Genius Girl

Chapter 2 - 2: New Mother (Revised)

Chapter 2 - 2: New Mother (Revised)

The shortage of air to breathe in has made Daniella"s spirit to come back from her dream. She opened her eyes only to find a hand covering her nose. She slapped it away and frowned at the man next to her.

"Are you trying to kill me?" she barked at him with anger.

But the man was not even bothered by the fact that he almost killed her in her sleep.

"You were snoring so loud, I could not focus," he replied without taking his eyes off of his laptop.

Shock rushed in her mind, the tiredness she felt had faded and a silent gasp let out from her slightly parted lips.

(I did what-?)

(Snore? Me? In front of this arrogant human?)

She was speechless.

(I am so gross! Maybe I should really jump. This is so embarra.s.sing) she exclaimed in her mind. All she could imagine was Evan staring at her with a disgusting expression on his face.

(This man is so straight! Doesn"t he know that he just humiliated me!) she screamed in her mind once again.

Despite the embarra.s.sment, she looked at him and pretended that nothing has happened.

When she noticed that he hasn"t changed his position, she realized one thing.

(This man could be a statue)

She finds it hard to withdraw her eyes from looking at him. She wanted to look away but, her body was not cooperating.

She decided to shut her eyes, fearing that the man will catch her staring at him again. After some time, she opened her eyes and looked at the window.

She noticed that they are about to land on a small island and with that sight, a light pain throbbed her heart while pictures of her past flashed in her mind.

She plucked her lips to remove the terrible memories in her head.

The pilot announced that they will land soon, she turned to Evan and realized that he hasn"t changed his position since she woke up.

Shortly after they landed, a limousine stopped a few meters away. A man who came out from the driver seat walked to their direction.

Daniella was standing behind Evan when the man who came out from the car stood in front of them, Daniella immediately ran her eyes over his body.

Tanned skin, that"s the first thing she noticed. She was not the type of girl who judges people by their color but, she finds the man with a tanned skin more attractive than a white man.

When their eyes met, Daniella saw his pupil dilated, and with that, a small smile curved up her lips.

"I am Kirby Mante, nice to meet you, Ms. Chen," Kirby extended his hand with a smile on his lips. Daniella didn"t hesitate, she accepted it while her smile widened in excitement.

"Hi, Kirby. I am Daniella Chen, you can call me Daniella," she sweetly replied.

Daniella was startled when Evan suddenly encircled a hand around her arm and dragged her to the car. His att.i.tude ignited her irritation, she protested and pulled her arm from his grip but, the man glared at her.

(Whoa! he"s really angry. What did I do?) she blurted inside.

With the hair on her skin raising in fear, Daniella got into the car without a word.

Kirby drove away after getting a signal from Evan while Daniella decided to look at the window and watched the road.

The view was magnificent, the green and brown leaves were innocently lying on the ground. Wild colorful flowers were dancing by the wind, wild animals were running around enjoying the quiet island. And then she realized one thing, this island was completely different than the island she"d been before.

Daniella pushed a b.u.t.ton to open the window, when it rolled down, a fresh and cool air entered her nose. The heavy feelings she had earlier lifted, inside, she wished she could stay in a place as quiet as this island.

Thinking that a question came in her mind.

(This is such a romantic place, too bad I can"t stay here)

(Gosh! Why am I talking to myself?)

(Am I going crazy?)

(Definitely crazy!)

(Why? Why can"t I stop talking to myself?)

Daniella shut her eyes, she finds it abnormal that she"s having a conversation to herself in her head.

When she turned to her side to look at Evan, she found him looking at her.

(Oh! Those brown eyes!) she said in her mind once again.

(d.a.m.n it, Daniella! Stop thinking and ask him what he wants.)

(But his eyes! Why are they so deep?) Daniella finds herself drown in his eyes. They stared at each other for as long as she can remember, not minding the fact that Kirby was also looking at them through the rear-view mirror.

When she realized that she"d been staring at him for too long, Daniella gulped and thought of a way out.

"Is it too hard to take your eyes off of me?" she asked with confidence.

At that moment, Evan shut his eyes and sighed. Instead of answering, he gave the handkerchief he has been holding to Daniella and turned to the window.

He had it in his hand for quite some time, he wanted to use it to wipe the tears in her eyes after he saw her crying in her sleep but, he didn"t dare to do it. Mostly because he"s afraid that she will wake up and starts asking him questions.

In the other side, Daniella was puzzled by Evan"s action. She accepted it even though she was confused.

She took the Swiss knife she has in her pocket and used the large blade like a mirror. To her shock, she noticed the dried drool she has on the right side of her lips.

She suddenly wished for the soil to open and suck the car she"s in, the embarra.s.sment has made her cheeks to blush. She immediately wiped it off and used her hand to cover her face.

She cried inside like a baby, humiliated by the situation.

(I should"ve brought my rifle and shoot myself) she exclaimed in her mind.

She has one person to blame for this embarra.s.sment, the person who"s been sitting next to her in the chopper, Evan Su.

Thinking that he might have done this on purpose, she pulled his arm and glared at him.

