Chapter 468

Since he was born, no one dared to treat him like this . He would avenge himself anyway!

"Yes, I kicked you, so what!" Lin Ruobai, with arms akimbo, raised her head high . "And, remember, I didn"t sneak in but fought my way in with my master!"

"Master?" Ning Yuan was amazed . "Your master is . . . "

Lin Ruobai snorted, "My master is Yun Luofeng . "

Yun Luofeng . . .

This name, like a big hammer, hit Ning Yuan"s heart . His face turned even more distorted and he growled, "So you"re Yun Luofeng"s disciple! Great! I"ll kill you to avenge my father!" With these words, Ning Yuan jumped toward Lin Ruobai, his

body as fast as a flash of lightning .

Lin Ruobai was obviously startled and hurried to dodge his attack .

Was this guy crazy? Why did he want to kill her?  And he said he was going to avenge his father?

All of a sudden, Lin Ruobai realized who he was and her face quickly darkened, "Are you Fourth Elder"s son? Well, I was going to look for you, and you just came up to me! Milk Tea, bite him!"


Milk Tea jumped out from nowhere and bit into Ning Yuan"s shoulder, his sharp teeth going deep through the skin of Ning Yuan .

"Ah!!! "

Ning Yuan screamed and grabbed at the hamster on his shoulder, intending to squeeze the little hamster into a meat pie . However, at the moment he lifted his hand, he clearly saw the contempt in the eyes of the hamster . . .

Dammit! Even a gold-seeking hamster would despise him now?! Then he would let it know what he was capable of!


Ning Yuan slapped hard at his own shoulder, and it soon turned black and blue . However, when he lifted his hand, he found that the little hamster had disappeared .


A squeak came from in front of him, like a sneer at him . Ning Yuan got even angrier and resentfully turned his eyes to the front . . .

At this moment, Milk Tea was lying comfortably on a fallen leaf on the ground . With his small paw pointing at Ning Yuan, he squeaked at Lin Ruobai .

"Got it!" Lin Ruobai understood the meaning of Milk Tea, shouted out loud and kicked at Ning Yuan, "Hey, taste "Xiao Bai"s Jump Kick"!"

Ning Yuan was stunned and retreated quickly . However, Xiao Bai"s speed was so fast that Ning Yuan didn"t have the time to dodge it and got kicked hard right in the face . With a loud thud, Ning Yuan"s body quickly flew out, with a clear footprint on his face telling people what he had suffered just now . . .

"How dare you hara.s.s my master"s second aunt!" Lin Ruobai jumped up and landed on Ning Yuan"s body, head up proudly . "Do you still dare to covet my master"s aunt?"

Ning Yuan vomited a mouthful of blood, clenched his teeth and struggled to utter a few words .

"You are . . . d*mn heavy!"

Hearing his words, Lin Ruobai was completely enraged, her little fists. .h.i.tting at Ning Yuan"s face like raindrops, her cute little face ferocious .

"How dare you insult me?! I only weigh . . . about eighty pounds . "

When speaking the last sentence, Lin Ruobai didn"t sound quite confident, and in order to conceal this, her little fists. .h.i.t at Ning Yuan again .

Since he was born, no one dared to treat him like this . He would avenge himself anyway Yes, I kicked you, so what Lin Ruobai, with arms akimbo, raised her head high . And, remember, I didn 39 t sneak in but fought my way in with my master Master Ning Yuan was amazed . Your master is . . . Lin Ruobai snorted, My master is Yun Luofeng . Yun Luofeng . . . This name, like a big hammer, hit Ning Yuan 39 s heart . His face turned even more distorted and he growled, So you 39 re Yun Luofeng 39 s disciple Great I 39 ll kill you to avenge my father With these words, Ning Yuan jumped toward Lin Ruobai, his body as fast as a flash of lightning . Lin Ruobai was obviously startled and hurried to dodge his attack . Was this guy crazy Why did he want to kill her And he said he was going to avenge his father All of a sudden, Lin Ruobai realized who he was and her face quickly darkened, Are you Fourth Elder 39 s son Well, I was going to look for you, and you just came up to me Milk Tea, bite him Squeak Milk Tea jumped out from nowhere and bit into Ning Yuan 39 s shoulder, his sharp teeth going deep through the skin of Ning Yuan . Ah Ning Yuan screamed and grabbed at the hamster on his shoulder, intending to squeeze the little hamster into a meat pie . However, at the moment he lifted his hand, he clearly saw the contempt in the eyes of the hamster . . . Dammit Even a gold seeking hamster would despise him now Then he would let it know what he was capable of Bang Ning Yuan slapped hard at his own shoulder, and it soon turned black and blue . However, when he lifted his hand, he found that the little hamster had disappeared . Squeak A squeak came from in front of him, like a sneer at him . Ning Yuan got even angrier and resentfully turned his eyes to the front . . . At this moment, Milk Tea was lying comfortably on a fallen leaf on the ground . With his small paw pointing at Ning Yuan, he squeaked at Lin Ruobai . Got it Lin Ruobai understood the meaning of Milk Tea, shouted out loud and kicked at Ning Yuan, Hey, taste 39 Xiao Bai 39 s Jump Kick 39 Ning Yuan was stunned and retreated quickly . However, Xiao Bai 39 s speed was so fast that Ning Yuan didn 39 t have the time to dodge it and got kicked hard right in the face . With a loud thud, Ning Yuan 39 s body quickly flew out, with a clear footprint on his face telling people what he had suffered just now . . . How dare you hara.s.s my master 39 s second aunt Lin Ruobai jumped up and landed on Ning Yuan 39 s body, head up proudly . Do you still dare to covet my master 39 s aunt Ning Yuan vomited a mouthful of blood, clenched his teeth and struggled to utter a few words . You are . . . d mn heavy Hearing his words, Lin Ruobai was completely enraged, her little fists. .h.i.tting at Ning Yuan 39 s face like raindrops, her cute little face ferocious . How dare you insult me I only weigh . . . about eighty pounds . When speaking the last sentence, Lin Ruobai didn 39 t sound quite confident, and in order to conceal this, her little fists. .h.i.t at Ning Yuan again .

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