Genius Girl

Chapter 196 - 196: Father in Law

Chapter 196 - 196: Father in Law


Standing in front of the Su Villa, Daniella held Selena"s hand. In the background, Anders and Matthew were putting the girl"s luggage in the trunk of the car.

Selena, Matthew and Anders will be flying to London, they will stay there for as long as the little girl wanted.

Daniella knew very well that after some days Selena will be back. The girl wouldn"t survive the weather in London, it"s always raining and cold something Selena hated.

Daniella has been giving Selena advises since they woke up. The girl will start homeschooling in London as she didn"t want to be in a school where she"s not familiar with.

"You need to be careful Selena," Daniella said in a serious tone but her eyes were shining with worries like a mother looking at her daughter that was about to leave.

Selena smirked, she was glad that Daniella was always worried about her as it only means she cared for her. Her hand holdings hers were so warm, she knew she will miss it but she wanted to leave and experience living abroad, away from her family.

She knew that she won"t have all the maids to take care of her, but her mind knew that it will be great since she will learn how to be dependent.

Daniella could read the thoughts running in Selena"s head. She smiled genuinely, it was not even a year since she came into her life but the girl has changed and it"s a good kind of change.

Selena"s clothes were all normal, even her grades. Seemed like transferring Selena"s favourite teacher to another school has made the girl focus on her grades.

"Don"t forget your jacket and don"t wear thin clothes. Its winter right now so always wear a sweater," even though her mind was asking her to shut up, her lips moved to say what her heart wanted to tell.

Selena rolled her eyes yet a smile she could not hold flashed on her lips.

"I will can I go now?"

Daniella nodded but she didn"t let her hands go, "if an old man asks for your number you should call the police."

Hearing that, Selena"s face went poker.

"But if it"s young and cute, then get his address and phone number."

And with those words, Selena"s face brightened up.

Daniella"s lips formed a lopsided grin, then she continued, "then call the police and give them the boy"s number and address."

A loud laugh rang out of Daniella"s lips as she watched Selena"s face screwed up, disappointed.

Her hand lifted in the air and messed her air. She knew she will miss Selena but right now, she has more important things to do. Evan was gone, he went abroad for a business trip, and she wanted to use this time to make sure that Roman Lee wouldn"t betray her.

Matthew came closer to them and smiled at Daniella. The woman has changed the whole house, it"s no longer the cold and empty house like he remembered it to be now with her around, he felt as if the place has become as beautiful as her.

He stretched a hand and held her arm, he pulled her closer for a hug but froze in the middle.

How could this happen? Why can his cousin be so lucky to have her in his life, he suddenly thought.

He lived with her, they were so close yet her feelings were not in the house they used to live together.

He sighed and let her hands go, he wished he could switch life with Evan. He will not mind if he needed to work his a.s.s off in the office as long as he has a woman like Daniella waiting for him at home.

"Uncle, she"s getting married to your cousin so please stop staring at her."

Matthew blinked by the sarcastic remark he heard from Selena. He switched his sight to the little girl and found her glaring at him.

Embarra.s.sed, Matthew scratched his hair and looked at Daniella with guilty eyes.

"It"s alright," she said in a soft tone and hearing that has made his heart throbbed in pain.

Why? He asked himself. Why did she change herself for Evan? Who would be foolish enough to change yourself for someone you love.

He lamented, right there and then he got his answer.

If it was him, he would also change his life for Daniella. But it"s too late.

No, it"s not too late. She had never given him a chance in the first place. There was no "them" to begin with. So, too late was not the word that described the situation he was in.

He never believed in fate, but right now his mind wanted to believe that it existed since Evan found Daniella and just like magnets the two stay attached together since the time they met.


Matthew"s face wrinkled by the voice that yelled in his ear. He felt as if someone hit a bong near his ears, his whole body shook by the loudness of her voice.

Immediately, his hand scratched his ear. Slowly regretting that he offered to bring her to London. They haven"t left and his ears almost got destroy, what will happen to him now that she will stay with him in the house?

He gulped hard, his situation suddenly sunk in his mind.

"Let"s go," he said in a weak voice before he changed his mind and leave the place without his niece. The last person he wanted to disappoint was Selena. If his parents found out that Selena, the girl who"s loved by everyone cry because of him, they will bury him alive next to his cousin Nathan"s grave.

After Matthew and Selena left, Daniella took out her phone and dialled Evan"s number.

Shortly, he answered and hearing his voice has made her lips stretched in a smile.

"They are gone. What"s your plan today?"

As she spoke, her feet walked back in the house. Her smile, as clear and bright as the sun in the sky has made all the maids and guards around smile.

"I am in a meeting right now. Is there something wrong?"

Daniella shook her head as if Evan was in front of her.

When the phone call ended, Evan"s face became serious. He shoved his phone in his front pocket and took in a long sighed, the pain slowly throbbed his head.