"If you saw it earlier, why didn"t you say anything?" she barked at him.

"Oh Gosh! That cute pilot saw it!" she murmured silently.

Then, she took a piece of paper out of her pocket and tore it into pieces, it was the number of the pilot she got when Evan was not looking.

Evan didn"t mind all the words she"s saying, the mark she saw on her face was made from her tears but, he decided to shut his mouth and let her continue with her craziness.

When he saw her round eyes narrowing in anger, Evan cleared his throat and looked at her with a chilled expression.

"Are you done?"

Daniella snubbed him, she realized that it"s impossible to have a normal conversation with him.

After some time, they have finally arrived. They pa.s.sed a silver gate which she calculated to be two meters tall.

She noticed that this house was the only house on the island. She looked around and saw the gardeners cutting and watering the gra.s.s while men in a white uniform were roaming around.

She memorized the place in her mind, so if ever, things get out of her control, she knows where to run.

Daniella suddenly has an urged to punch herself for following a stranger. She could have knocked him off earlier and escape but instead, she followed him.

She remembered how her mother repeatedly told her not to talk to strangers and, she didn"t only talk to a stranger, she followed him like a lost puppy.

Daniella sighed while her feet still followed him towards the front door.

(Well, she mentioned nothing about following a handsome stranger) she said in her mind.

But she knows deep inside that she didn"t follow him because of his looks but, because of his eyes, those deep brown eyes.

"So, Mr. Su, why did you bring me here?" she said while trying to catch up with him.

"Is this a prank? My friend didn"t put you up to this, right?" she asked with suspicion.

Evan stopped and turned his back to face her, by that time, they were both standing in front of the close door.

"Ms. Chen, I don"t know your friends and even if I do, I don"t have time to play silly games. So stop with your questions and follow me," he spoke in the same cold tone.

Despite his cold treatment towards her, Daniella was determined to get her question answered. She wanted him to talk but, it"s impossible.

"How old is your baby? Actually, I didn"t know you have a kid. Why did you choose me? And more importantly-" all the words she was about to say stayed in her mind when she saw the irritation in his face.

She nibbled on her lower lips as she waited for him to speak.

"I will answer all your question later but, for now, please shut your mouth," he spoke in an impatient tone.

Daniella was frustrated, she could not believe that she got scolded by a stranger. A voice in her head was urging her to strangle him to death but, then she realized that her arms are too short to reach him.

"What"s with the att.i.tude? Be thankful you"re handsome," she mumbled underneath her breath.

Little did she know that Evan heard it. He smirked and leaned closer to her.

"I am thankful," he whispered.

Daniella blushed, she was not prepared by his answer especially by how he whispered it to her ears.

(Daniella, pull yourself together! You can"t kill him here. You have a long journey to go, just think of all the delicious food you can have,) she yelled in her mind. If she could, she would have slapped herself to get her senses back.

Minutes later, a young man opened the door. Daniella scanned him and saw how neatly his hair was combed, especially his clothes. Thinking that Daniella felt ashamed, she had the same shirt for almost two days and she believed that her smell was worse than her neighbor"s cat who didn"t have a shower for a year.

As they reached the living room, Evan ordered her to sit on the couch. And with his arrogant and bossy tone, Daniella"s lips twitched in annoyance.

She sat on the couch and turned to the young man that opened the door for them.

"What would you like to have Ms. Chen?" the man asked politely.

Daniella smiled at him and said "tea".

She ran her eyes around the house. Gla.s.s wall, high ceiling and expensive furniture made the house looked extravagant and she was not surprised, Su Familly was one of the richest family in the country.

The ray of sunlight pa.s.sed through the gla.s.s wall, making the whole place brighter. She noticed the pool outside and the reflection of the blue sky, right now, she wants nothing but to dive into the pool though she has one problem, she can"t swim in deep water.

Evan"s voice made her attention to switch from the pool to him.

"Anders, did she cause trouble?" Evan asked and drank his tea.

"No, she was good. She didn"t throw tantrums or break anything, though I found a bottle of empty Piot Noir in the trash can," the young man replied.

Daniella noticed how polite and gentle the young man was, she suddenly wondered why he"s working in this house owned by the arrogant and cold Evan.

In the other side, Evan turned his sight towards the stairs when he heard footsteps. His eyes widened in shock when he saw a pet.i.te girl wearing a tight mini dress rushing downstairs.

"I told you not to run-" he yelled and rushed to the young girl"s direction. To his surprise the girl didn"t welcome him, instead, she ran to Daniella"s direction and sat on the armchair.

Daniella was shocked by the sudden appearance of the young girl. When the girl suddenly sat on the armchair, Daniella moved away and looked at her with her eyes widened in surprise.

"You are so dirty but pretty. So, tell me. Are you going to be my new mother?" the young girl spoke with enthusiasm.

Daniella almost choked on her tea, she immediately put the gla.s.s down to the table and stared at the young girl.

"It"s impossible dear. I love myself too much to marry him," Daniella shrugged her shoulders and gave the young girl a faint smile.

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