Global Evolution

Chapter 241: 241

Chapter 241: 241

"Weaker?" Liu Xinmin heard Xiaojing"s words, his face completely burst into a smile . "It seems that there is something wrong with Henan and Hubei!"

After saying this, he comforted Xiaojing for the first time . Standing under the wind and snow outside, he boldly looked at the research area on the other side .

It"s windy and snowy .

It"s cold outside .

But standing in the wind and snow, the old man"s face showed the expression of spring breeze .

But on the other side of the Inst.i.tute, a person"s expression is not so good-looking . This person is naturally Li Qingshui . His face is pale . It seems that in the last moment, he suddenly suffered great pain . Even the smile on his face that he kept all year round disappeared . A pale face suddenly became angular because of the loss of his smile .

"What"s the matter with you?" Seeing Li Qingshui Sha"s face changed, Ryan, who has been by his side, asked .

Yes, it"s care .

It"s not only about paying attention to the person you like . In fact, as long as you devote all your energy and body and mind to another person, it"s called caring .

These days, from the day Li Qingshui arrived at the Inst.i.tute, Ryan has been concerned about him . His whole life and all his energy are focused on this person . He always pays attention to him and cares about him all the time . Therefore, any disturbance of Li Qingshui can"t run away from his eyes .

Seeing him suddenly pale at the moment, Lane naturally asked what was going on .

"Nothing . " See others care about themselves . Li Qingshui reluctantly smiles, but even a fool can see that his smile is very reluctant, and Ryan is not a fool, so he can see it .

He saw that Li Qingshui was suddenly injured . Although he didn"t know why, Ryan was still very happy - the enemy"s injury is a good thing . He has been under too much pressure these days . In the face of a person he can"t defeat, he can only drag the other side with such a rogue way of ending up together . This is a kind of irony to a wise man .

So, Ryan didn"t like the feeling, but he couldn"t help it . So, see Li Qingshui now weak appearance, he also unconsciously happy .

Happy, he even used a very rogue trick to stimulate the other party"s mood .

"You look really sick . " Ryan walked up to Li Qingshui and made a helping gesture . "No, I"ll help you to your room for a rest . "

"Ha ha . " Seeing Ryan coming, Li Qingshui stretched out his arm . "OK, I"ll go back to my room and have a rest . "

Seeing Li Qingshui"s outstretched arm, Ryan thought for a moment, but still didn"t dare to touch it . Finally, they supported him and left the huge laboratory together .

And after they left, the rest of the lab talked about it .

They"re people who don"t stop working with their hands, and their mouths can separate their minds from each other .

The first person to talk is a woman - gossip is a woman"s nature . No matter how smart a woman is, there will be no exception . So the researcher looked at the biological samples in the microscope and said with a smile, "Ryan is not doing well recently . "

"Yes . " The other one is a woman . They are the only two female brain mutants in this inst.i.tute . So, their smart brains . "In fact, since the new guy named Li Qingshui came here, Ryan has not been strong . First, he came out of the isolation laboratory on the other side, and then his temperament changed greatly . Now, he is still eating, sleeping and sleeping . The other person seems to have no opinion on this matter . Do you think the two people are engaged in the foundation work

"Maybe . " The previous woman listened to this sentence and nodded as if it were important . "In fact, since Ryan"s temperament changed, I"ve thought about countless possibilities, but I"ve ruled them out one by one . In the end, I still feel that this possibility is the most . Because there is no reason ah, two people obviously meet for the first time, all of a sudden they are so hot and inseparable . Even if there is a secret, I don"t know what the secret is . And did you see Ryan"s concerned look? d.a.m.n it, it"s obviously not a fake . How much he has to care about that guy named Li Qingshui so that he can show such real feelings in an instant . I"ve almost been electrified . "

"What"s more, have you noticed that Ryan doesn"t do much research on things recently . So does Li Qingshui, who makes some biological embryos every day . I don"t know what he wants to do . If two people are really engaged in basic science, will Li Qingshui be studying men and boys?"

"Poof, that"s a real topic . Does he want to transfer a uterus to himself The first woman put down her lens, raised her head from the microscope, rubbed her chin and thought, "it"s not very difficult to transplant a uterus, but if you want to have a son for a man, you have to break through a lot of scientific problems . If you just use other people"s eggs and sperm . Son, and then put into the uterus surrogate, it is not difficult . But after all, it"s still someone else"s child . The one who gives birth to a child can only be regarded as a surrogate tool . Therefore, in order to truly combine the product of two people, we must break through n biological problems . First of all, men do not have the structure to make eggs, and sperm and eggs almost only have nuclei except the motor part . Therefore, even if the two sperms can combine smoothly, they lack the cytoplasm to make them develop . So There is a long way to go and a difficult future for both of them . How far they can goThe woman sighed .

"It"s hard to say . Both of them are so smart . If they really devote themselves to this research, I think it"s possible to succeed . " Another woman holds a different point of view . She also puts down her experimental material and rubs her chin . "In fact, I"m not thinking about this . I"m thinking about who is attacking and who is receiving?"

"It"s worth asking . According to the general setting, lane is tall, and Li Qingshui is wearing . It"s clear who will attack and who will suffer . " The previous woman laughed and continued to lower her head .

"It"s hard to say, I feel that Ryan is afraid of Li Qingshui, and you don"t feel that it"s fun to reverse roles?" Another woman said more excited, "so ah, I feel this kind of thing, should . . . "

"Cough . . . " Just as the two women were talking more and more vigorously, a large amount of men"s cough was heard in the laboratory .

The end of the day has a moment"s leisure .

Women"s leisure is gossip . (to be continued)

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