Rolling the sleeves of his polo, Evan turned around. His face was just as gloomy as the cloudy in the sky. It"s raining heavily in the south where he was in, and he went there for one purpose. That was to check who was the person living in the address he got from Mark"s pocket from when he was attacked. And there he found a man living in a house full of photos of Daniella"s mother.

He left straight away and went to finish the meeting. When he entered his hotel room, he found the man with a solemn expression waiting for him.

He looked straight at the man in front of him while next to him was a table full of Daniella"s mother"s photos. He walked closer to him and picked up one of the photos. It was a picture of the man in front of him next to Daniella"s mother. She had a white dress on her, simple but it showed her real beauty.

He gulped hard as he thought of Daniella.

"Her mother wore that dress in our wedding," the man spoke, sadness and grief made his voice broke.

Then he stretched a hand and picked up the bag on the flood. He opened it and pulled out the same wedding dress that Alexandria was wearing in the photo.

"I understand that you are getting married to my daughter so I would like her to wear this dress."

He pursed his lips. He had just finished his meeting and when he went back to his office he found a man in his fifties nearly bald and face full of wrinkled wrinkles in his office

"Are you her father?"

The man smiled at him. It looked genuine but a small fear was staring to arise inside of Evan.

"I am not against your relationship with my daughter Evan but there"s something I need to show you. And there"s one thing I will ask you to do before marrying my daughter."

Evan"s eyes narrowed, fear arose in his chest as he waited for him to continue.

"My name is Arthur Schmidt and yes, I am Daniella"s real father," Arthur paused to take a breath, "I have been following Daniella since my wife – her mother, left me."

Evan has so many questions, but there"s one important question that has been running in his mind since he got to know about the chip in Daniella"s brain.

"Before you start, answer this," he furrowed his brows as he stared at his eyes, "why did you put the chip in her brain?"

A guilty look crossed over Arthur"s face, it looked so real in Evan"s eyes.

"Daniella"s mother was greedy. She wanted our kids to be special and that time we had just successfully installed a chip in a monkey"s brain. Our observation showed that the monkey"s brain started to think like a normal human so we thought that having that chip in the human"s brain will help them become superior."

Arthur paused, he slammed his b.u.t.t onto the couch and lay both arms on each of his legs.

"What does Daniella"s mother have to do with it?" Evan asked.

Arthur elevated his face to look at Evan"s eyes, "like I said she was greedy. She has the beauty and she knew that our kids will have her look so she wanted them to be perfect."

"I went on a trip abroad and when I came back, I found out what she did. So, I brought her to my house, the place you found and locked her up. I wanted to find a way to remove the chip in my kids" brain but Alexandria escaped."

With everything he heard, Evan decided to sit down. He squeezed his eyes shut his headache worsened.

"Why did you give me your address?" he asked while ma.s.saging his temples.

Arthur took a sigh, "I saw how Aaron"s people tortured your a.s.sistant. I couldn"t do anything so I waited until they left and put my address into your a.s.sistant"s pocket."

"But why?"

Arthur looked aside, "I have an organization that"s helping me to protect my daughter," he gulped hard and nervously folded his hands together, "I have found a way to remove the chip in my daughter"s brain after years of research."

"I want to do it but my daughter has some unfinished business to do."

"What is it?" Evan asked.

"She needs to revenge her family"s death. I can do it for her, you can do it for her but we both know that our help is not what she wants neither needs"

Deep inside, Evan agreed to him. G.o.d knows how much he had tried helping Daniella but, in the end, she would refuse it and do it in her own way.

"What do you want from me?" Evan knew that he needed something or else why would he leave his address and be discovered by him if he was living underground as he said. If being discreet was his way to protect his daughter, why would he show himself now?

But Evan partially understood him, if he was a father, he will do everything to protect his daughter even if it means living alone and watch his daughter from the distance.

Arthur took in a long sigh before parting his lips, sweat broke in his face, "I need to show you the videos I found in the bas.e.m.e.nt where Daniella was locked in. After watching it you will understand the reason why I gave you my address."

Arthur took out his phone and showed him one of the videos on his phone.

Evan"s body froze as he watched the scalpel Roman Lee was holding slowly cutting Daniella"s skin. Blood overflowed while her tears mixed with her sweat.

Evan bit his lips so hard until they bleed, the shock has made his eyes widened. He had seen this scene before though it was only an image. It was already painful to see before while kissing Daniella but watching it in a full video, her scream, plead and cry, it was piercing his heart into tiny pieces.

His hand threw the phone to the wall, it smashed and fell on the ground. He can"t, he just can"t continue watching it. It was so bad, so gruesome.

What kind of monster does that to a small kid? How could Roman Lee continue breathing after what he had done?

Evan"s hands clenched into fists, nerves in his neck popped angrily. He looked straight at Arthur"s face.

"I am going to ask you this again. What do you want from me?"

Arthur secretly smiled, finally, Evan was no longer suspicious to him.

As he said the reason, Evan"s face slowly screwed up.

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