Genius Girl

Chapter 264 - Genius 264: Honeymoon

Chapter 264 - Genius 264: Honeymoon

Genius 264:

Althea"s lips were pursed tightly together after scanning the empty hospital room while her men who she a.s.signed to guard the door were on the ground unconscious.

Her heart pulsated, she looked around for a clue but aside from the wrinkled blanket, the room was the same as she left.

"Did you find him?" She asked as soon as one of her guards came in.

The man shook his head.

Althea clenched her fists together. She should have stayed in the room and let her men handle Camille.

"Get all the CCTV footage in this prison, check the timeline after I left this room."

After that order, the men left. Althea"s advisor stood next to her with a firm face.

He was double her age, for a man in his sixty he was still able to travel abroad with her.

"We should go, my Queen. Your safety is in danger the more we stay here."

Althea quickly gave him a glare. The man has been her advisor since she took over the throne, "I want to bring Evan so use all of our connection to find him."

The man nodded after a long sigh. A woman like Althea knows what she wants and knows how to get it.

"I just think that Evan Su presence is shaking your mind to what"s important."

Once again, Althea glared at him and this time her jaw was gnashed while gritting her teeth.

"I want Evan. Go and find him."

Quickly, the man nodded and left the room. One thing he knew was that she has the shortest patience person he had ever met but she was able to expand it whenever Evan Su was around.


Meanwhile, after Jared parked the car in front of the hotel near the casino Daniella stayed in her seat unmoving. She had her hands on her lap while eyes were on the road pacing out.

He cleared his throat to get her attention but she didn"t even move a finger.

"Daniella we are here," he said shaking her shoulder.

Slowly, her head swung to look at him.

"Alright. What"s the room number?"

Jared rose a brow, that was the first time Daniella spoke with a heavy tone as if she was being forced to speak.

He reached out for his pocket and took out a card key. "1909," he said the room number and pushed the door opened for her.

"I might be cruel but I know my limits," he spouted in a whisper.

Daniella"s eyebrows creased in confusion. She looked at his eyes to read what he has in his mind.

Slowly, disbelief took over her face. Her eyes went wide while her mouth slowly part. Her heart pulverized by the thought she saw in his mind and without wasting any time she jumped out of the car and ran towards the hotel.

She ran with her heels on, often she tripped and lost her balance but her mind was determined to reach the room. She ran like a little pig running away from the wolf.

Her will to reach the room made her use the stair instead of waiting for the elevator. Her hands stained with blood were holding the shoes she took off. The hotel was empty so she didn"t mind that her wedding dress was full of blood even her face.

When she finally reached the door, her lungs were out of air. Her chest rose and fell with rapid breaths, she looked at the door sign with her eyes full of tears.


Her hand reached for the doork.n.o.b and slowly she pushed the door open.

The room was so dark but thanks to the light from the hallway, Daniella was able to see a man tied up in a single chair a few meters from the door quietly sitting and waiting for someone to come.

Even with eyes and mouth covered, Daniella was able to recognize the face.

She gulped hard and closed the door. She put the card keys inside the box on the wall to turn on the lights in the room.

"Who are you?" said the voice she will never forget.

Her tears ran down while her feet moved by itself to walk towards the man.

Evan didn"t know what to do, some people took him from his hospital room and left him somewhere he didn"t know.

His eyes were covered as well as his mouth. When he heard the sound of the door opening, he asked in a gibberish way, "who are you?"

He heard footsteps, it was light which made him think that the person was barefoot.

Before the fear could take over his mind, Evan smelled that familiar vanilla scent though this time it was accompanied by a strange smell.

Blood! His mind was shaken by that thought. The scent he smelled was so similar to the blood.

When the footsteps sound stopped, Evan felt a presence in front of him.

He asked "who are you" once again though he doubted that his words were understandable.

Then he felt a hand on his face, Evan"s eyebrows creased. The hand was so soft but he could also smell the blood.

The same hand took off his blindfold. Evan has been blindfolded for hours so the sudden light made him shut his eyes.

When the same hand pulled off the tape from his mouth, Evan was forced to open his eyes. His sight was blurred but as soon as he recognized the woman in front of him, his breathing stopped.

"Daniella!" he said in a surprised whisper.

Her face was paled yet covered with red stain. He looked down and saw her in a wedding dress which was covered with blood as well.

He gulped hard, his tongue numbed which made him mute.

When she smiled and showed her deep dimples, Evan"s lips stretched to smile as well.

"Please tell that is Jared"s blood," he said in a joke.

For a moment, Daniella"s smiled disappeared but then she smiled again and sat on his lap. His hands and feet were still tied with a rope.

Her hands sn.a.k.e.d around his neck, and slowly her face moved closer until their lips were only an inch away.

"No, but he said that his cruelty has a limit and this must be the line he didn"t want to cross."

Evan furrowed his brows, none of it made sense to him but as soon as her lips moved to seal his, all the memories of what she had done during the time they were separated rushed and played in his mind.

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