Genius Girl

Chapter 79 - 79: Its never too early to drink

Chapter 79 - 79: Its never too early to drink

Daniella"s hand froze after hearing the name of her mother the anger she felt evaporated for a minute but it soon came back when she realized that the adhesive tape had run out.

She gulped hard, she could taste the blood on her tongue from biting her lips too hard , her feet moved backward until her legs. .h.i.t the edge of the coffee table.

She blew in a sigh trying to calm herself.

Soon she went to get her bag she opened it and brought out a Swiss knife, a pistol with a silencer and a syringe , she placed them on the coffee table in front of Alvin.

She turned to face him confidently seeing the calm look on his face made her face wrinkle in annoyance.

She swiftly picked up the Swiss knife, twirling it around her fingers like a pen, her eyes were focused solely on Alvin.

She sat on the coffee table next to the syringe, the tip of her index finger touched the needle of the syringe until its sharp end poked her skin "tell me Mr. Su , what did you do to my mother"s corpse?" she questioned coldly.

The man remained silent staring at her with a flat face.

"Do I need to torture you in your son"s house for you to start talking?"

But the man didn"t bother to open his mouth despite her threat.

Daniella"s eyes narrowed in surprise she got up slowly walking closer to him with her eyes focusing on his.

She halted in front of him, bent her body a little to level her face with his , her hands lay on each of his wrists to balance her body as she leaned towards him.

She looked deeply into his eyes, watching his memory like it was a movie, starting from his childhood time his time as a teenager , his first kiss, his graduation and his wedding. She saw his reaction when his sons were born and she saw the tears and wretchedness on his face as he watched the familiar house burning into ashes.

Daniella gasped for air, but her eyes remained staring into his eyes , slowly tears began forming in his eyes "Blink" she commanded and he blinked.

She concentrated once again, this time she could see her younger self in the playground "so he had been watching me" she said in her mind and tried to focus once again.

For a minute she saw a familiar piano with a boy sitting in front of it and her mom standing next to Alvin, the boy had his back turned preventing her from seeing his face but the piano he was using was the same piano she and her brother used to play.

Then a voice rang in her mind "Dad do you think the twins will like it?" it was the boy who spoke.

Daniella breathing quickened, slowly the boy got up and walked towards Alvin he stood next to his father and held his wrist.

Then another voice spoke this time it was Alvin "Yes, Evan I"m sure they will like it."

Daniella"s body weakened, slumping on to the floor like a withered flower. The name Alvin uttered made every nerve in her brain freeze, she could no longer handle all the memories of Alvin"s Su her eyes shut to stop herself from seeing his memory.

Her eyes which were lost in the universe stared at the gla.s.s coffee table opposite her , her lips quivered in surprise while tears fell from each one of her eyes like rain.

Seeing her mother again she almost didn"t recognize her. The sweet smile her mother always had on her face, the innocence twinkling in her eyes Daniella missed herp so much.

She had never met anyone that knew her mother therefore the last memory she had of her mother was her face and the blood flowing from the bullet hole on her forehead.

She leaned her back against the metallic leg of the couch Alvin was sitting on, her knee folded and her arms absently hugged them hoping to help her body to calm down from trembling.

She shut her eyes, trying to remember any memories of Evan from her childhood but he was not there.

After getting up, Daniella walked towards the drawer next to Evan"s desk where a few bottles of liquor were displayed.

She stretched a hand to open it but it was locked which had made her raise a brow.

She grabbed the phone from her back pocket dialing Evan"s number as she tried to compose her voice.

When the man answered Daniella"s heart skipped a beat.

"Mr. Su where"s the key to the drawer in your study room?" she asked without greeting him.

"Turn around it"s next to the lamp on the desk."

Daniella turned as she was told, she"s about to take a step when she realized what he had just said.

Her eyes narrowed in suspicion she looked up and saw the cameras installed on each corner of the room.

"Why are you watching me?" she asked in a chilling tone.

The other line went silent for a moment and soon a long sigh sounded from there, "I am turning it off now" he said in defeat.

Daniella looked at one of the cameras and winked at him, "see you" she bid him goodbye and ended the phone call thankful that she was able to adjust her emotions in just a second.

She grabbed the key and took the bottle of whiskey out of the drawer she opened it swiftly and took a gulp "want some?" she offered wiping her lips with her backhand.

"It"s too early for that " Alvin responded.

Daniella grinned "more for me then" and drank it again though this time she drank it like it was water she didn"t breathe , her throat moved as she swallowed the liquid quickly through the corner of her eyes she saw the shock and amus.e.m.e.nt in Alvin"s eyes.

The liquid overflowed in her mouth pouring out and running down both sides of her lips and when the bottle was empty Daniella dumped the bottle on the table and like a kid used her collar to wipe her lips.

She sat on the desk staring at Alvin who was still in shock.

"I can see that you drink a lot " he spoke eventually.

Daniella shrugged, "I don"t get drunk easily" she started and lifted the bottle in the air she could see her reflection through the empty gla.s.s, and the stain of the liquor on her collar.

"When Roman Lee locked me up in that petty bas.e.m.e.nt I spent a week there with no food , they just had this iv injected on my arm " saying that she showed her left arm to him, it still had the small scars made from needle and knives "every day they would give me a bottle of whiskey, no water, no food, just the whiskey," she paused and sighed.

"That"s impossible! " Alvin shouted in terror.

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