saving the world with you was his path to redemption."

"Redemption? Your redemption involves the destruction of his soul?" Jun Wu Xie felt the anger rising within her.

The man saw her anger and raised his hands up in defence, saying, "Don"t worry! That was what he needed to endure but he has already paid for his past misdeeds, so…"

The man raised his hand and a dark coloured flame appeared in his palm.

"Since he has atoned, he can now be reborn." With a flourish of his hand, he dropped the flame on to the ground and once it hit the ground, the flame expanded and transformed into the form of a man!

When the man"s final form had taken shape, Jun Wu Xie"s eyes widened and rushed into his arms without a moment"s hesitation!

"I"m back." The newly reincarnated Jun Wu Yao held Jun Wu Xie in his arms as tight as he could, the look in his eyes saying he never wanted to let go.

Jun Wu Xie nodded her head silently while in Jun Wu Yao"s embrace, an indescribable joy filling every corner of her heart.

"Now, isn"t everything alright again?" The man said with a big smile.

Jun Wu Yao looked at the man, his eyes filled with contempt.

The man just shrugged.

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